Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 860 Murong Fu's Thumbling, Life and Death Talisman!

"Murong Fu is to die!"

Li Yuanzhi's burst of shouting sounded.

She is the master of Jianguang.

After following Zhao Min and others down.

At first she just held the idea of ​​watching the fun.

However, when Lin Pingzhi pointed out Murong Fu's name.

She just remembered that Wudang guessed that Murong Fu killed Yu Yutong.

Eager for revenge, she didn't bother to take care of it, and directly attacked Murong Fu.

Although Murong Fu's martial arts are not as good as Lin Pingzhi's.

But anyway, there is also a title of Nan Murong.

In the eight parts of Tianlong, he is really a good player.

Dealing with Li Yunzhi is still very easy.

Facing Li Yuanzhi's sword light, he did not dodge or dodge. The folding fan in his hand turned into a weapon at this moment, stabbing towards Li Yuanzhi's chest.

Although the folding fan is not a sharp weapon.

But if he hit Li Yuanzhi, he would definitely be seriously injured.

With Li Yuanzhi's martial arts, he definitely couldn't withstand Murong Fu's blow.

Murong Fu didn't know who Li Yuanzhi was.

In his opinion, this woman has murderous intentions towards him, although he doesn't know the reason.

But he is not the generation who pity the fragrance and cherish the jade.

Naturally, he would not show mercy to Li Yuanzhi's subordinates.

But he missed one point.

This is not Yanziwu!

Here is Wudang!

And Lin Pingzhi was right next to him.

Li Yuanzhi is already his woman.

Naturally, he would not look at Murong Fu and hurt Li Yuanzhi.

Hit his woman in front of his face.

How could he sit idly by?

"Shuzi dare!"

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

He raised his hand and it was a six-meridian sword.

"call out!"

The sword energy pierced the air, made a sound of breaking wind, and hit Murong Fu's shoulder straight.

Murong Fu was shocked.

There is Lin Pingzhi's sword energy in the front, and Li Yuanzhi's sword light in the back.

He didn't know why Lin Pingzhi made a sneak attack.

I don't know what the relationship between the owner of this sword light and Lin Pingzhi is.

But now he had no time to think about it.

He gritted his teeth, the folding fan that was originally aimed at Li Yuanzhi's chest gave up its original trajectory and hit Li Yuanzhi's sword instead.

Blade offset.

The threat from Li Yunzhi has been lifted.

But Lin Pingzhi's Six Meridians Excalibur, he couldn't resist it.


Murong Fu cursed secretly in his heart.

He tried to lean sideways.

But Lin Pingzhi's sword energy was too fast.

There was a "poof".

His shoulder was pierced by sword energy.

Blood flowed continuously along his clothes, and soon half of the originally precious costume was stained with blood.

The folding fan that was held tightly in his hand also lost strength because of the pain in his shoulder.

With two "da da", it landed on the ground of the bluestone slabs in the small town.

Murong Fu held his bleeding shoulder, and looked at Lin Pingzhi with dark eyes.

"Lin Pingzhi, you despicable villain, you actually stabbed someone in the back!"

He looked at Lin Pingzhi, gritted his teeth and said.

Lin Pingzhi also had cold eyes.

"If you dare to attack her, if I don't kill you, it's already giving Miss Wang face."

If it wasn't for the fear that Wang Yuyan would hate him and think that he killed Murong Fu, thus reducing her favor towards him.

He didn't mind, he killed Murong Fu right here.

I really want to kill Murong Fu!

Even though Murong Fu is in Tianlong, he is not the number one male, the second male, or even the third male.

But he has so many plays!

I must have killed him, the system should be able to reward good things, right?

And as long as Murong Fu died, it would be more difficult for the fairy sister Wang Yuyan to fall into his embrace.


If it wasn't for Lin Pingzhi's identity now, it would be fine.

Then Murong Fu can be easily killed.

At first, Li Yuanzhi's Jianfeng was blocked by Murong Fu, which made his household registration painful.

