Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 760 Don't Let Zhang Wuji Get It!

What the hell is this?

What's the word on it?

Lin Pingzhi didn't recognize any of them.

If it is Japanese, Korean, English or something.

Even if Lin Pingzhi doesn't know him.

At least, you can know what it is.

But this shit, these crooked characters.

Just like a snake skin monster.

I have never seen it.

Who knows what Nima is!

This is a word?

Hieroglyphs and oracle bone inscriptions are easier to recognize than this!

Lin Pingzhi's mentality collapsed.

Xiao Zhao next to him kept staring at the Broken Dragon Stone.

"My lord, do you not understand what is written on it?"

With a smile on his face, Xiao Zhao said with some complacency.

It's no wonder I know each other so well... Lin Pingzhi complained in his heart.

No matter seeing the smile on Xiao Zhao's face.

He froze for a moment.

Is it...

"Xiao Zhao, do you know him?"

Lin Pingzhi asked in surprise.

With Xiao Zhao's expression, he must have recognized the words on it.

Otherwise, I wouldn't ask this question.

as predicted.

Xiao Zhao laughed.

"Of course I do."

She smiled sweetly.

It seemed that she was very happy to see Lin Pingzhi deflated.

Lin Pingzhi was overjoyed when he heard the words.

He directly embraced Xiao Zhao.

Kissing Xiao Zhao's face madly.

Fortunately, women in this era don't even put flour on their faces.

Otherwise, Lin Pingzhi's mouth would be full of powder.

It's like five yuan a mouthful.


Xiao Zhao shouted shyly.

She was a little embarrassed by Lin Ping's relatives.

Rao has done all the things that should be done and should not be done before.

But women are like that.

Shy at every turn.

Even if Xiao Zhao has the blood of the Western Regions, it is the same.

"Xiao Zhao, you are really my gospel!"

Lin Pingzhi laughed heartily.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhao was messed up.

Although the system did not give any rewards.

But Xiao Zhao was captured.

Xiao Zhao knew the characters on the Broken Dragon Stone.

It can also help him to obtain the Great Teleportation of the Universe on the Broken Dragon Stone.

Convert over.

In other words, the reward for attacking Xiao Zhao this time is the Great Teleportation of the Universe.

This counts.

The system doesn't seem to be that bad either.

Xiao Zhao, who was praised by Lin Pingzhi as the Gospel, also smiled happily.

"Xiao Zhao is also very happy to be able to help young master."

Xiao Zhao said with a smile.

She walked to Lin Pingzhi's side.

"Young master, the above is in Persian. Although I can recognize it, I have to do it slowly. Listen carefully."

Xiao Zhao said seriously.

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

He will definitely listen carefully.

However, Persian, this surprised Lin Pingzhi a little bit.

It turned out that Yang Dingtian knew foreign languages.

If this is placed on the earth.

Definitely a translator.

But this talk of Persian, isn't it embarrassing Mingjiao's juniors!

It's simply too much, too much!

Fortunately, he has Xiao Zhao.

Otherwise, you can only stare at these Persian words.

In the order of people in this world.

Xiao Zhao began to read to Lin Pingzhi, "The Great Shift of the Universe" on the Broken Dragon Stone.

"Senior, you can understand Persian, which surprised the leader of the sect, but the Central Plains Mingjiao and Persian Mingjiao have long since separated. You can understand Persian, which means that you are probably a member of the Persian Mingjiao. The universe has changed a lot. You Don't even think about it!"

Xiao Zhao's voice was very soft.

It sounds very comfortable.

"and then?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Xiao Zhao suspiciously.

Seeing that Xiao Zhao remained silent for a while.

Lin Pingzhi was puzzled.

Xiao Zhao shook his head.


She was a little out of sorts.

I thought it was a great shift of the universe.

Can help Lin Pingzhi.

Unexpectedly, it was just a passage from Yang Dingtian.

Lin Pingzhi was dumbfounded.


Is this gone?

