Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 756 Dai Qisi Let Me Take Care of You

Yang Xiao glanced in the direction of those eyes.

The owner of the eyes was suddenly taken aback.

Hastily shrank back.

Yang Xiao smiled.

He looked at Yang Buhui.

"No regrets, don't be so fierce to Xiao Zhao all day long."

Yang Xiao said with a smile.

Yang Buhui pouted.

"Where am I being fierce, I actually treat her very well, after all, she is Guangmingding, my only little sister."

she said unwillingly.

Because she was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child.

The attitude towards Xiao Zhao is also quite fierce.

Even when he was angry, he would attack Xiao Zhao.

But in Yang Buhui's heart, he really regarded Xiao Zhao as a sister.

Saying that, Yang Buhui looked at Yang Xiao.

"Daddy, it's you, why did you ask me to lock Xiao Zhao up?"

She was a little unhappy.

Xiao Zhao, who was locked up, had trouble moving.

Even if he wanted to play with her, he couldn't do it.

Yang Xiao looked at Yang Buhui dotingly, and patted her head.

"No regrets, you will know later."

he said with a smile.

There is a gleam in the eyes.

Yang Buhui curled his lips bored.

"Father, I heard from the people of the Five Banners earlier that someone broke into the forbidden area, what should I do?"

she asked curiously.

The Mingjiao forbidden area cannot be easily entered.

Even Yang Xiao couldn't go in.

This means that no one can arrest the person who broke into the forbidden area.

Yang Xiao smiled contemptuously.

"Don't worry, the forbidden area is called the forbidden area because there are many organs in the forbidden area."

The person who broke into the forbidden area must have no bones left.

When he was young, he also crossed the forbidden area by mistake and almost lost his life.

Fortunately, he escaped in time and concealed the fact that he had entered the forbidden area.


in forbidden land.

Torches illuminate the cave.

Lin Pingzhi also saw clearly the appearance of this Mingjiao forbidden area.

The walls everywhere are covered with spider webs, and it seems that there has been no sign of people for a long time.

Lin Pingzhi followed the dark road to the end.

But he found that there was no way in front of him.

"its not right……"

Lin Pingzhi was a little puzzled.

Isn't Cheng Kun here, having an affair with Yang Dingtian's wife?

There should be a passage here.

Why is the road here blocked like this?

Then Cheng Kun was found cheating and had nowhere to go, wouldn't he be beaten to death by Yang Dingtian?

No no no!

There must be a way here.

The more Lin Pingzhi thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

His eyes narrowed.

Look towards the wall in front of you.


Lin Pingzhi let out a doubt.

He reached out and touched the wall in front of him.

"The soil quality here seems to be a little different from that on the side..."

Lin Pingzhi stretched out his hand again, touching the wall on the other side.

all of a sudden.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly realized.

This day-to-day ratio is really insidious enough.

Cheating has to plug the hole.


The weeping blood ghost knife was unsheathed.

Lin Pingzhi was about to cut off the entire soil slab along the entrance of the hole.

After all, it won't be long.

Day by day this guy.

Will sneak in from here again.

Naturally, Lin Pingzhi couldn't be easily discovered by him.

At that time, the hole has to be sealed.

Just when the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade was about to be inserted into the earthen board.

Lin Pingzhi stopped what he was doing.

The blade of the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade also stopped in front of the clay board.

The sound of "swish".

It rang in Lin Pingzhi's ears.

The sound came from the opposite side of the clay board.


Lin Pingzhi was shocked.

He holds the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade in his hand, his eyes are like torches.

He still doesn't know who is on the other side of the clay board.

But in the place of Guangmingding.

It is very likely that it is an enemy rather than a friend.

Lin Pingzhi, who was holding the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade tightly, was very vigilant.

He controlled his breath to prevent the person opposite from discovering his existence.


Debris appears on the soil plate.

The person on the opposite side is destroying the soil plate.

Lin Ping took two steps back.


There was a loud bang on the soil plate.

Immediately afterwards, dust rose everywhere.

The Blood Weeping Ghost Blade in Lin Pingzhi's hand poked towards the entrance of the cave.

During this process, there was a "jingling" sound.

It rang in Lin Pingzhi's ear.

This is the sound of chains... Lin Pingzhi was a little puzzled.

Is it?

Is it Xiao Zhao?

Lin Pingzhi's sword slowed down.

Soilboards are completely stripped.


A sharp cry sounded.

Lin Pingzhi patted lightly with his left hand.

Palm wind raged.

The dust spread to both sides.

Lin Pingzhi also saw clearly the appearance of the person in front of him.

There was a look of horror in the delicate and beautiful eyes.

The facial features look a bit like a mixed race.

Both hands and feet are bound by huge chains.

"Xiao Zhao?"

Lin Pingzhi asked aloud.

Dai Qisi, the Zishan Dragon King, was originally from the Western Regions.

Her daughter, Xiao Zhao, seems to be of mixed race, which is also normal.

But Xiao Zhao looks really good.

Compared with his previous life, the actors of the TV series that Lin Pingzhi had watched were much more beautiful.

"Ah...you are..."

Xiao Zhao looked at Lin Pingzhi tremblingly.

The Blood Weeping Ghost Blade in Lin Pingzhi's hand made her a little frightened.

In particular, Lin Pingzhi directly named her.

How could this make her not afraid?

She came to Guangmingding for a purpose.

Could it be that the handsome son in front of him knew her purpose?

Looking at Xiao Zhao who was terrified.

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly.

"My name is Lin Pingzhi."

He reported his name.

Xiao Zhao's pupils contracted immediately.

"Master Mingyue, Lin Pingzhi?"

She exclaimed.

Although I have never seen Lin Pingzhi.

But she had heard of Lin Pingzhi's reputation.

Although her hands and feet are bound.

But she could still hear some news about the outside world from Yang Buhui and Yang Xiao.

Naturally, he knew who Lin Pingzhi was.

However, she never expected that it was Lin Pingzhi who broke into the Ming Cult's forbidden area.

Lin Pingzhi nodded slightly and didn't say much.

Xiao Zhao's shocked emotions also calmed down a lot.

"I don't know how the young master knows Xiao Zhao's name, and why he broke into the Ming Cult's forbidden area alone."

she said calmly.

After all, on the surface, she is still a member of the Ming Cult.

Now she is a little flustered, all she can do is to tear off the tiger skin of Mingjiao to protect herself.

"Not many people know your identity, but I do know. As for breaking into the Mingjiao forbidden area, it's very simple. My purpose is somewhat similar to yours."

Lin Pingzhi said calmly.

Xiao Zhao's martial arts are not worth mentioning.

He wanted to kill Xiao Zhao, it was easy.

But Lin Pingzhi is a gentleman.

How could he kill such a lovely person like Xiao Zhao?

If you want to deal with Xiao Zhao.

Lin Pingzhi plans to deal with it all at once!

Xiao Zhao's eyes were full of vigilance.

Lin Pingzhi was an existence she couldn't see through.

"What do you want to do?"

Xiao Zhao was a little scared, and retreated into the cave.

A wicked smile crossed the corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth.

"Don't be afraid, your mother Dai Qisi, but let me take good care of you."

Saying that, Lin Pingzhi followed Xiao Zhao and stepped into the entrance of the cave.

At the entrance of the cave, there is another cave.

It looks like a palace.

But Lin Pingzhi didn't look at the palace.

Instead, he took a thousand strides and directly pulled Xiao Zhao into his arms.

"Oh yes, I forgot to mention that Dai Qisi is the golden flower mother-in-law."

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly.

He clearly saw the panic in Xiao Zhao's eyes.

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