Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 836 The villain behind the scenes?Zhang Sanfeng?

this person.

Lin Pingzhi only saw it once.

But just that one time.

But Lin Pingzhi's memory is still fresh.

It can even be said that it is fear...

The scene of that day seemed to float before his eyes.

This Taoist...

It was the real culprit behind the scenes who trapped Dongfang Qingling in Heimuya—the old sword!

Do not!

Now here is Wudang.

In Wudang, he should not be called an old swordsman.

Mu Taoist is what he was called in Wudang.

Why did this hero with hidden evil intentions appear here?

And why would they rescue him?

This... Lin Pingzhi couldn't figure it out.

"Who are you, get out of the way!"

Taoist Baishang looked solemnly at Taoist Mu in front of him.

Taoist Mu was very thin.

Wudang's Taoist robe was worn on his body, almost hanging down, looking loose.

"Go back."

Mu Taoist stood still.

He looked at the Taoist Baishang opposite him without changing his face.

The Hundred Damaged Taoist did not reply.

But from his eyes, you can see his caution.

When Taoist Mu stopped him earlier.

He knew that Taoist Mu and him were on the same level.

There was a wooden Taoist blocking him.

This kid named "Gong Ziyu" must not be killed.

"Teacher! Let's go!"

The Hundred Damage Taoist said indifferently.

Zhang Wuji came to his side, bowed and called "Master".


He snorted coldly at Taoist Mu.

Taoist Baishang turned and left, Zhang Wuji followed behind him.

Before leaving, Zhang Wuji glared at Lin Pingzhi fiercely with his sinister gaze, and by the way, remembered Taoist Mu's appearance in his heart.

Those who save "Gong Zi Yu" must die!

When his martial arts advanced greatly, anyone he wanted to kill would have to die!

Lin Pingzhi, who fell to the ground, did not relax because of Taoist Baishang and Zhang Wuji's departure.

Compared with a Taoist who suffers a lot of damage.

The Mu Taoist who saved him is what he is most worried about now.

But now that he was seriously injured, he couldn't move at all.

Even if he wanted to escape, he could do nothing.

"Cough cough..."

Lin Pingzhi coughed twice.

Originally, he wanted to ask, what is the purpose of Taoist Mu.

But the blood froth in his mouth made him speechless.

"Don't move, you are seriously injured."

Mu Taoist's voice was a little warm.

It doesn't sound as vicious as the old knife handle.

This made Lin Pingzhi a little puzzled.

Could it be that Taoist Mu really wanted to save him?

But the problem is...


Could it be that Taoist Mu's status in Wudang is so high that Zhang Ruoxu didn't tell him his true identity?

So that the current Taoist Mu is holding the Azure Dragon Club, which wants to control him, and is under his command?

These are just Lin Pingzhi's guesses.

For the time being, he couldn't ask aloud.

The only thing that can be done is to rely on the internal force in the body to heal the injury as soon as possible.

at this time.

Taoist Mu directly lifted Lin Pingzhi up, like he was carrying a hen that had been slaughtered.

Through the position of the eyes of the mask.

Lin Pingzhi found out that Taoist Mu didn't take him to another place.

Instead, he directly chose to take him to Wudang Mountain!

This made Lin Pingzhi somewhat puzzled.

Mu Taoist is an old swordsman.

Could it be that there is some hidden place in Wudang Mountain where he contacts his subordinates?

To capture him is also to recruit him in that place?

Lin Pingzhi felt a little dignified.

Now that he is in this situation, he will definitely not be able to escape when he arrives at Mu Taoist's place.

Perhaps, at that time, he will be persecuted by Taoist Mu.

What's more, if Taoist Mu takes off his mask and sees his true face, he will know that he is Lin Pingzhi.

It is absolutely impossible to show mercy to him!

Next, what to do!

Just out of the tiger's mouth, and into the wolf's circle!

Lin Pingzhi, who was carried by Taoist Mu, looked around through the mask.