Yang Dingtian, do you have shit in your head?

How the hell are you so talented?

The kraft paper says that the universe has moved a lot, and it is on the Broken Dragon Stone.

Now on the Broken Dragon Stone, what the hell is your nonsense?

Are you kidding me?

Lin Pingzhi was very angry.

"Yang Dingtian on this dog day!"

He said cursingly.

This guy has been dead for so many years, and he still wants to cheat him.

"Young Master, Master Yang has been dead for so long... Don't be disrespectful to the dead."

Xiao Zhao said softly.

Lin Pingzhi was also very helpless.

"Alright, alright."

Since Xiao Zhao said so.

Then don't scold it.

Cursed in my heart.

Yang Dingtian, you stinky idiot!

Yangdingtian deserves you to be green!

Yang Dingtian, you are so stupid!

Xiao Zhao saw that Lin Pingzhi was not in a good mood.

In my heart, I couldn't bear it.

"My lord, is it possible that there is no great shift in the universe here?"

Xiao Zhao said.

She intends to convince Lin Pingzhi that the Great Teleportation of the Universe is not here.

This way Lin Pingzhi might feel better.

But who is Lin Pingzhi?

He has read the original!

Even if the original book is different from this world.

But something that should exist.

It will still exist!

It's impossible for Zhang Wuji to take the Great Teleportation of Qiankun ahead of time, right?

The problem is, the current Zhang Wuji probably hasn't been to the Mingjiao forbidden area yet!

Zhang Wuji met Xiao Zhao in the forbidden area of ​​Mingjiao.

But Xiao Zhao was by his side.

It also made him work hard for a day.

That was Zhang Wuji, who must have not come yet.

But the problem came out again.

If Zhang Wuji hadn't come to the forbidden area.

What about the Great Shift of the Universe?

Could it be that Yang Dingtian did not leave a great shift in the universe?

This is impossible!

If Yang Dingtian didn't leave a great shift in the universe.

How did Zhang Wuji learn?


Directly "Ding, because you are Zhang Wuji, so you have learned the Great Teleportation of the Universe"?

Make fun of Nima International!

If Zhang Wuji has a system.

At that time Zhang Wuji made a sneak attack.

Lin Pingzhi would not have been injured, but directly beaten to death by Zhang Wuji.

"No! There must be a great shift in the universe!"

Lin Pingzhi said firmly.

Zhang Wuji didn't come to the forbidden area, so the Great Teleportation of the Universe must still be there.

Xiao Zhao sees that Lin Pingzhi doesn't believe that there is no great shift of the universe here.

Also very helpless.

"My lord, there is nothing left here. If there is really a big shift in the universe, where can the Yang leader hide?"

Xiao Zhao hugged Lin Pingzhi's arm.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi persevering in order to move the universe, she felt a little distressed.

"Let's not want this Great Teleportation, okay? Young Master, let's find a way to get out."

Xiao Zhao persuaded gently.

Her eyes were filled with a layer of mist, and she looked pitiful.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Xiao Zhao, and his heart softened immediately.

He also realized.

He was indeed bewildered.

He already has so many powerful martial arts.

The Great Teleportation of the Universe.

Maybe one day the system will reward him.

Why is it necessary to fight for this breath here?

Although, Lin Pingzhi had more thoughts.

It was because he wanted to prevent Zhang Wuji from getting it.

But he couldn't find the Great Teleportation of the Universe.

Zhang Wuji may not be able to find it either!

Lin Pingzhi planned to destroy the palace after leaving.

So what if Zhang Wuji is the Son of Destiny?

The palace is gone.

Can Zhang Wuji still learn to move the universe?

International joke!

"Okay, Xiao Zhao, don't cry, listen to you, let's go out."

Lin Pingzhi, who had made up his mind, said to Xiao Zhao gently.

He reached out and patted the back of Xiao Zhao's hand lightly.

But when you touch it.

But not as soft as expected.

Curious Lin Pingzhi looked down.

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