Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 792 Zhang Wuji's Righteousness

Tang Ya's eyes froze.

She was very flustered.

Because someone sneak attack.

If the "Gong Ziyu" in front of him wants to avoid being tricked, the only way is to keep going.

The sword in front of her was right in front of her eyes.

If there is no accident, it will directly stab into her chest.

She will also die because of this.

Although, "Gong Zi Yu" had never killed anyone before.

Most likely won't kill her either.

But now the situation is critical.

Whoever it is, will want to survive.

She had no reason to believe it.

In order not to kill her.

This Gong Ziyu was willing to take a blow from the sneak attacker.

When the Crying Blood Ghost Blade was only 0.0001 cm away from Tang Ya.

The blade turned.

The blade almost brushed against her skin.

Tang Ya was stunned.

Is this a coincidence?

He really can't stab her?

She doesn't believe it.


The sneak attacker punched Lin Pingzhi on the shoulder.

Only the sound of "咔咔咚" sounded.

Lin Pingzhi's bones were already cracked.

I was in a hurry just now.

He didn't have time to use the martial arts of body protection.

It can only be resisted by the Beiming Zhenqi that protects the body and the snake armor.

However, the true energy of Beiming was pretending to be false and dissipated in an instant.

But the snake armor blocked it.

But fists are no better than swords.

This punch caused some damage to his interior.

Followed by this punch.

Lin Pingzhi's figure also flew upside down and landed on the ground.

Tang Ya was unscathed.

She was stunned.

Why is that?

If Gong Ziyu kills her.

You can also dodge this blow.

But now...

In order not to hurt her.

This Gong Ziyu actually chose to take this punch hard.

"Big Dragon Head!"

People from the Azure Dragon Society rushed over in a hurry.

Dongfang Qingling and Ren Yingying were a little anxious.

But they dare not rush up.

at this time.

If they rushed forward, they would really destroy Lin Pingzhi's plan.

They fought back their worries.

You can only watch from behind.

"I'm fine..."

Lin Pingzhi clutched his shoulders and got up.

His right shoulder now.

Some powerless.

The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade has already been dropped by him.

Fortunately, Ye'er picked it up in time.

Don't hesitate.

Lin Pingzhi hastened to run the Shenzhaojing.

To deal with bones, it is still easy to use Shenzhao.

The huge and powerful internal energy of the Divine Illumination quickly repaired the injury on Lin Pingzhi's shoulder.

He gradually felt that his arms were gradually regaining strength.

At this moment.

Only then did he have the chance to look at the sneak attacker.

I saw that the sneak attacker looked so handsome and sunny.

It's even a little creamy niche.

Isn't it Zhang Wuji who is dead father and mother?

And before he got acquainted with Qiao Feng, he attacked him secretly!

Good guy.

Is playing sneak attack addictive?

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were sullen.

Zhang Wuji cupped his fists and saluted Tang Ya.

There was a smile between his brows and eyes.

"Sister Tang, thank you for keeping Gong Ziyu in check, so that I was able to seriously injure him successfully!"

But Tang Ya didn't playfully smile with him.

To know.

The consequences of Zhang Wuji's doing so.

He was betting on her life.

Zhang Wuji's sneak attack was unsuccessful, but he was able to retreat unscathed.

But if Zhang Wuji's sneak attack succeeds.

That Gong Ziyu wanted not to be hit.

Can only kill her.

Now Gong Ziyu wants not to hurt her.

He was seriously injured by Zhang Wuji.

This made it difficult for Tang Ya to accept.

There was a strange feeling in her heart.

Why did Gong Ziyu treat her like this?

Could it be because of Sister Tang Lan?

Tang Lan is Ming Yuexin.

She was the aunt of Tang Qingrong and Tang Qingfeng.

She is also Tang Ya's older sister.

Gong Ziyu's only connection with Tang Sect.

It is Mingyuexin.

But Ming Yuexin and Tang Sect are already life and death enemies.

Gong Ziyu has no reason to help her.

This is what Tang Ya doesn't understand very much.


Tang Ya snorted coldly at Zhang Wuji.

He didn't greet him with a smile as Zhang Wuji thought in his heart.

In her eyes, there was some coldness towards Zhang Wuji.

Without saying anything more, he turned towards Lin Pingzhi, took a look, then turned around and returned to Tangmen.

As for Zhang Wuji.

He looked at Tang Ya's face, which looked peaceful and friendly.

But in the eyes, there is a coldness hidden.

He hated Tang Ya in his heart.

But now, Tang Ya is not the point.

Even if Tang Ya is pretty.

But now, what Zhang Wuji wants is fame!

Huge fame!

"Heroes of the righteous way, next to Zhang Wuji, I have met you!"

Zhang Wuji reported his name and bowed to the righteous people.

Just when the righteous people wondered, who is this man named Zhang Wuji?

Song Yuanqiao of the Wudang faction suddenly had a bright light in his eyes.

"Are you Wuji's nephew?"

There was joy on his face.

He said to Yu Lianzhou and the others:

"He is Wuji, the son of Fifth Junior Brother! He is our Wuji nephew!"

Song Yuanqiao's words made Yu Lianzhou and the others elated.

They quickly surrounded Zhang Wuji.

Chatting with Zhang Wuji.

It seems that there is quite a sense of recognition of relatives.

On the side of the magical forces.

Yin Tian was looking at Zhang Wuji, his hands were shaking.

"Susu's child..."

He murmured, tears rolling in his eyes.

"Wuji! Wuji's grandson, I am your grandfather!"

Yin Tianzheng shouted hastily.

Want to rush over.

Reunited with Zhang Wuji.

"Yin Tianzheng!"

Murong Ying shouted directly.

"Good guy, it turns out that you and the righteous people are in the same group! No wonder you deliberately troubled us, the dragon head!"

Now Murong Ying is very angry.

It wasn't just Yin Tian who was angry, but Zhang Wuji's grandfather.

It was because of Zhang Wuji who attacked Lin Pingzhi earlier.

"Yin Tianzheng, you like to play sneak attacks, and so does your grandson. It's really a virtue! Whether you are in the righteous way or the devil way, you like to play sneak attacks!"

Ma Fangling said disdainfully.

For her, Zhang Wuji's behavior touched her bottom line.

When Yin Tianzheng heard the words, he was ready to get angry.


He pointed at Ma Fangling, very annoyed.

However, Zhang Wuji interrupted him directly.

"Grandpa, don't pay attention to her. I am a person of the righteous way, and that Gong Ziyu is a person of the way of demons. It is the duty of a person of the right way to subdue demons and eliminate demons. What is wrong with me?"

He said confidently.

I didn't feel how shameless his behavior was.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Yin Tianzheng.

"Grandpa, you bring the Skyhawk Cult to this matter, don't interfere, other Wuji will take care of it!"

He said very seriously.

why would you say so.

He wants to establish an image of filial piety.

Let righteous people praise him.

I also believe that with the presence of the Wudang faction, there must be no problem with the existence of a master of martial arts.

Yin Tianzheng had a smile on his face.

"Okay, okay, Wuji, I listen to you!"

he said with a smile.

For Zhang Wuji, he trusted 100%.

What's more, "Gong Zi Yu" has fallen!

The people of Skyhawk Sect began to separate from the demonic forces.

The faces of Yang Xiao and the others were extremely ugly.

Just then.

Zhang Ruoxu's eyes suddenly opened.

His figure moved!

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