Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 834 Xuanming Divine Palm, Zhang Wuji's Resentment!

Lin Pingzhi's sword is very fast.

The internal force contained in the sword is like a dragon coming out of the water, extremely swift.

Zhang Wuji staggered.

He wanted to hide, but found that no matter which way he hid.

The sword in Lin Pingzhi's hand will always follow him like a shadow.

There's no way he can avoid it!

"It's over, it's over...Could it be that I, Zhang Wuji, a genius, really want to die here?"

He was flustered and a little unwilling.

Under the mask, Lin Pingzhi's eyes were full of joy.

If it is a hundred damages, the Taoist really won't come out.

His injury is worth it!

As long as you can kill Zhang Wuji!

Flying in the air, Zhang Wuji was right in front of his eyes.

Just a few more inches.

Then he was able to pierce Zhang Wuji's throat with a single sword.

However, just when the blade was about to arrive.

In Lin Pingzhi's heart, a strong sense of crisis suddenly appeared.

"No! Zhang Wuji must be killed!"

Gritting his teeth, Lin Ping made up his mind.

Even if he is seriously injured, Zhang Wuji must be killed.

But soon, he regretted it.

This sense of crisis made him clearly understand.

If the sword continues to move forward, Zhang Wuji certainly cannot escape death.

But he will also die tragically at the hands of Taoist Baishang.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

Just when the blade was only an inch away from Zhang Wuji.

The blade turned around and stabbed behind him.


Although there is no turning back.

But Lin Pingzhi felt it clearly.

His sword was hit by the blade, and the trajectory of the blade's stabbing also changed.

But he didn't have time to turn around.

"嗙" sounded.

The Beiming True Qi protecting his body was torn apart like a piece of paper.

A palm full of Sen Han hit the back of his heart.


When Lin Pingzhi flew out, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The blood was covered by the mask and did not spit out.

Instead, the whole mask was filled with the smell of blood.

After landing, he fell to the ground, his eyes were vigilant, staring at the person who attacked just now—— Taoist Baishang.

But in his heart, he was also somewhat rejoicing.

If it weren't for the fact that he chose to stab back just now.

Maybe the current him is not as simple as being seriously injured.

It is very likely that he will be directly shot to death by the Taoist Baishang.

Rao is so, now he is also seriously injured.

He must recover as soon as possible.

All kinds of miraculous powers in the body came out at the first moment of Lin Pingzhi's injury to help Lin Pingzhi recover from his injury.


Taoist Hundred Damages seems to have no intention of giving Lin Pingzhi a chance to heal his wounds.


Zhang Wuji ran to Taoist Baishang.

His face was full of joy.

Daoist Baishang was not only fine, but also seriously injured "Gong Ziyu" who wanted to kill him!

"Go to the side first, and kill him for the teacher."

Baishang Taoist stared at Lin Pingzhi intently.

While talking, he kept on stepping.

On the palms, there is an internal force.

The internal force even condensed into frost, sending out a severe chill.

This is exactly the unique skill of Taoist Baishang-Xuanming God's Palm!

Lu Zhangke and He got a little fur, and they won the title of "Second Elder Xuanming" in the rivers and lakes.

It can be seen that the power of this kind of unique knowledge.

Now it is used by the Taoist Taoist who created this unique technique.

How powerful it is!

If hit directly, even if Lin Pingzhi had nine lives, it would not be enough to kill him.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Gong Ziyu? Who is your elder? You have such martial arts, I guess your elders are not borrowing from unknown people!"

Baishang Taoist looked at Lin Pingzhi and said.

Lin Pingzhi stared at Baishang Taoist with both eyes.

did not speak.

Now all his energy is on healing.

Although I want to procrastinate.

But once you speak, you will be distracted.

His recovery speed will also slow down.

At this time of life and death.

The faster you are, the more likely you are to survive!

"not talking?"

A playful look appeared on the face of the Baishang Taoist.

"It seems that you know that I don't have a good relationship with those old guys. I want to know your elders, and I also want to see which old guy's descendant I killed, and then I will humiliate him! "

His expression changed from joking to ferocious.

Ruo Ruo, being able to kill Lin Pingzhi and arouse the anger of Lin Pingzhi's elders is a very happy thing.

Looking at the Hundred Damaged Taoist approaching step by step.

Lin Pingzhi felt remorse in his heart.

If he didn't choose to play Wudang alone.

There is no urgency to kill Zhang Wuji.

Not too confident, wanting to challenge Taoist Baishang.

Maybe it won't be the case now?

But now, no matter how much you regret it, it won't help.

Can only go faster and faster.

Heal the injury as quickly as possible.

Then, with the advantage of lightness kung fu, escape from here.

As long as he can return to Wudang Mountain, with Zhang Sanfeng around, he will be safe.

Zhang Sanfeng would definitely not watch Taoist Baishang kill him.

After all, Zhang Ruoxu knew his identity.

That Mitutoyo must know it too.

But these two old guys don't know how to say it.

He wasn't worried either.

"Master! Or let me kill him!"

Zhang Wuji enthusiastically ran to Taoist Baishang's side.

He looked at Lin Pingzhi with endless hatred in his eyes.

Originally, he wanted to kill Lin Pingzhi first, and then kill "Gong Ziyu".

After all, "Gong Zi Yu" also humiliated him.

Now kill "Gong Ziyu" first, and then kill Lin Pingzhi, it's also very good!

What's more, Gong Ziyu's identity is even more superior.

Just thinking about being able to kill the big dragon head of the Azure Dragon Society, Zhang Wuji couldn't restrain his excitement.

"Go sideways!"

The Hundred Damaged Taoist had a grim face.

He rejected Zhang Wuji's request.

Zhang Wuji may not be clear about the strength of "Gongzi Yu".

But he is clear.

With Zhang Wuji's martial arts, he wanted to kill this Gong Ziyu.

There's no way it could be a one-hit kill.

Only he can do it.

"Uh... yes, master."

Zhang Wuji lowered his head, a glint of predation flashed in his eyes.

Taoist Baishang didn't know what Zhang Wuji was thinking, nor did he see Zhang Wuji's eyes.

But Lin Pingzhi saw it!

This guy Zhang Wuji really has a rebellious bone in the back of his head.

It seems that Taoist Baishang has also been hated.

But now he can't help thinking about it.

After the Hundred Damage Taoist scolded Zhang Wuji.

They continued to walk towards him.

As Taoist Baishang approached step by step.

Lin Pingzhi's heart also beat faster and faster.

very soon!

Immediately, he was able to regain mobility.

Just resume action.

He can perform light work.

There are dark night fragrance and phoenix dance for nine days.

Rao is a Taoist with a lot of damage, and he can't kill him!

I just need to avoid the edge and survive, isn't it easy?

However, this time.

Lin Pingzhi failed to win in the end.

The palms of Taoist Baishang, the palms of Xuanming, which condensed the inner strength of Senhan, had already slapped towards Lin Pingzhi.

A palm of the chest, a palm of the forehead.

No matter which palm, as long as Lin Pingzhong hits, he will definitely die.

in his eyes.

The palms of the Hundred Damaged Taoist gradually enlarged.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't think of it.

After Zhang Ruoxu's "Enriching Daosheng".

Death is approaching again.

But this time.

He has no means of self-defense...

Just as the palms approached.

In Lin Pingzhi's mind, the system prompt sounded again.

"Ding, the host succeeded..."

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