Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 838 Li Yuanzhi and Yu Yutong Are Also in Wudang

Lin Pingzhi didn't care about anything else at this time.

He directly restored the face to its original appearance.

The fiery red auspicious cloud robe became a pure white robe that surpassed snow.

The mask on his face was also put away by him.

There is a jade flute stuck in the waist, it is the moonlit night of 24 bridges.

"You are this?"

Zhang Sanfeng was a little astonished.

He didn't get it.

Why did Lin Pingzhi suddenly become energetic?

And it doesn't look like there is any problem.

Wasn't he seriously injured just now?

"It's okay, it's okay, is the real person a Wudang disciple outside?"

Lin Pingzhi blinked and said very seriously.

If it is a Wudang disciple.

Then joining the Wudang faction will not be a problem.

I didn't join before, that's because pure Yang Wuji Gong alone wasn't enough.

It's different now.

There are beauties out there!

Still a beauty of the Wudang sect!

No, not a beauty.

It's Taoist!

The beautiful Taoist nun, a Taoist nun friend!

Zhang Sanfeng froze for a moment, then turned to look at the door.

He frowned, not knowing what Lin Pingzhi meant.

"It's a Wudang disciple."

Nodding his head, Zhang Sanfeng said.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes lit up.

"I want to join the Wudang sect! Just be a junior junior!"

He eagerly said.

These behaviors made Zhang Sanfeng stunned.

"Ah? Didn't you just say that you were born as a Huashan person and died as a Huashan ghost?"

Zhang Sanfeng was a little astonished.

This is the first time he has seen a person who changed his face so quickly after living for more than 100 years.

Lin Pingzhi didn't change his face, with a sincere smile on his face.

"Master doesn't know something. The people and ghosts in Huashan are 'Gongziyu'. What does it have to do with me, Lin Pingzhi?"

He said very confidently.

Just now he was "Gong Zi Yu".

Now it is Lin Pingzhi.

Not the same person, naturally different.

"Just now I called you master, if you didn't refuse, then you agreed!"

Lin Pingzhi said happily.

"Junior Brother, go and open the door for Senior Sister!"

Although the injury has not fully recovered.

But it is still possible to perform light work.

"Dah" sounded.

Lin Pingzhi made a stride.

He rushed to the door of the room.

"Sister, please come in!"

With a rather handsome smile on his face, he opened the door.

When the door opened.

The woman who spoke earlier stood at the door.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the woman at the door and was stunned.

Why are you wearing the Taoist robes of Wudang male disciples?

But... even if it is a male disciple.

It's also really stalwart.


There must be (.people.)!

That's right!Did not run!

With the eyes slowly upward.

Lin Pingzhi saw the appearance of the woman standing in front of him.

There is no trace of powder and Dai's pretty face, charming and beautiful.

The skin is better than snow, star eyes are like waves, white teeth are lined with jade, very bright and beautiful.

Lin Ping was stunned for a while.

The woman did not feel uncomfortable with Lin Pingzhi's gaze.

Instead, he looked at the corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth.

"This... Junior Brother? Why is there blood on the corner of your mouth? Is it because of an injury?"

The slightly caring tone made Lin Pingzhi tremble.

The originally dazed gaze became a little gentler.

"Senior sister, don't worry, it's okay."

As he spoke, Lin Pingzhi wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Dare to ask my senior sister's name?"

Arching his hands towards the woman, Lin Pingzhi asked.

Such a beautiful woman.

It must not be borrowed from unknown people.

Knowing the name, there is a little more hope of being soaked!

"Huh? You're new here? Don't know me?"

The woman was a little surprised, but soon smiled and said:

"Senior sister's name is Li Yuanzhi, and she's currently in the Red Flower Club. Do you want to join the Red Flower Club?"

Her eyes lit up and she looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"Yun Zhi! How many times have I told you, don't come to pull people from Wudang, join that red flower club!"

Zhang Sanfeng looked a little ugly, and said angrily.

