
Trembling hands!

Lin Pingzhi thought of killing Murong Fu.

Not only "revenge" for Li Yuanzhi, but also make Wang Yuyan give up on Murong Fu.

This is simply killing two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone!

Sneaked into the room quietly.

Because no one is here anymore.

So the candles in the room have also been extinguished.

Only the faint light emitted by the fish-belly white light maintains a certain degree of visibility in the room.

Lin Pingzhi circulated his internal force and attached it to his eyes.

He clearly saw that Murong Fu was lying on the bed breathing evenly at this moment.

"It seems that Zhang Sanfeng has almost cured him. Judging by the signs, he will recover within two or three days at most."

Lin Pingzhi murmured.

I'm glad that this time has come.

If it is two days later, I am afraid I will be out of control!

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

He walked towards the bed, but Murong Fu still didn't notice, he slept soundly.

Looking at Murong Fu who was lying down, Lin Pingzhi didn't make a move immediately.

He had to think about what to do so that he would not be suspected.

In other words, how should we arrange for Murong Fu's reasonable death.

If the death is unreasonable, Wudang will definitely investigate to the end in order to give Yanziwu an answer.

Although Lin Pingzhi is confident that he can pretend well.

But if you really want to check, you can still find some clues.

It is only a matter of time before the explanation relies on these clues to suspect him.

"Let me think."

Lin Pingzhi pinched his chin and began to meditate.

How can we create a perfect crime?

First, an alibi is required.

Second, there must be a valid reason for suicide.

Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi looked around.

On a counter, I saw a pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

He took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, took some water from the storage space, and started to grind the ink.


Murong Fu on the bed murmured dully.


He called softly.

Lin Pingzhi turned his head and moved closer to Murong Fu's side, looking at his chapped lips, he knew that he needed water very much.

"Big brother, don't drink water, I'm afraid you'll pee your pants in fear."

he joked with a laugh.

Facing the dying Murong Fu, his mood is very relaxed now.

He seemed to hear Lin Pingzhi's voice.

Murong Fu suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's you! Lin Pingzhi, you saved me? Heh! You thief, you must be kind enough to save me!"

he said contemptuously.

Even if the injury has not recovered now, he still sneers at Lin Pingzhi.

"What do you mean by what you just said?"

Murong Fu stared at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

What does it mean to pee your pants in fright?

"It's okay, it's okay, you are very weak now, seeing that you can't even get out of bed, let me help you."

As he spoke, Lin Ping slapped Murong Fu with his palm.

Murong Fu stared intently, thinking that Lin Pingzhi was about to make a move.

However, when Lin Pingzhi's palm slapped him.

He could feel a warm current running through his body.

His body, which was unable to lift his strength before, gradually gained some strength at this time.

"What are you doing?"

Murong Fu looked at Lin Pingzhi in astonishment.

Lin Pingzhi's behavior made him very puzzled.

"Hey, get up, get up."

Under Murong Fu's doubts, Lin Pingzhi helped him up and came to the table.

Then he pointed to the pen and paper on the table and said:

"I said, you write."

Murong Fu held the writing brush that Lin Pingzhi stuffed into his hand, a little sluggishly.

What exactly do you want him to do?

He doesn't understand now.

"Lin Pingzhi, what do you want me to do!"

Murong Fu dropped his pen on the paper and shouted at Lin Pingzhi.

What is this for?

Think he, Murong Fu, is a three-year-old child!

"Murong Fu, don't you know what's good or bad!"

Lin Pingzhi picked up the brush and stuffed it into Murong Fu's hand again.

At the same time, the ink-stained paper was thrown aside.

Put a brand new piece of paper in front of Murong Fu.

Fortunately, in this world, there is no way to detect fingerprints.

Otherwise, he would surely be discovered.

"Lin Pingzhi, you..."

Murong Fu was annoyed and wanted to get angry at Lin Pingzhi.

However, he just turned his head and saw Lin Pingzhi's eyes.

Immediately, the following words were not spoken.

And the eyes become dull.

"I said, you write."

Lin Pingzhi said indifferently.

This Murong Fu is really ignorant of flattery.

If you speak well, you must not listen, and you must let him use the method of dementia.

Simply excessive!

Murong Fu didn't say anything.

He just held the brush in his hand and leaned on the table, ready to listen to Lin Pingzhi's words and start writing.

"I know that I have committed a serious crime. After killing Wudang's disciples, my conscience is uneasy. Today I was rescued by Wudang's people, and I deeply realized my mistakes. However, human life is greater than heaven, and the person who killed him deserves his life!

Put pen to paper: Murong Fu. "

Lin Pingzhi was reading and Murong Fu was writing.

He picked up the paper on the table, looked at it, felt that it was about the same, and put it back where it was.

"well done."

Lin Pingzhi patted Murong Fu's shoulder lightly.

"Then you can die."

With that said, the Dementor Dafa was lifted.

Murong Fu regained his sanity.

He was a little dazed, he was in a daze just now, and he didn't know what happened at all.

With surprise, he was about to look towards Lin Pingzhi.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of his handwriting on the table.

"This is……"

Murong was stunned.

The handwriting on the table is his handwriting.

But when did he write it?

"Lin Pingzhi!"

He looked at Lin Pingzhi angrily.

However, Lin Pingzhi smiled and waved his hand towards him.

"Goodbye, little Fufu."

Lin Pingzhi smiled.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "snap", and a finger snapped.

The life and death talisman is activated!

On Murong Fu's originally puzzled face, a look of pain appeared.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Murong Fu's mouth.

Lin Pingzhi flashed quickly.

He didn't want to be stained with Murong Fu's blood.


Murong Fu raised his hand with difficulty, wanting to point at Lin Pingzhi.

However, his hands were halfway up, his eyes turned white, and his arms drooped feebly.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Murong Fu's body.

Did not leave immediately.

Logically speaking, such an existence as Murong Fu.

Death should give him a good system reward.

He had to wait until the system gave a prompt to confirm that Murong Fu was really dead.

Coming to the table again, Lin Pingzhi fiddled with Murong Fu's body, as well as the pens, ink, papers and inkstones on the table.

Since Murong Fu is going to pretend to commit suicide, it has to look like suicide.

But you must not, it can be seen at a glance that it was homicide.

That would be the end.

"Huh? Strange? Is Murong Fu not completely dead?"

Lin Pingzhi was a little curious.

He stretched out his finger and pressed it against Murong Fu's neck.

Obviously the pulse has stopped beating, why is there no system prompt?

Lin Pingzhi was suspicious.

Could it be that Murong Fu has some martial arts, or treasures, that allow him to die without being stiff?

at this time……

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