Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 841 Xiao Zhongjian is ready to unsheath, close!

Yu Yu stared at the same thing.

He took off the pinned golden flute from his back.

This golden flute is his weapon.

Although it looks gold, it's actually just gold plated.

Gold is soft and cannot be used as a weapon at all.

His golden flute is also made of fine iron, with a layer of gold lacquer on the outside.

"Since you have already made a mark, if Yu doesn't accept it, I'm afraid it will be ridiculous."

Yu Yutong looked at Lin Pingzhi seriously and said.

Li Yuanzhi beside him looked a little nervous.

Whether it's Lin Pingzhi or Yu Yutong, she doesn't want to fight.

Yu Yutong is her husband.

And Lin Pingzhi can be said to be her idol.

After all, it is the existence that can convince both the Tiandihui and the Honghuahui.

In her heart, she has long been curious about Lin Pingzhi.

Moreover, there are still many rumors about Lin Pingzhi in the arena.

Even though she is already married, it does not prevent her from chasing stars.

But she knew she couldn't stop them.

"Hey, you must be careful!"

Li Yuanzhi exhorted.

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

he laughed.

But I thought in my heart, when something really happened, it would be too late by then!

A sword has no eyes, that's not just talking.

"Since you use the golden flute, then I will use the jade flute."

As he spoke, Lin Pingzhi took off the jade flute pinned to his waist, and held it in his hand.

Since the other party uses musical instruments, he also uses musical instruments.

Only in this way will it not make people feel that the victory is invincible.

What's more, in the moonlit night of the 24th bridge, there is still a Xiao Zhongjian.

At critical times, it's a good thing to wipe Yuyu's neck!

Yu Yutong's expression changed.

"Lin Pingzhi, do you underestimate me?"

His gaze froze, with a sullen look in his eyes.

Yu Xiao used to compete with him?

Isn't this looking down on him?

How can jade be used as a weapon?

Wouldn't it be destroyed instantly if it collided with his golden flute?

At that time, Lin Pingzhi's defeat will be said to be because of weapons.

He didn't want to give Lin Pingzhi this chance.

"You should use your sword."

Yu Yutong looked at Lin Pingzhi indifferently.

Lin Pingzhi shrugged.

"It's okay, my Xiao is still very hard."

At the same time, I added a sentence in my heart: the ones on the hands are as hard as the ones on the body.

Others may think that his 24 moonlit bridge nights are just jade flutes.

But Lin Pingzhi was clear.

This is the magical weapon rewarded by the system.

It's not as simple as it seems.


Yu Yutong snorted coldly.

"Since you don't listen to my good advice, don't blame me for being merciless!"

Say it.

In his eyes, a gleam flashed.

With a little step, Yu Yutong, holding the golden flute in his hand, rushed towards Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi was calm and calm.

With a smile on his face, he moved slightly.

Yu Yutong's golden flute passed him by.

From Yu Yutong's moves just now, Lin Pingzhi has roughly judged Yu Yutong's martial arts level.

It is not much better than Wen Tailai.

Even worse than Wen Tailai.

Wen Tailai is dead.

Is Yu Yutong still far away?

Lin Pingzhi thought in his heart.

But he was not in a hurry and defeated Yu Yutong.

It is to make Yu Yutong feel that his martial arts are superb, so that he can continue to persecute him.

When he was cornered.

He had no choice but to kill Yu Yutong with Xiao Zhongjian in order to protect himself.

Such a script, presumably Li Yunzhi can't see anything.

Lin Pingzhi already made arrangements.

In fact, Yu Yutong has been persecuting him.

Soon he was cornered by Yu Yutong.

In the corner, as long as he acts a little more embarrassed.

When there is really nothing to do, it will be logical to use the sword again.

"Master Yu is just arguing with each other, so why be aggressive!"

Lin Pingzhi shouted "incompetent".

There was joy in Yu Yutong's eyes.

The expression on his face was also somewhat excited.

In front of him, the one who was persecuted by him and had no strength to fight back was the famous Mr. Mingyue!

From the looks of it now, what Mingyue son is.

It's just a false name.

In front of Yu Yutong, a talented talent on the golden flute, it's not worth mentioning at all!

As long as he can beat Lin Pingzhi.

In the future, he will be famous all over the world as a talented scholar with the golden flute, replacing the so-called Young Master Mingyue!

Thinking of this, Yu Yutong couldn't help but become more excited.

The golden flute in his hand turned into a sharp weapon, attacking Lin Pingzhi again and again.

But Lin Pingzhi, who was facing him, could only resist in a hurry.

"Clang clang clang..."

Lin Pingzhi's jade flute and Yu Yutong's golden flute collided constantly.

But in Yu Yutong's view, Lin Pingzhi was just dying.

Every time Lin Pingzhi blocked his golden flute, it was very difficult.

This was also deliberately pretended by Lin Pingzhi.

The purpose is to make Yu Yutong think about fighting for face in front of Li Yuanzhi.

Li Yuanzhi next to him watched Lin Pingzhi being crushed and beaten by Yu Yutong.

I was very nervous.

After all, Lin Pingzhi was injured, and she knew it.

When I saw Lin Pingzhi for the first time, there was still blood on the corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth.

"Stop hitting, Brother Yu, stop hitting!"

Li Yuanzhi persuaded.

However, her persuasion made Yu Yutong jealous.

Obviously Lee Yun Gee is his wife.

But he was pleading for Lin Pingzhi.

How could Yu Yutong endure this.


He growled, directly ignoring Li Yunzhi's persuasion.

The golden flute in his hand kept attacking Lin Pingzhi.

I wish I could kill Lin Pingzhi right here.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi was secretly happy.

Isn't Yu Yutong's behavior just what he expected?

Li Yunzhi gave a godly assist!

Only Yu Yutong fell into madness.

He killed Yu Yutong, so it was logical!

Lee Yun Gee - a trickster!

"Don't force me!"

Lin Pingzhi growled.

He's like a cornered stray dog ​​now.

He is about to turn into a fierce tiger and start hunting Yu Yutong.

But Yu Yutong didn't realize the problem.

At this moment, in his heart, he only wanted Lin Pingzhi in front of him to die under his golden flute.

Prove it to Lee Yun Gee.

He is a golden flute talent, Yu Yutong, no worse than Lin Pingzhi!

With this thought in mind, Yu Yutong's Golden Flute Dance was full of vigor.

Even the level of martial arts has surpassed the usual level, and has reached the realm of extraordinary performance.

But for Lin Pingzhi.

All of this is just child's play.

The previous exhaustion was just a disguise.

Just when Yu Yutong's golden flute was poking towards Lin Pingzhi's chest.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

A confident smile appeared on the corner of the mouth.

Holding the hand of Yu Xiao, the thumb and index finger rest on Yu Xiao.

With a "click", I remembered.

Xiao Zhongjian was ready to unsheath.

Wait until the cold light flickers, that's when Yu Yutong's throat turns red!

Xiao Zhongjian's hilt was already held by him.

Ready to pull out at any time.

But at this time.

He found that it was not far behind Yu Yutong.

The wooden Taoist stood there.

There was a warning in his eyes.

This is to see through his disguise and warn him!

"Oh shit!"

Lin Pingzhi cursed secretly in his heart.

There was a "click".

Xiao Zhongjian returned to the jade flute again.

And Yu Yutong's golden flute also slammed into Lin Pingzhi's chest with a "bang".

Beiming's true energy was broken.

But due to the existence of the snake armor, he was not injured.

However, he still bit the tip of his tongue, and there was a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth.

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