Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 794 Lin Pingzhi Appears?


Zhang Wuji was shocked.

How can the speed be so fast!

He doesn't understand!

How the hell is this done!

Facing Lin Pingzhi's big hand.

Zhang Wuji was caught off guard.

There was surprise in his eyes.

He hurriedly wanted to avoid Lin Pingzhi's slap.

But that slap followed like a shadow.

Zhang Wuji just dodged.

The slap was close to his face, and he followed.


A crisp slap sounded.

Zhang Wuji covered his face as if he was electrocuted.

His face was incredible.

Why can't I avoid this slap.

There is.

This slap, why did not use internal strength.

Why is it so weak?

Even to him, no substantial harm was done.

The corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth under the mask was a smile of success.

Does he want to kill Zhang Wuji?

Of course I do!

But he couldn't kill it.

Because of Zhang Ruoxu.

Since Zhang Wuji cannot be killed.

Then humiliate him severely!

"Come and have a good time?"

Lin Pingzhi sneered wantonly.

Don't you want to fight!

Then let you be beaten unilaterally.


Zhang Wuji shouted righteously.

There was anger in his eyes.

"How dare you humiliate me!"

He shouted towards Lin Pingzhi.

At the same time, both hands condense the internal force of the Nine Suns Divine Art.

Both fists hit Lin Pingzhi's chest.

"Hehe, Zhang Wuji, Zhang Wuji."

Lin Pingzhi turned sideways to avoid it.

Zhang Wuji's fists just missed Lin Pingzhi.


The corners of Lin Pingzhi's mouth curled up slightly.

His feet stretched out in front of Zhang Wuji.

Zhang Wuji, who passed by Lin Pingzhi, was tripped by Lin Pingzhi.

He staggered and fell to the ground like a dog eating shit.

This scene greatly boosted the morale of the demon forces.

"Okay! Great dragon head!"

"What Zhang Wuji, you are a clown!"

"Kill him and let him know how powerful we are!"


Just now Zhang Wuji was so arrogant.

Now being humiliated by Lin Pingzhi.

People with the power of magic are so cool.

Among the righteous forces that are opposite to the evil forces.

Their faces were as ugly as if they had just put on green prairie hats.

I originally thought that Zhang Wuji was a young hero.

in this battle.

Turn things around.

A direct battle against masters of magic forces.

Help them complete the plan to besiege Guangmingding this time.

Never thought, it turned out to be this kind of result.

Getting slapped in the ear and falling down?

Even if they went up, it wouldn't be so miserable...

Zhang Wuji buried his head in the ground.

His face, because of anger, has become distorted.

Dirt mingled in his teeth.

He hates!

I hate Lin Pingzhi.

With great difficulty, he won the opportunity to make a big splash.

That's it, the middle way collapses!


Zhang Wuji roared angrily.

He clapped his hands to the ground.

The whole person, like a zombie standing up, stood up directly.

"I am going to kill you!"

Zhang Wuji roared.

He waved his fists again and again, like machine guns.

He continued to bombard Lin Pingzhi.

However, Lin Pingzhi's figure was as nimble as a ghost.

No matter how Zhang Wuji throws his fist.

It was just passing by Lin Pingzhi's clothes.

Especially in the process of dodging.

Under the mask, Lin Pingzhi continued to sneer mockingly.

These sneers.

Excited Zhang Wuji so that his blood surged up and overflowed his forehead.

In his heart now, he only wanted to kill Lin Pingzhi.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to solve the hatred in his heart!

"That's it?"

Lin Pingzhi continued to sneer.

Just dodged Zhang Wuji's three punches.

Another backhand slap, slapping Zhang Wuji's face.

The other side of Zhang Wuji's face was also symmetrical.

They all became little red apples.

It's a pity that Lin Pingzhi didn't have the idea of ​​taking a bite.

"Daoist Ruoxu, if you watch the show again, I can't guarantee that I won't kill Zhang Wuji."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhang Ruoxu with his eyes closed behind him.

The voice was very flat.

It's like killing Zhang Wuji, but it's just a matter of lifting your hands.

Zhang Ruoxu still did not open his eyes.

But his lips trembled slightly.

"Wuji, come back."

Ethereal words are like thorns hanging from a beam.

Zhang Wuji was shocked.

The original madness disappeared.

He looked at Lin Pingzhi with horror.

He backed away resentfully.

Now he understands.

To deal with the "Gong Zi Yu" in front of him.

The strength is still too bad.

At least, now he is not an opponent.

"It's okay! I'm still young! I have the Nine Suns Divine Art to protect my body! Ten years, within ten years, I will definitely be able to defeat him!"

Zhang Wuji comforted himself in his heart.

He looked at Zhang Ruoxu, his head with red cheeks, slightly lowered his head.

"Yes, master uncle..."

After speaking, I was relieved.

Then he walked in the direction of Wudang faction.

at this time.

A figure floating like a fairy flew over Zhang Wuji's head.

The man was dressed in white.

There is a jade flute pinned to his waist.

With a handsome face, no matter whether she is a woman of the devil or the righteous way, she can't help but look at her a few more times.

"I've heard about the name of Master Yu of the Azure Dragon Society for a long time. I'm not talented enough, so I came here to learn."

Lin Pingzhi's words sounded.

"Gongzi Yu" looked at this scene, very satisfied.

This is the effect of hallucinogenic powder.

This came out, not bad.

Just lack of BGM.

With the appearance of "Lin Pingzhi".

Lin Pingzhi's beauties were all shocked.

Dongfang Qingling and Ren Yingying were almost stunned.

Although they were greeted by Lin Pingzhi before.

But now I see another "Lin Pingzhi" appears.

How not to be shocked.

The two girls looked at each other.

Want to see each other's eyes.

Get some answers.

However, it only got doubts.

Lin Qishuang from Tianxiang Valley had blurred eyes.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi, and she burst out with yearning, wishing she could throw herself directly into Lin Pingzhi's arms.

So did Tang Ya.

Ningzhong is better.

She had only separated from Lin Pingzhi not long ago, and she knew that Lin Pingzhi would come.

Didn't look too surprised.

But extinction is already about to cry.

It was just when she was defeated by "Gong Zi Yu".

In his heart, he was looking forward to seeing Lin Pingzhi again.

At this time, Lin Pingzhi's appearance moved her heart.

She glanced at Zhou Zhiruo and Yuan Ziyi beside her.

Seeing their eyes, they were also staring at Lin Pingzhi closely.

I can only hold back, that impatient thought is like a deer bumping around...

Ma Fangling, who has become obsessed with "Gongziyu", complained there:

"Cut, isn't he just a little boy, how powerful can he be! The big dragon head will definitely defeat him!"

As soon as her words came out.

The confidante of Lin Pingzhi present.

All of a sudden they changed color.

Especially Miejue Shitai.

"Little girl! Believe it or not, I tore your mouth!"

She pulled out the Yitian Sword that Zhou Zhiruo was holding.

There was a "clang".

Blade unsheathed.

Juejue held the Yitian sword, performed the Emei swordsmanship, and slashed towards Ma Fangling.


Ma Fangling exclaimed.

Du Yunsong beside her took a big stride.

Stand in front of Ma Fangling.

"If you want to hurt sister Ling, unless I die!"

He held up the epee without a front.

He wanted to smash towards the rushing extinction.

Lin Pingzhi was in the middle, and his head hurt a little.

I thought it would end here.

But exterminate this stinky woman, and come to make trouble again!

It's really itchy.

It seems that we need to learn a lesson.

Although it will be a bit tiring.

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