Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 846 So far, or regardless of life or death?

After leaving the back mountain, Lin Pingzhi went to Li Yuanzhi's room, but did not find Li Yuanzhi.

Helpless, he could only find someone else to ask.

However, among the Wudang sect, only Song Qingshu and Song Yuanqiao were familiar with him.

Although Yu Daiyan was grateful for his life-saving grace.

But Yu Daiyan hadn't been out of the house for nearly 20 years.

I am definitely not very familiar with Wudang Mountain.

In the end, between the father and son Song Yuanqiao and Song Qingshu.

Lin Pingzhi chose his son.

After all, Song Yuanqiao is old and has old ideas.

It is also inconvenient to ask about Li Yunzhi.

Or Song Qingshu!

Song Qingshu is his fanboy!

"Qing Shu!"

Lin Pingzhi found Song Qingshu.

At this time Song Qingshu was leading many Wudang disciples to practice swords at Lianjianping.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi's appearance made Song Qingshu extremely happy.

"Young Master Lin!"

Song Qingshu stopped the sword in his hand and walked towards Lin Pingzhi.

Many Wudang disciples behind him also looked at Lin Pingzhi with puzzled expressions.

I thought to myself, who is this little boy?

Why is Senior Brother Song so happy to see him.


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

"I'm here to ask you something, is it convenient?"

He glanced at the many Wudang disciples on the training ground.

Song Qingshu was leading them to practice swords, and he was worried that it would hinder Song Qingshu.

"Convenient, convenient, of course convenient!"

Song Qingshu said with a smile.

He hastily put the sword in his hand back into its sheath, and after explaining to the disciple on the same side.

Then he ran to Lin Pingzhi's side.

"Let's find a place to sit and talk."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

He wanted to ask Song Qingshu about Li Yuanzhi.

There are so many people here, if they know that he has feelings for Li Yunzhi.

May cause riots.

"it is good!"

Song Qingshu showed a hearty smile.

He nodded without hesitation.

From his point of view, the idol Lin Pingzhi wanted to have a private chat with him.

This is his honor!

The two were just about to leave Lianjianping.

But someone appeared in front of them and stopped them.


The person who came was Zhang Ruoxu's disciple, laughing Taoist.

There was no smile on Taoist's face.

At this time, he looked at Song Qingshu indifferently, and directly ignored Lin Pingzhi.

"Qing Shu, if you don't take good care of your disciples to practice swords, where are you going?"

The laughing Taoist looked at Song Qingshu gloomyly.

Song Qingshu froze for a moment.

"Laughing at Master Uncle, Mr. Lin has something to do with me."

Xiao Taoist is his uncle according to his seniority.

Even if they are similar in age, he still has to call "Master Uncle".

The laughing Taoist glanced at Lin Pingzhi lightly, with hatred hidden deep in his eyes.


He said decisively.

"Although Lin Pingzhi is our guest of Wudang, he is not a disciple of Wudang after all, and it's time for morning practice, and you will lead the practice, how can you leave!"

What the laughing Taoist said sounds justified.

But Song Qingshu knew.

This is actually no big deal.

Each practice is a set of swordsmanship.

Even without him leading the practice, there is no problem.

"Uncle Laughing..."

Song Qingshu was a little anxious.

Lin Pingzhi had a private chat with him, what an honored expression.

How could he delay in matters like sword practice?

"Okay, Qingshu."

Lin Pingzhi raised his palm, indicating to Song Qingshu that there is no need to say the rest.

He understood that Taoist Xiao was not targeting Song Qingshu.

The real target is him, Lin Pingzhi.


Song Qingshu was a little puzzled as to what Lin Pingzhi wanted to do.

"rest assured."

Lin Pingzhi patted Song Qingshu on the shoulder, he looked at Taoist Laughing and asked:

"If you want to trouble me, just come directly to me, why bother Qingshu?"

He shrugged, and looked at Daoist Xiao with an indifferent face.

Song Qingshu looked at Lin Pingzhi suspiciously, and then at Taoist Xiao.

I thought to myself, is it true that laughing at Master Uncle is really going to embarrass Mr. Lin?

The laughing Taoist stared.


He sneered and looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"Hangzhou lost to you. Now I am not what I used to be. This time I will definitely make you look good!"

When these words came out, Song Qingshu was also a little confused.

"Mr. Lin, did you have conflicts with Uncle Xiao in Hangzhou before?"

he asked puzzled.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

"Can not remember."

In fact, he did remember.

At that time, because of system missions, he took Bai Yunxuan into the temple.

In the end, he ran into Daoist Laughing, but he didn't kill Daoist Laughing at that time.

Now he still has some regrets.

"There are so many people who have been defeated by me, how can I remember?"

Lin Pingzhi said with some disdain.

What he meant was that Taoist Joker was not worth mentioning at all, and he didn't have the qualifications to remember him.

Sure enough, Taoist Xiao was directly angered by Lin Pingzhi.

"Lin Pingzhi, you will pay for what you just said!"

There was a "clang".

He drew out the Tai Chi twin swords on his back.

Pointing at Lin Pingzhi with his sword:

"How dare you compete with me!"

In front of so many Wudang disciples competing, as long as Lin Pingzhi loses in his hands.

It will definitely reach Qu Wuyi's ears.

At that time, he will be able to prove to Qu Wuyi that he is stronger than Lin Pingzhi!

Not worse than Lin Pingzhi at all.

Laughing at Taoist's challenge, some want to laugh.

"It seems that Daoist Ruoxu didn't tell you?"

If Zhang Ruoxu told Xiao Taoist, his identity as Gong Ziyu.

Daoist Laughing would definitely not dare to challenge.

And as Lin Pingzhi, he actually didn't make a few moves in front of Taoist Laughing.

When saving people in Wan'an Temple, Lin Pingzhi repelled Jiumozhi and Yang Guo.

Although not much was revealed.

But Xiao Taoist dared to challenge, it should be due to his improved martial arts.

Hearing Lin Pingzhi mention Zhang Ruoxu, Daoist laughed a little sullenly.

"Do you dare to accept it, don't mention my master!"

The laughing Taoist shouted at Lin Pingzhi.

Song Qingshu beside him was a little confused.

"Master Uncle, why? Mr. Lin is our Wudang benefactor, but he is in Wan'an Temple..."

Song Qingshu still wants to persuade.

But before the words were finished, the laughing Taoist directly reprimanded:

"Shut up, it's none of your business, go away!"

Song Qingshu, who was scolded, turned blue and red.

Although Xiao Daoist's seniority is his uncle.

But after all, they are all of the same age, and he also felt that it was a shame to be scolded like this, and it was in public.

"Qing Shu, don't be angry, I'll wait for you to vent your anger!"

Lin Pingzhi comforted with a smile.

He is clear why Daoist Xiao made things difficult for him.

Not because of Qu Wuyi.

Taoist Xiao is famous for his affection for Qu Wuyi.

If Qu Wuyi originally liked to laugh at Taoists.

Maybe, he may also be the beauty of an adult.

But Qu Wuyi didn't like to laugh at Daoist.

It's just wishful thinking by the Taoist.

Could it be that he still wants to hand over Qu Wuyi to Taoist Xiao?

What a joke!

No memory is his!

As for the laughing man?

Let him forget each other in the rivers and lakes!

"How do you compare, draw the road, do you click to the end, or don't care about life and death?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and the killing intent bloomed in an instant, and the words "regardless of life or death" came out.

Song Qingshu beside him could feel a severe chill rising from the soles of his feet and rushing straight to his forehead.

The laughing Taoist opposite Lin Pingzhi trembled even more.

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