It can be seen that he doesn't have a good impression of the Red Flower Society or Chen Jialuo.

"Understood, master!"

Li Yuanzhi let out a coquettish moan.

It's like a younger generation acting like a baby to an elder.

"It's just a joke with the younger brother."

She pouted.

Charming, with a bit of cuteness.

Lin Pingzhi had already froze in place.

"Junior brother? No, no, I'm not your junior brother."

He waved his hands again and again.

Join Wudang?

That is impossible.

Even if Li Yunzhi is a disciple of Wudang, it is impossible.


Li Yuanzhi was a little puzzled, not knowing what this meant.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Lin Pingzhi angrily.

"Lin Pingzhi, what do you mean?"

He questioned Lin Pingzhi.

First he didn't join, and now he joins again, is this playing him?

"Lin Pingzhi?!"

Li Yuanzhi exclaimed.

Lin Pingzhi originally wanted to explain to Zhang Sanfeng.

Unexpectedly, Li Yuanzhi rushed directly to his side and hugged his arm.

"You are Lin Pingzhi?"

(.person.) In close contact with Lin Pingzhi's arm.

It made Lin Pingzhi's body soften a little.

Looking at Li Yuanzhi's gaze, it was also full of affection.

"Yes, I am Lin Pingzhi."

He smiled softly.

Although Li Yuanzhi's attitude surprised him a bit.

But it is also reasonable.

After all, the members of the Red Flower Society are very familiar with his name.

His relationship with Chen Jialuo is there.

Chen Jialuo is the leader of the Red Flower Society.

As a member of the Red Flower Club, Li Yunzhi's attitude towards Lin Pingzhi will naturally be very good.

It's just that this is a little too good...

Even with some skin-to-skin relatives.


Why is there no short sleeves in this world!

If there are short sleeves, then there will be one less barrier!

pity!What a pity!

Li Yuanzhi looked at Lin Pingzhi with stars in his eyes.

Lin Pingzhi understood this look very well.

Isn't this the way fans see their idols?

Feelings, the girl he likes is actually his fan?

"Well, do you know Yu Yutong?"

Lin Pingzhi asked.

In the original novel, Yu Yutong is Li Yunzhi's husband.

But in this world now, he is not sure how far the relationship between Li Yunzhi and Yu Yutong has progressed.

If it's just about love, then it doesn't matter.

But if you are already a married couple.

Naturally, Yu Yutong couldn't live.

"Brother Yu?"

Li Yuanzhi was a little surprised.

"So you know Brother Yu too? Brother Yu is my husband, and we are both members of the Red Flower Society!"

It seemed that Lin Pingzhi knew Yu Yutong's name.

It made Li Yuanzhi look a little excited.

"Of course I know, the fourteenth head of the Red Flower Society!"

Lin Pingzhi smiled stiffly.

Oh shit!

It turned out that the two had already gotten together.

no way.

It seems that Luo Bing needs to find more companions.

After saving, in front of him, he still claimed to be a widow and a widow.

Find more widows as companions for her.

When playing together, can Luo Bing let go, right?

Li Yuanzhi looked at Lin Pingzhi with a smile.

"Brother Yu accompanied me this time! If Brother Yu knew that Young Master is in Wudang, he would be very happy too!"

As he spoke, he took Lin Pingzhi's arm, intending to take Lin Pingzhi to find Yu Yutong.

"Yun Zhi! You're already a married woman, so it's unbecoming to gossip like this!"

Zhang Sanfeng, who had been ignored for a long time, said with a dark face.

Being reprimanded, Li Yuanzhi stuck out her tongue and didn't take it seriously.

"I know Master Zu!"

She replied perfunctorily.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

"You go back first, I have something to do with Lin Pingzhi!"

Lin Pingzhi was shocked.

He doesn't want to stay.

Just playing tricks on Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Sanfeng must be angry.

This is to teach him a lesson!

reject!Absolutely refuse!

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