Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 812 Cold iron binding?will not contradict

"Okay, let them go, I will stay."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile on his face.

If he stays, he can let these righteous people go.

Then he would be more than happy.

After all, if he is alone, it is very easy to think about staying.

The important thing is that this is a rare opportunity to be alone with Zhao Min.

Lin Pingzhi's decision made most people on the righteous side ecstatic.

As long as Lin Pingzhi stayed, they could survive.

They are naturally happy.

But for Ning Zhongze and others.

Lin Pingzhi's decision undoubtedly made them ashamed.

Ning Zhong wanted to say something more.

But Lin Pingzhi turned his head.

He looked at Ning Zhong and said:

"Master, you can go back with peace of mind. Don't you worry about my martial arts? Princess Zhao Min wants to spend the spring night with me."

While speaking, he winked at Ning Zhongze.

Ning Zhong was stunned.

Indeed, she knew Lin Pingzhi's martial arts.

Without them as a burden, it would be very easy to leave or stay.

"it is good!"

Ning Zhong, who wanted to understand, nodded.

She also went to persuade Lin Pingzhi's other beauties.

As for Zhao Min?

She had already lowered her head.

Cursing in my heart:

Damn Lin Pingzhi, rascal!Whoever wants to spend the spring evening with you is really shameless!

"Princess, let your people get out of the way? I will stay here and they will go."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhao Min and said.

Zhao Min suppressed the shame in his heart.

When his cheeks were no longer hot, he raised his head and looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"Young Master Mingyue is really courageous!"

Zhao Min smiled, she stretched out her jade hand, raised it in the air and waved it.

Immediately, the Mongolian officers and soldiers behind her immediately gave way to a passage.

A meteorite flying knife appeared in Lin Pingzhi's hand.

"Princess, I hope you don't regret it halfway, otherwise my throwing knife will be merciless. If you don't believe me, you can ask Ding Chunqiu."

He signaled the righteous people to leave, while staring at Zhao Min.

Zhao Min looked at Ding Chunqiu in puzzlement.

"Princess, Lin Pingzhi's throwing knife is very powerful. I have suffered a lot before..."

Ding Chunqiu said with a gloomy face.

He has suffered a lot.

It was almost dead!

If it wasn't for Zhang Zhaozhong, he would have died!

Zhao Min knew what Ding Chunqiu said, in order to save face, he would definitely not tell the truth.

But from this bit of information, she can also know that Lin Pingzhi's flying knife skills are really good.

But she wasn't afraid either.

For some reason, she always felt that Lin Pingzhi would not do anything to her.

And she had no intention of repenting.

"Don't worry, even if I evacuate the people outside, they must be safe and secure."

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi and said.

She didn't pay much attention to those righteous people.

"So best."

Lin Pingzhi also returned a smile.

What is a beautiful woman who is the most deceptive?


In front of him, it is impossible to happen.

He will hold Zhao Min to death.

At worst, Zhao Min was captured alive and taken to the grove to applaud.

Let her taste what is called, orgasm.

After all the righteous people have left.

Jiumozhi turned to Zhao Min and said:

"Princess, Lin Pingzhi is highly skilled in martial arts. It is recommended to bind him with thousand-year-old cold iron to prevent him from escaping."

Righteous people have not gone far.

If Lin Pingzhi resisted, he could still take those righteous people with his sword.

Lin Pingzhi must be restrained.

But if the righteous people go too far.

Lin Pingzhi is not restrained, this Wan'an Temple.

With Lin Pingzhi's martial arts, it can be said that he can come and go whenever he wants.

"No need."

Zhao Min rejected Jiumozhi's proposal, with a smile on her lips, she looked at Lin Pingzhi:

"I believe that the famous Mr. Mingyue will definitely not go back on his word."

That's natural, if you want to marry you, you must marry you... Lin Pingzhi agreed in his heart.

"Don't worry, since I choose to stay, I will stay until the princess wants me to leave."

Lin Pingzhi said solemnly.

It seems that the echo in his heart before was not his idea at all.

Jiumozhi frowned.

He moved to Zhao Min's side and said:

"Princess, this Lin Pingzhi must be careful! Yang Xiaoyou's right arm was cut off, and he may be useless in the future... If Lin Pingzhi is left safe and sound like this, Yang Xiaoyou may feel chilled."

According to Jiumozhi's thinking.

Bind Lin Pingzhi directly with cold iron.

Then he tortured Lin Pingzhi in every possible way.

Finally, kill Lin Pingzhi again.

But Jiumozhi is Jiumozhi, and Zhao Min is Zhao Min.

Zhao Min didn't want to torture Lin Pingzhi at all.

"Yang Guo is useless?"

She raised an eyebrow.

She was still very impressed with Yang Guo, a rather handsome subordinate.

It's a pity that I always like to show off some cleverness.

"If you abolish it, just abolish it. It's useless anyway."

Zhao Min said indifferently.

There is no shortage of Yang Guo who can be used by her subordinates.

What's more, the way Yang Guo looked at her, apart from being in awe, also had a look that made her uncomfortable.

She clearly remembered that Lin Pingzhi occasionally had that look when he looked at her.

But she didn't dislike Lin Pingzhi's eyes.

It was Yang Guo's eyes that made her uncomfortable.

When Lin Pingzhi heard Zhao Min's words, he thought that Zhao Min was really cruel...

In the original book, Zhao Min kills people, just like killing chickens.

Poor Yang Guo, his hand was broken and he was rejected by his master.

It would be better to be killed by him directly with a sword.

In this world, Yang Guo can't become a left-handed hero, right?

Even created the Depressed Soul Palm?

There is no emotion, let him hurt, how can this palm technique be created?

Lin Pingzhi felt disdainful.

It seems that we have to find a chance to visit the Sword Tomb.

Get Yang Guo's black iron sword first.

As for the black iron sword technique?

This doesn't matter.

"Princess, do you need me to tie my hands?"

Lin Pingzhi stretched out his hand towards Zhao Min with a smile on his lips.

Zhao Min rolled his eyes at Lin Ping.

"Can I tie you up?"

She has experienced Lin Pingzhi's martial arts.

He can get out of the trap of Green Willow Villa.

Is there anything he can't do?

"Take Mr. Mingyue to the room to rest, good hospitality."

Zhao Min ordered to go down.

Lin Pingzhi shrugged.

He followed the people arranged by Zhao Min and went to the room.

In the room, Lin Pingzhi was waiting.

Wait for a moment.

Zhao Min will come to his room alone, looking for his time.

During this period, Lin Pingzhi was well taken care of.

Nothing to eat or drink.

to evening.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly noticed that there was a powerful aura outside.

Is being carefully hidden.

"who is it?"

Lin Pingzhi was secretly startled.

The direction in which the air machine was moving was exactly the room he was in.

he reasoned.

It is very likely to be Jiumozhi.

Earlier, Jiumozhi proposed to let Zhao Min tie him up with cold iron.

Zhao Min did not follow suit.

It is very possible that Jiumozhi came here to sneak attack him.

However, Lin Pingzhi couldn't be sure.

This aura is well hidden.

He is in the room, it is difficult to judge whether it is Jiumozhi or not.

Sit on a stool.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the door.

His hand had already touched the hilt of the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade that was placed on the table.

His eyes were cold.

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