However, just as he was about to get angry, he saw Lin Pingzhi attacking and wounding Murong Fu.

What's more, what he said was even more explicit, clearly showing that it was because of her that he attacked Murong Fu.

This made her feel a little shy.

Although the two are already unclear about the facts.

Whether she is unfathomable or not, also made Lin Pingzhi carry out an in-depth investigation with a huge friend.

But on the surface, the two of them still don't have that kind of name.

In front of Zhang Ruoxu, she was very embarrassed.

Murong Fu gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Pingzhi.

He was not surprised that Lin Pingzhi made a move because of Li Yuanzhi.

After all, Lin Pingzhi's wind-flow-form-nature is not like him, who only wants to revive Dayan.

What does Lin Pinghou's last sentence mean?

What does it mean to look at Miss Wang's face?

Could it be that he, a grand descendant of the Yan royal family and the owner of Yanziwu in the south of the Yangtze River, can survive, or is it because of his appearance?

Does he have to thank Lin Pingzhi for not killing him?

Letting him go like this would make him feel worse than killing him.

"Lin Pingzhi!"

Murong Fu roared.

With his other uninjured hand, he directly used a set of palm techniques to attack Lin Pingzhi.

There was contempt deep in Lin Pingzhi's eyes.

Murong Fu was not his opponent before.

What's more, now?

"Murong Fu, you'd better use the star shift!"

Lin Pingzhi smiled.

With his eyes fixed, he slapped Murong Fu's chest with his palm.

Murong Fu was shocked.

Although angry, he did not lose his mind.

He dared not take Lin Pingzhi's palm forcefully.

Facing Lin Pingzhi's continuous attacks, Murong Fu kept dodging.

Although he was a little curious, why Lin Pingzhi's palm always slowed down before hitting him.

Let him have reaction time to dodge.

But he can feel it, but others can't see it.

After Lin Pingzhi shot for so long, he was still unscathed. Doesn't this prove that he is extraordinary?

How could he expose himself.

Lin Pingzhi was secretly proud of himself.

Will he be Murong Fu's opponent?

Will he miss Murong Fu?

This is all on purpose!

Zhang Ruoxu was watching from the side!

If you don't force Murong Fu to look like a little bit, you won't be able to bear the blame firmly.

At that time, it is easy to be suspected on his head.

Otherwise, a rookie like Murong Fu could be blown away with a single slap.

You have to think about it, how should you kill Murong Fu!

Lin Pingzhi threw out his palm to force Murong Fu to dodge, while thinking in his mind.

It seems that Zhang Ruoxu needs to be forced to make a move.

As for Zhang Ruoxu, he would definitely not kill Murong Fu.

He will bring Murong Fu to Wudang for verification.

But with Murong Fu's personality, he would definitely refuse.

What's more, there are different packages and turmoil.

He definitely would not agree to Murong Fu going to Wudang.

Now bury the life and death talisman in Murong Fu's body!

thought here.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes froze.

He slapped it out.

Before touching Murong Fu, the faint Life and Death Talisman penetrated into Murong Fu's body.

Murong Fu dodged confidently.

It never occurred to him that he had already been hit by Lin Pingzhi's life and death talisman.

As long as Lin Pingzhi urges the death talisman, Murong Fu will die instantly!

"Damn it! Murong Fu, you know how to hide! Is this the unique lightness kung fu of your Murong family!"

He asked Murong Fu, while showing an annoyed look.

Murong Fu was taken aback when he heard the words.

Light work?

What light work?

He didn't use light work!

But Lin Pingzhi's annoyed expression made him feel secretly refreshed.

"Hmph, so what! Lin Pingzhi, I didn't expect that after a short while, your martial arts would not increase but instead retreat!"

Murong Fu looked at Lin Pingzhi with disdain and said.

Lin Pingzhi felt proud.

He secretly glanced at Zhang Ruoxu.

Sure enough, Zhang Ruoxu's expression at this time was very ugly, and his fists were clenched.

The veins at the base of the neck popped up!

Like, a peerless beast!

Stand by!

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