Although he was going up the mountain, Taoist Mu's lightness kung fu was very stable without the slightest bump.

It's like being on flat ground.

But where Mu Taoist passed by, no other people were seen.

Lin Pingzhi felt that maybe it was as he guessed.

Mu Taoist wants to take him to a hidden corner in Wudang Mountain.


The scene in front of Qin Lang changed.

He came to a hut and was placed on a bed.

Although the time spent on the road is not much.

But with the help of various magical skills in Lin Pingzhi's body.

It also regained some mobility.

But he didn't act immediately.

In front of Mu Taoist, he had no hope of escaping.

He could only think of delaying time and relying on internal strength to recover from the injury.

In this way, he can have more hope of survival.

While contemplating.


Mu Taoist's voice reached Lin Pingzhi's ears.

The sound is nothing.

It's just that this name aroused Lin Pingzhi's curiosity.


Is it the senior brother of Taoist Mu, or the senior brother of the old swordsman?

With different identities, the corresponding brothers are not the same person.

Although he didn't know it, the old swordsman had a brother's saying.

Soon, the next voice.

Lin Pingzhi's doubts were dispelled.

"Junior Brother Mu has worked hard, you should go back and rest first."

It's Zhang Sanfeng's voice!

Lin Pingzhi was shocked.

Zhang Sanfeng and Mu Taoist...

Is it...

Is Zhang Sanfeng the person behind the old sword?

Is Zhang Sanfeng, the famous Wudang master, just an appearance?

Actually the villain behind the scenes?

Intended to subvert martial arts?

This...isn't possible?

Lin Pingzhi thinks it is unlikely.

But Zhang Sanfeng and Taoist Mu communicated in this secret place, obviously the relationship is not simple.

It is very possible that the person behind Taoist Mu is Zhang Sanfeng!

Still haven't recovered from the shock.

Taoist Mu walked up to Lin Pingzhi and said softly:

"After recovering from the injury, come to the old man and discuss things."

After speaking, he nodded towards Zhang Sanfeng and left the room alone.

Lin Pingzhi only heard a "pop".

In the house, only he and Zhang Sanfeng were left.

He was thinking that Zhang Sanfeng was alone with him here.

Could it be that the villain behind the scenes plans to recruit him personally?

Let him take the Azure Dragon Club and surrender directly?

It seems that Wudang is not as clean as imagined.

Nor did he remember who ever said a word.

Light and darkness are intimate and inseparable.

Now it seems that the Wudang faction only looks decent on the surface, but in fact it has indeed begun to rot from the inside!

must escape!

Take Minmin and Wanmei to escape from Wudang!

Lin Pingzhi secretly made up his mind.

Suddenly, he noticed that Zhang Sanfeng was moving.

It seemed that Zhang Sanfeng sat by the bed.

But Lin Pingzhi didn't dare to move.

I'm afraid that Zhang Sanfeng will find out that he has regained the ability to move, and thus kill him.

He couldn't even beat a Taoist who suffered a lot of damage, but facing Zhang Sanfeng, he would hit a stone with an egg!

"You little guy, you really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth!"

Zhang Sanfeng's voice of complaining sounded behind Lin Pingzhi.

"That guy who suffered a lot, his martial arts was already the best in the martial arts world decades ago, and it took me a lot of energy to win him. Aren't you looking for him to die?"

Lin Pingzhi was a little puzzled.

Why did Zhang Sanfeng tell him these things?

Do you want to start with the routine and recruit him?


Lin Pingzhi suddenly trembled.

He felt it, on his back.

Zhang Sanfeng's palm was already attached.

A thick, pure internal force poured into his body.

"Damn it! This old Yinbi actually made a move!"

Lin Pingzhi was shocked.

All kinds of miraculous internal forces in his body sensed the invasion of external internal forces.

Then it operated on its own, fighting with Zhang Sanfeng's internal force.


Blood spurted out from Lin Ping's mouth.

Lin Pingzhi's body was overwhelmed by the struggle of various internal forces.

There are even tendons that have begun to break.

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