Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 779 Night Attack?Ming Yuexin's inference

"Later, I will give you Mai Shengjiao a special assignment."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhang Jiejie on one side and said with a smile.

His purpose is simple.

That is to get close to Zhang Jiejie.

Zhang Jiejie was stunned.

She obviously did not expect that Lin Pingzhi would have such an arrangement.

But now, everyone listens to Lin Pingzhi.

Naturally, she couldn't object.


Zhang Jiejie taught by correspondence and obeyed Lin Pingzhi's order.

Yang Xiao seemed to think of something.

He took a step forward and looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"Da Longshou, as far as I can see, the Righteous Path Alliance may not attack today, but it is very possible that there will be a surprise attack at night. We have to guard against it!"

Yang Xiao's expression was very cautious.

He was right.

Guangmingding is a mountain.

The road is steep.

If it is a frontal attack.

The price paid will also be higher.

If it was a surprise attack at night, the casualties of the Righteous Path Alliance would be smaller.

It has to be said that Yang Xiao's worry is quite reasonable.

Lin Pingzhi frowned slightly.

He didn't think so deeply.

Because in the original book, there is no night attack.

Probably because of the need of the plot.

So Lin Pingzhi, subconsciously, thought that he would attack during the day.

Listen to what Yang Xiao said now.

Analyze again in my heart.

Immediately, I felt that there was a possibility of a surprise attack at night!

What the hell!

What an insidious Righteous Alliance!

The label of the villain is given to you!

Just when Lin Pingzhi was feeling anxious.

Mingyue Xin beside Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly.

"You don't need to worry too much, Hierarch Yang."

On Mingyue Xin's beautiful face, there was a smile of victory.

Her every frown and smile touched the minds of many men.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't wait to have her executed on the spot.

But considering, the occasion is not right now.

Moreover, we are talking about business.

Only then did he suppress the excitement in his heart.

Yang Xiao below, a little afraid to look at Ming Yuexin.

Even after Ji Xiaofu died.

He no longer has any thoughts about women.

Ming Yuexin in front of him at this moment almost aroused his most primitive desire again.

"Cough cough..."

Yang Xiao coughed lightly to ease the embarrassment.

"I don't know why the second dragon head made such a statement?"

He lowered his head and asked suspiciously.

If you don't take more precautions against night raids.

Once the Righteous Path Alliance succeeds.

In the chaos, they will undoubtedly lose.

He wanted to see what Ming Yuexin could do to deal with this situation.

Ming Yuexin stood up from her seat.

The light blue clothes hang down from the seat.

"The Righteous Path Alliance, what is the purpose of besieging Mingjiao this time?"

Ming Yuexin looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"Da da da……"

Lin Pingzhi tapped the armrest with his fingertips.

"It should be for the sake of fame."

he guessed.

If it is not for fame, why go on and on?

You know, even if Mingjiao is encircled and suppressed, it will still require a heavy price.

Is it really just for the sake of being able to eliminate demons and defend the way?

It is too noble to regard these famous families as decent.

If it is said that Mo Dao is a real villain.

That right way is a hypocrite.

Only people like Xiang Lin Pingzhi.

He is the real "gentleman".

"That's right, it's for fame."

Ming Yuexin nodded.

She gave Lin Pingzhi an appreciative smile.

Lin Pingzhi almost burst into blood again.

"For the sake of their reputation, they will not attack at night, and the war will definitely be aboveboard. They want this reputation."

Ming Yuexin continued.

She has already guessed the thoughts of those decent families.


Wei Yixiao was a little suspicious, so he stood up.

"Among these decent sects, there are some who didn't come for fame...for example, the Emei sect..."

When it comes to the Emei School.

Wei Yixiao glanced at Yang Xiao resentfully.

But he knew that there was some inexplicable grievances and grievances between Yang Xiao and the Emei faction.

Yang Xiao's eyelids twitched.

But the look is normal.

Ming Yuexin also noticed this.

An intelligence agency under Bai Xiaosheng's command.

There are also reports about Yang Xiao more than ten or twenty years ago.

She generally knows something.

"Don't worry, although Extinction is upright, it's not a fool."

Ming Yuexin said with a smile.

"First of all, regardless of the nature of Extermination, it is impossible to be willing to do such a thing as a sneak attack. Secondly, if Emei sends a sneak attack, it will only make other famous families decent and happy!"

She made an in-depth analysis of Miejue Shitai's character.

Lin Pingzhi felt no emotion.

Lan'er deserves to be Lan'er.

This level of IQ is simply awesome!

No wonder the huge Azure Dragon Club is managed in an orderly manner in her hands.

"good! "

Lin Pingzhi stood up and echoed Ming Yuexin's words.

"Take a good rest today. Tomorrow, regardless of whether the Righteous Alliance enters or attacks, we will kill it!"

His eyes narrowed.

From the position of the eyes in the mask.

A ray of light emanated.

Lin Pingzhi didn't want to wait any longer.

If you wait any longer.

I'm afraid Zhang Wuji will become a variable.

Yang Xiao and the others were all solemn and solemn.

They were not good stubble.

Lin Pingzhi's words were also their thoughts.

They can't wait to rush down to the Bright Summit and kill the Righteous Path Alliance under the Bright Summit!


into the night.

Zhang Jiejie was restless in the room.

Lin Pingzhi said it during the day.

He will find her to discuss the arrangement of Mai Shengjiao.

This made Zhang Jiejie very concerned.

After the discussion is over.

Zhang Jiejie waited for Lin Pingzhi after dinner.

But she waited from evening until late at night.

Still did not wait for Lin Pingzhi's arrival.

"This Gong Ziyu, is he playing tricks on me on purpose!"

Zhang Jiejie's beautiful eyes widened, and she said through gritted teeth.

She was just about to stand up.

Thinking that she is not Lin Pingzhi's opponent at all.

He sat down again.

"No! I have to go to Gong Ziyu to find out!"

Zhang Jiejie patted off the bed.

She has to ask.

What is Lin Pingzhi's arrangement for Mai Shengjiao?

Zhang Jiejie, who had already made up her mind, got up quickly.

when allocating rooms.

She kept an eye out.

Write down where everyone lives.

Came to Lin Pingzhi's room.

Zhang Jiejie discovered that the lights in the room were all off.

"Damn it! He fell asleep!"

Gritting her teeth, she wanted to knock on the door.



Zhang Jiejie was stunned.

She just wanted to knock on the door and wake Lin Pingzhi up.

Only to find that the door was knocked open by her.

With some hesitation.

Zhang Jiejie walked into the room.

Relying on the faint moonlight, she touched the side of the bed.

But it turned out that there was no one on the bed at all.


Zhang Jiejie was a little puzzled.

this late.

He was not sleeping, and he did not look for her.

Why did you go?


Zhang Jiejie felt palpitations in her heart.

She vaguely felt it.

There seemed to be someone behind.

Even, she could clearly feel it.

A light breath, blowing on her hair.

Zhang Jiejie widened her eyes.

Her hands feel like bosoms.

The cold light suddenly appeared.

But the short blade in his arms has not been drawn out yet.

She found that she couldn't move.

a big hand.

Clutched her wrist!

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