Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 814 Underestimation?you in front of me

"Princess, it's windy outside, let's talk in my room."

Lin Pingzhi issued a warm invitation.

After all, it is inconvenient to do some things outside.

What's more, Zhao Min is the lord of the princess, if his subordinates see him, he will be made to work so hard in public.

If it is spread out, the influence will be bad.


Zhao Min came back to his senses.

She raised her head and looked at Lin Pingzhi, the blush on her face slowly dissipated.

She just rolled her eyes at Lin Pingzhi's suggestion.

It is midsummer now, and there are many high walls in Wan'an Temple, so there is no wind anywhere.

But thinking of what Cheng Kun told her, she felt that it would be better to go to the room and say it.

"Well, let's go in and talk."

Zhao Min nodded, and walked into Lin Pingzhi's room unceremoniously.

Lin Pingzhi was ecstatic.

Zhao Min, Zhao Min, you will not escape the clutches of the devil tonight!

He hurriedly followed behind Zhao Min, went back to the room, and closed the door by the way.

Moreover, the door bolt was inserted to prevent someone from breaking into the door suddenly.

Zhao Min didn't think much about it.

Wan'an Temple is her territory.

Nearly [-] Mongolian officers and soldiers gathered here.

As long as she yelled, someone would definitely hear the movement here.

She walked to the stool by the table and sat down, looking up at Lin Pingzhi who was standing.

"Did you know that you almost made a big mistake by letting Cheng Kun go?"

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi and said very seriously.

If she hadn't killed Cheng Kun, Lin Pingzhi's dual identity might have been exposed.

Lin Pingzhi shrugged, as if he didn't care.

"Isn't Cheng Kun already killed by you?"

He said casually.

Fan Yao had already told him about this matter.

Zhao Min was stunned.

"It seems that Master Ku told you, but..." A playful look appeared on her face, "Aren't you afraid that I will tell your secret?"

She came to find Lin Pingzhi because she wanted to tell Lin Pingzhi that she knew Lin Pingzhi's secret.

Let Lin Pingzhi obey her arrangement obediently.

Being able to play with Lin Pingzhi, the famous son of Mingyue, in the palm of her hand, she also feels a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

Lin Pingzhi walked in front of Zhao Min with a nonchalant expression. He copied the stool, put it under him, and sat on it.

Immediately, he placed his elbow on the table with one hand, his chin resting on his palm, and stared straight at Zhao Min with his eyes.

"Did you ignore a few points? It's not like your IQ."

Now Zhao Min, is he thinking a little simple?

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi playfully.

"Oh? Tell me, what points did I overlook?"

In Green Willow Villa, Lin Pingzhi pointed out the flaws in her trap, she still remembered.

Now she wanted to see what Lin Pingzhi would say.

The corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth twitched slightly.

"First of all, have you considered it? I have a good reputation in the Jianghu, and I will release the news as you, the witch of Mongolia, will those righteous people believe it?"

As he spoke, Lin Pingzhi raised his eyebrows at Zhao Min.

Zhao Min didn't show any surprise this time.

"Is Mr. Mingyue underestimating the little girl?" She said with a smile, "Why does the princess need to release such news in person? Do you really think that in the Jianghu, there is no righteous sect to devote himself to the command of the princess?"

The implication is that she has a decent family who obeys her orders.

You can release the news for her.

If this news is released by the famous family, it will definitely affect Lin Pingzhi's reputation.

And the three became tigers.

If it continues to ferment, Lin Pingzhi can't even think about the consequences.

"As expected of you, Zhao Min."

Lin Pingzhi looked a little ugly.

He felt a little cold in his heart.

"Thank you, Master Mingyue, for your compliment."

Zhao Min said with a smile.

She was very proud in her heart, she was finally able to deflate Lin Pingzhi.

Now she felt more satisfied than ever before.

But soon her smile froze.

She found that Lin Pingzhi in front of him also looked a little playful.

There was even a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

This puzzled her.

"Why are you laughing? Do you have other countermeasures?"

Zhao Min asked in a deep voice.

"You ignored the second point, you are in front of me."

Lin Pingzhi said lightly.

This understatement made Zhao Min feel an endless chill.

She panicked for a moment.

"What do you want to do!"

Panicked, Zhao Min quickly stood up from the stool and looked at Lin Pingzhi vigilantly.

"Let me tell you, this place is full of my people, even if you kill me, you won't be able to escape!"

Zhao Min's words, on the contrary, confused Lin Pingzhi.

What the hell?

Killed Zhao Min?

He had no such idea at all.

Zhao Min is so charming, as a gentleman, how could he do anything.

Oh no, you can do it.

You can try it yourself, is it unfathomable?

But the fingers are not long enough, so don't do it.

Let's be huge!

"Why should I kill you?"

Lin Pingzhi joked.

He discovered that Zhao Min was also afraid of death.

Whether to be flattered or humiliated is only based on the fact that she has a perfect plan.

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi with some hesitation.

"You won't kill me?"

she asked suspiciously.

From her point of view, what Lin Pingzhi said just now meant that he wanted to kill her.

Do you want to keep your identity a secret?

But if you don't kill her, what does that mean?

"Of course I won't kill you."

Lin Pingzhi stood up from the stool.

Zhao Min's expression suddenly became tense, and he kept stepping back.

Soon, he retreated to the edge of the bed.

"What are you doing?"

She looked at Lin Pingzhi nervously and asked.

But Lin Pingzhi nodded.


He asked very seriously and meticulously.

Zhao Min was a little puzzled.

What do you mean?

She heard what Lin Pingzhi was going to do.

Lin Pingzhi actually said yes?

Just at this moment of hesitation, she found that Lin Pingzhi was approaching.

Only one step away from her.

"Lin Pingzhi, come here again, I really want to shout!"

Zhao Min plucked up his courage and shouted at Lin Pingzhi.

She was really afraid that Lin Pingzhi would kill her.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

Why do these words sound so familiar?

Did he want to say: You yell, and no one will save you if you yell out your throat.

Then add another sentence: The louder you shout, the happier you are!

But doesn't this seem a little strange?

Then what is the difference between him and Tian Boguang and Yun Zhonghe?

As a gentleman, what you pay attention to is the friendship between you and me.

As the saying goes, twisted melons are not sweet, even in deep-in-communication, it will affect the feeling.

"You are the princess, how can you yell?"

A wicked smile crossed the corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth.

He strode forward with a big stride, directly stepping one step away.

Taking advantage of the trend, he hugged Zhao Min's slender waist.

Zhao Min's soft body was pressed against Lin Pingzhi's.

In an instant, Lin Pingzhi felt refreshed.

Just this feel, it's cool!

Moreover, he also found a surprise.

Originally thought Zhao Min’s was (.) (.)

After feeling it now, I realized it was (.Y.)

It seems that men's clothing will affect the vision.

Zhao Min is still very predictable.

Don't say anything else.

At least there are four words that are hidden, and there is no problem with describing Zhao Min.

Zhao Min has reached a stalemate at the moment.

As the princess of Ruyang King of Mongolia, she had never had such intimate contact with a man.

He could even smell the faint masculinity on Lin Pingzhi's body.

Shyness emerged from Zhao Min's heart.

In an instant, Xiafei's cheeks and even her neck were covered with a layer of pink.

"What exactly does Lin Pingzhi want to do..."

Zhao Min thought shyly in his heart.

But soon, her expression changed.

She found that that hand seemed dishonest!

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