Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 862 Zhao Min Persuades, Change Your Name

Under normal circumstances, he doesn't need to do this.

But for the fairy sister Wang Yuyan, Lin Pingzhi could only do this.

"Ruoxu Daoist."

Lin Pingzhi shouted.

When Zhang Ruoxu heard Lin Pingzhi calling him, his expression and brows relaxed a little, becoming a little gentler.

He looked at Lin Pingzhi, but did not speak.

Lin Pingzhi hurriedly said:

"Murong Fu is the leader of the Murong family. He definitely doesn't want to ruin his reputation. Now that Murong Fu is seriously injured, how about letting him heal? Anyway, if he can run away as a monk, he can't run away from the temple. Even if Murong Fu leaves Here, you can go to Jiangnan Yanziwu to find him at any time, what do you think?"

Murong Fu must not just go to Wudang like this.

Zhang Ruoxu had to be persuaded to let Murong Fu stay in the town.

During Murong Fu's recovery period.

He was able to find the opportunity!

Zhang Ruoxu looked at Lin Pingzhi in surprise.

He did not expect that Lin Pingzhi would say such a thing.

According to his thinking, Murong Fu should go directly to Wudang with him.

This is contrary to what Lin Pingzhi said.

His brow began to furrow.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi roughly guessed what Zhang Ruoxu was thinking.

"Daoist Ruoxu, think about it, it's okay to bring him back to Wudang now, but he is seriously injured and unconscious now, if there is a Wudang disciple who hates him, can't hold back his anger, and kills him directly, then what should I do?" What should we do? When the time comes, we won't be able to tell the truth from the fake, and Murong Fu died in Wudang, I'm afraid the Murong family won't let it go!"

If Zhang Ruoxu doesn't put the overall situation first and insists on taking Murong Fu away.

He can only take another risk, go to Wudang at night, and try to make it look like Murong Fu committed suicide in fear of crime.

Bao BuTong looked at Lin Pingzhi in astonishment.

He didn't expect that Lin Pingzhi would speak for his young master.

When Yanziwu met Lin Pingzhi for the first time, he didn't like Lin Pingzhi.

Just now Lin Pingzhi also had a very tense relationship with them.

Even moved his hands.

But now, Lin Pingzhi interceded for them.

And depending on the situation, it doesn't look like a hypocrite...

"Lin, Lin... Mr. Lin..."

Bao BuTong looked at Lin Pingzhi very moved.

At this moment, his impression of Lin Pingzhi completely changed.

Lin Pingzhi just looked at Zhang Ruoxu and ignored Bao BuTong.

He didn't care about Bao Dong's favor at all.

As long as Bao BuTong goes back, he can truthfully report what happened here to Wang Yuyan.

As long as Wang Yuyan doesn't have a bad impression of him, plus the backhand left behind.

The next time I see Wang Yuyan again, I will definitely be able to take Wang Yuyan down!

He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Zhang Ruoxu hesitated because of Lin Pingzhi's words.

He felt that what Lin Pingzhi said might have some truth.

Just before he made his decision.

Li Yuanzhi stood up.


Her eyes were red, and she looked fiercely at Murong Fu who was seriously injured and unconscious.

"He killed Brother Yu, he must pay with his life!"

If Lin Pingzhi wants to bring Murong back to life, he won't even go to Wudang.

At this point, she is reluctant!

Lin Pingzhi's expression changed upon hearing this.

He couldn't let Yun Gee ruin his plan.


He winked at Zhao Min.

At this time, I only hope that Zhao Min can understand what he means.

Zhao Min gave Lin Pingzhi a blank look.

Seems to be complaining, asking her to clean up the mess every time.

Even so, Zhao Min still grabbed Li Yunzhi, leaned closer to Li Yunzhi's ear, and said something.

After that, Li Yuanzhi didn't speak, and followed Zhao Min obediently to the side.

Lin Pingzhi heaved a sigh of relief.

He looked at Zhang Ruoxu and asked:

"Daoist Ruoxu, you make a decision. Murong Fu's injuries are serious now. If you don't make a decision, you may die."

Judging from Murong Fu's current injuries, if not handled properly.

It is possible to die indeed.

Zhang Ruoxu stared.

"I'll take Wudang with me and heal his wounds."

he said indifferently.

Lin Pingzhi talked about his feelings for a long time, but he still decided to bring Murong Fu to Wudang.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi could only shrug his shoulders, feeling helpless in his heart.

Bao different gritted his teeth.

He knows that things cannot be reversed.

Lin Pingzhi had already spoken for him, but Zhang Ruoxu still insisted.

If he still blocks, he will be the next to be injured.

"Since Daoist Zhang insists, please ensure the safety of my young master!"

As he said that, he stepped aside to take care of Feng Bo E.

Zhang Ruoxu's face was cold, he walked to Murong Fu's side, picked up Murong Fu in one hand, and walked towards Wudang Mountain like an eagle carrying a chicken.

After Zhang Ruoxu left.

Bao BuTong walked in front of Lin Pingzhi.

He bowed deeply to Lin Pingzhi and said:

"Thank you Mr. Lin for your plea, Yanziwu will never forget Mr. Lin's kindness."

Lin Pingzhi glanced at the bag difference indifferently.

"It's just for the sake of your cousin."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Zhao Min and the other three daughters also left with Lin Pingzhi.

Bao BuTong went to heal his wounds with a lot of turmoil.

After returning to the inn.

Lin Pingzhi pulled Zhao Min aside alone.

"Minmin, what did you say to Yuan Zhi just now?"

He was a little curious.

Zhao Min whispered in Li Yuanzhi's ear, but Li Yuanzhi didn't even refute, so he just stopped talking.

"In other words, Murong Fu must die, let her rest assured."

Zhao Min said casually.

This attitude made Lin Pingzhi not sure for a while whether what she said was true or not.


Lin Pingzhi smiled wryly.

Back in the room, Li Yuanzhi looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked:

"Mr. Lin, when do you plan to leave?"

Her beautiful eyes stared at Lin Pingzhi with anticipation.

Lin Pingzhi didn't understand what Li Yunzhi meant at first.

Set off?where to godoing what?

It was only later that I realized that what Zhao Min said was true.

Li Yuanzhi was asking him when he would kill Murong Fu.

"I'll check it out later."

Lin Pingzhi replied in a deep voice.

Beside him, Zhao Min joked:

"You're still called Mr. Lin? Is it time to change your name?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Yuanzhi immediately blushed.

"This...I'm a widow now, isn't that good..."

She is a little shy.

Although there is already a fact with Lin Pingzhi.

But after all, she is a widow in name and cannot be with Lin Pingzhi.

There was a little jealousy in Mu Wanqing's eyes.

She glanced at Zhao Min complainingly.

I wonder if Zhao Min is sick, her Lin Lang already has so many women.

This guy Zhao Min didn't want to drive some women away, but instead helped Lin Pingzhi pull other women over, it's really disgusting!

"Huh? What happened to the widow?"

Zhao Min joked.

"It's so strange to call Mr. Lin, isn't it good to call him Mr. En? He's going to kill Murong Fu for you."

Li Yuanzhi was stunned.

She originally thought that Zhao Min asked her to call her Lin Lang, Xianggong and other affectionate names.

I never thought that it turned out to be Engong.

She was a little overwhelmed.

Even Lin Pingzhi didn't expect Zhao Min to play like this.

After some fun.

Night is coming soon.

It was the dead of night again.

It's time to kill again.

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