"What do you want Mingjiao to do for you!"

Yang Xiao looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

Even under the influence of Dementor Dafa.

He still kept in mind that he was a member of Mingjiao.

Even under the influence of Dementor Dafa.

Still unwilling to do things that hurt Mingjiao.

This is the last line of defense in his heart.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

"I don't need Mingjiao to do anything for me. When I need it, I will tell you, and you can choose to do it or not."

He said to Yang Xiao.

At the same time, the dementor method was lifted.

Now there is no need for soul-hunting Dafa.

Lin Pingzhi knew.

This is Yang Xiao's last question.

For Yang Buhui.

he won't die.

And the position of the leader of Mingjiao.

It is also his obsession.

Yang Xiao looked at Lin Pingzhi.

He didn't expect Lin Pingzhi to give him the right to choose independently.

"Is this true?"

Yang Xiao asked.

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

"That's right!"

He doesn't have to lie.

For Yang Buhui's sake.

Killing Yang Xiao is also somewhat unrealistic.

If Yang Xiao insists on dying.

He might choose to break Yang Xiao's tendons and cripple his martial arts.

It is better to die than to live.

Maybe Yang Buhui would thank him.

Prevent Yang Xiao from committing suicide.

Yang Xiao was silent for a moment.

He is making choices.

"it is good."

Yang Xiao nodded.

In the end, he agreed to Lin Pingzhi's conditions.

Only by living well can we better accompany Yang Buhui.

Yang Buhui heaved a sigh of relief.

Although she knew that the Ming Cult controlled by Yang Xiao would be restrained by Lin Pingzhi in the future.

At least Yang Xiao survived well.

Her father is still with her.

Seeing that Yang Xiao agreed, Lin Pingzhi agreed.

Nodding slightly.

Next, Yang Buhui needs to be dealt with.

Yang Buhui is Lin Pingzhi, the key to controlling Mingjiao.

Yang Xiao's only sustenance is her.

As long as Yang Buhui is here.

Yang Xiao will definitely be obedient.

"Let's go back first. When the Wusanren and the White-browed Eagle King come, I will make them surrender."

Lin Pingzhi said lightly.

As for his identity as Lin Pingzhi.

I haven't planned to say it yet.

At most, I can only tell Yang Bugui.

Yang Xiao didn't dare to resist Lin Pingzhi's words.

After all, you can't beat it.

I can only obey obediently.


into the night.

Yang Xiao and Wei Yixiao were discussing the righteous way of the world and the siege of Guangmingding.


The door was pushed open.

Lin Pingzhi walked in.


Yang Xiao and Wei Yixiao nodded towards Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi's current attire is still that of Gong Ziyu.

Yang Xiao is the leader.

Mingjiao people call him son.

It's his decision.

"Yes." Lin Pingzhi nodded, "Don't worry about the siege by the Righteous Path Alliance this time."

He said confidently.

Although he wasn't sure how many sects from the Righteous Way would come this time.

But the Huashan faction is not the Huashan faction in Yitian Tulong Ji.

As the leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

The Huashan faction still has a lot of right to speak now.

In addition to the words of the Emei faction...

Exterminate this beautiful nun.

Because of the existence of the favor card.

There are plots against him too.

If there is no accident, it can also be under control.

The only difficult thing is Wudang.

Now grab Zhang Wuji's chance.

The Wudang faction doesn't know who will be sent here.

If it's still Wudang Seven Sons, that's okay.

After all, he fought side by side with Song Yuanqiao.

Faced with Lin Pingzhi's identity, he was still able to speak.

But if it's the people on Mu Taoist's side.

It is estimated that there will be a fight.

But it's not a big problem.

On Mingjiao's side, he is here this time.

He won't be injured by Cheng Kun's surprise attack like before.

And there is also the assistance of the Azure Dragon Society and the Sun Moon God Sect.

It won't be as bad as the original.

But these things.

Yang Xiao and Wei Yixiao didn't know about it.

"My lord, this time the righteousness of the Jianghu is coming in menacing ways. The big sects and the small sects all want to get a piece of the pie, and gain a reputation for eliminating demons and defending the way. I guess it's hanging!"

In Yang Xiao's opinion.

Lin Pingzhi's martial arts are indeed high.

He was ashamed.

But what they are facing now are strong men from various sects.

It is not so easy to deal with them.

Just Shaolin and Wudang, the two great master-level sects, some of them are masters.

Even Yang Xiao felt ashamed of himself.

He felt that Lin Pingzhi might be a little arrogant.

However, due to Lin Pingzhi's martial arts, he was no match, so he didn't say anything.

Wei Yixiao didn't have so many scruples.

He has a different personality from Yang Xiao.

"My lord, don't underestimate those well-known and decent sects. Since the disappearance of Yang Dingtian, Mingjiao's leader, our strength has been greatly reduced. It's better to be more cautious."

Wei Yixiao expressed the worries in his heart.

He believed in Lin Pingzhi's martial arts.

After all, it was easy to beat Yang Xiao.

What he is afraid of is people of good standing who will bully the few with the more.

No matter how high Lin Pingzhi's martial arts are.

Two fists are no match for four hands.

Under the mask, Lin Pingzhi smiled.

"It's not a problem. Now you do your best and I'll heal your injuries."

he said with a smile.

Even though Wei Yixiao and Yang Xiao were worried.

But Lin Pingzhi's attitude was already obvious.

Some things are useless to talk about.

"Young master, the battle is imminent. Our injuries are not important. Don't consume your internal strength, then the loss outweighs the gain."

Yang Xiao persuaded.

Although Lin Pingzhi hurt him.

But he also saw how powerful Lin Pingzhi was.

His injuries are not serious.

Take a break.

The loss of combat power is not large.

But if Lin Pingzhi's internal strength is lost.

That is likely to affect the entire battle situation.

"rest assured."

Lin Pingzhi patted Yang Xiao's shoulder.

Yang Xiao was helpless.

He sat cross-legged in front of Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Wei Yi and smiled.

"Sit down too, and I'll heal you at the same time."

It is convenient and quick to cure one with one hand.

One by one, it is a waste of good time.

Wait, he still has to ram it!

Wei Yi smiled and was stunned.

"Young master, you are joking, come one by one, my cold poison does not happen overnight, don't worry."

That being said.


Wei Yixiao didn't believe that Lin Pingzhi could treat two people at the same time.

If the division of internal forces is not handled properly.

But it's easy to get mad.

Yang Xiao was also surprised when he heard the words.

"Young master, don't do that!"

He hastily persuaded.

If Lin Pingzhi becomes obsessed.

Who will deal with these decent sects?

Rely on him Yang Xiao?

That won't work!

It has to be supported by the people of the Qinglong Society.

If Lin Pingzhi went mad, he would be the head of the Azure Dragon Society.

Who will command the members of the Azure Dragon Society?

Lin Pingzhi felt a headache.

These people seem to have never seen the market.

It's not the first time he's done this.

"You guys talk so much nonsense."

Lin Pingzhi complained.

He shot directly.

"Da da!" Twice.

Yang Xiao and Wei Yixiao couldn't move.

The acupoints were tapped by Lin Pingzhi.

"Be good and do it well."

Lin Pingzhi helped them sit down.

Ready to start treatment.

Just when he was lucky enough to press his palms on their backs.

The sound of hurried footsteps rang in Lin Pingzhi's ears.

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