Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 797 Leaving alone, nearly ten thousand officers and soldiers

Zhang Ruoxu did not answer Lin Pingzhi's words.

He stood up slowly.

"let's go."

Three simple words.

showed his attitude.

Following Zhang Ruoxu, he turned around slowly.

The members of the Wudang faction also turned around one after another.

They are going down to the Bright Summit.

Wudang faction such actions.

Undoubtedly a signal - retreat.

Many righteous people are not willing to retreat like this.

Their purpose is to gain the reputation of eliminating demons and defending Taoism.

But the demon has not been eliminated, and the Tao has not been defended.

They are unwilling.

However, the powerful "Gongzi Yu".

Make them terrified.

Shaolin was defeated.

Tang Sect lost.

Wudang Seven Heroes lost.

Emei was extinct and defeated.

Zhang Wuji, this young rookie also lost.

Even Lin Pingzhi, the famous son of Mingyue.

They've all been tied.

Just ask, Wudang Zhang Ruoxu can't come out.

Who can be the opponent of "Gongzi Yu"?

Even if they are not reconciled.

There is no way.

Unless there are others, dare to come forward.

Go find trouble with "Gong Zi Yu".

But the one who came out earlier, the leader of the Iron Palm Gang.

Qiu Qianren floats on the iron palm.

Wouldn't he just die?

Who dares to come forward?

Dare to show up again.

He was the next to die.

Although the Righteous Path camp has a large number of people.

But not with one heart.

If you rush forward.

It's hard to guarantee that someone is just shouting.

At that time, the real people will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Many righteous people looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time.

Lin Pingzhi's many beauties represent the sect.

Evacuations have also begun.

Even these righteous people don't want to leave anymore.

There is no way.

This is the case now.

If you don't go?

What are you doing here?

Go to a play?

Or wait to be killed?

Everyone looked bitter.

They also felt quite helpless.

However, the situation is stronger than people, so they can only swallow their anger.

"let's go……"

"Let's go, what a pity!"

"It's such a long journey for nothing."


With a lot of complaints.

They could only curse in their hearts.

Express dissatisfaction with Lin Pingzhi.

But if let them really say it.

They dare not yet.

After all, they are afraid of death.

With the righteous people, they gradually dispersed.

People in the devil's way had joy on their faces.

So many righteous people came to besiege Guangmingding.

Already in despair.

I never thought, but now I have repelled them!

"The dragon head is mighty!"

Ma Fangling, Lin Pingzhi's little fan, was the first to shout loudly.

With her leading the way.

Everyone in the magic way raised their arms and shouted.

Fight today.

It can be said that Lin Pingzhi slapped the righteous man in the face severely.

"Big Dragon Head, I'm afraid it will be difficult for our Azure Dragon Club to keep a low profile in the future."

Xiao Siwu walked in front of Lin Pingzhi.

Although listening to this, it seems to be blaming.

But there was a smile in Xiao Siwu's eyes.

Whether it is the evil way or the righteous way.

Everything you do is for fame.

Now Qinglong will become famous because of Lin Pingzhi.

It doesn't matter whether it is to absorb new congregations in the future.

Or conquer some small forces.

These reputations are very useful!

"It was my fault."

Lin Pingzhi covered his masked forehead.

A look of pity.

"But there is no way, I am so invincible! How invincible is, how lonely..."

Many magicians who were still cheering.

Hearing Lin Pingzhi's narcissistic words.

Suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched.

They had never seen such an arrogant person.

Wait until Lin Pingzhi finishes singing.

Yang Xiao stepped forward.

"Young Master, the brothers of the Five Elements Banner have received news that there are nearly [-] Mongolian officers and soldiers in ambush under the Bright Summit!"

He looked at Lin Pingzhi in a deep voice and said.

This news.

He could have said nothing.

After all, he is a demon.

What does the life and death of those righteous people have to do with him?

But even though Yang Xiao is a demon.

But his relationship with Ji Xiaofu before.

It is enough to know that he is a man with a conscience.

If they are righteous people, they will be wiped out by Mongolian officers and soldiers.

He was troubled.

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Yang Xiao.

This news.

He had thought about it a long time ago.

If you follow the original plot.

Zhao Min must have led people to round up those righteous people.

Needless to say, Yang Xiao would go to save people.

"I see, Hierarch Yang, you take someone back for repairs first, and I'll follow up to have a look."

Lin Pingzhi said.

Next, you can't act as "Gongzi Yu".

After all, those who are saved are righteous people.

If it's like Zhang Wuji's, it's both good and evil.

How embarrassing!

It is better to use Lin Pingzhi's identity to spread the good name.

"Da Longshou, it's not appropriate for you to go alone?"

Murongying held the long sword and walked to Lin Pingzhi's side.

He looked at Lin Pingzhi sincerely.

The long sword in his hand was about to move.

I saw Lin Pingzhi defeat many masters earlier.

There was also some itch in his heart.


Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

If Murong Ying followed, his goal would not be achieved.

He looked at the many dragon heads of the Azure Dragon Society who were eager to try.

"You all go back to repair and listen to Er Longshou's arrangement."

he said firmly.

As soon as the words came out.

Many green dragons will have dragon heads, with resentful expressions on their faces.

I always feel that there is a feeling of being rejected by the big dragon head.

Do you think their martial arts are too low?

Yang Xiao showed hesitation.

"Young master, the Mongolian officers and soldiers are coming so fiercely this time, if you go alone, I'm afraid it will be very disadvantageous!"

Nearly [-] Mongolian officers and soldiers.

How can it be solved by Lin Ping alone.

This is not just Yang Xiao's idea.

Even Lin Pingzhi's woman.

Dongfang Qingling and Ren Yingying also had the same idea.

"Why don't we go together? There are tens of thousands of our four major demon forces combined, and we still have the strength to fight!"

Ren Yingying looked at Lin Pingzhi with her beautiful eyes and said.

She finally saw Lin Pingzhi again.

I haven't encountered a relationship between Guan and Bao.

This kind of behavior between male and female friends.

Watching Lin Pingzhi leave like this.

There is also a lot of reluctance in my heart.


Lin Pingzhi was very decisive.

No matter what this time, he had to go by himself.


Ren Yingying felt a little wronged when she heard this.

Her eyes were already misty.

It could turn into a stream and slide down the face at any time.


Dongfang Qingling shouted softly.

She patted Ren Yingying on the shoulder.

Although she knew Lin Pingzhi relatively late.

But she knew Lin Pingzhi's character better.


Ren Yingying held back her tears.

She bit her lower lip lightly, and looked at Lin Pingzhi unwillingly.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't bear it.

But for Ren Yingying's situation, she can only turn a blind eye.

"Okay, let's go back."

Finished explaining.

He tiptoes lightly.

Swept down towards Guangmingding Mountain.

When no one is around.

Lin Pingzhi returned to his original appearance.

Prince Yu, the chief dragon of the Azure Dragon Society, has disappeared.

It was replaced by Lin Pingzhi, son of Mingyue.

Just when Lin Pingzhi had just recovered his original appearance.

The system beep sounded.

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