Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 752 Who Lied Who?

"That's not the point."

Lin Pingzhi directly avoided this topic.

Zhao Min's subordinate, Lin Pingzhi didn't care.

However, the chance of death should not be high.

But at least they should have passed out.

Anyway, there must be no combat power.

Zhao Min stared at Lin Pingzhi with wide eyes.

The death of her staff nurse is unknown.

If Lin Pingzhi left her here.

She can't get out.

Isn't that the point?

"Don't worry."

Lin Pingzhi touched Zhao Min's head.

"I'll take you out, and then I'll tell you about the second shortcoming of your trap."

Zhao Min was already frozen in place at this time.

Just now……

Lin Pingzhi touching her head?

How dare he?

No one has ever dared to touch her head.

Even her father, King Ruyang, never touched her.


Zhao Min still wanted to get angry.

However, Lin Pingzhi suddenly saw the Blood Weeping Ghost Blade appear in his hand.

Zhao Min was stunned.

What's going on here?

Why did this sword suddenly appear?

Lin Pingzhi looked back at Zhao Min who was astonished, and smiled slightly.

"It's just a trick of the rivers and lakes, calm down."

He's used to using tricks, the word to cover up.

Zhao Min stopped talking.

Lin Pingzhi let out a "clang".

He pulled out the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade.

"Then comes the second question of your trap."

As he spoke, Lin Pingzhi held the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade and kept slashing on the wall.

Sparks flew from the walls and many cracks appeared.

After doing this.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhao Min.

"Touch it, is the wall still slippery now?"

he smiled.

Curious, Zhao Min walked to the wall and found that the wall was no longer silky.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi.

But Lin Pingzhi squatted down slowly at this moment.

"Come up."

He said.

Zhao Min was a little puzzled.


She looked at Lin Pingzhi warily.

Lin Pingzhi gave her a blank look.

"If you don't come up, how can I take you out? Your men are all fainted. Do you really want to starve to death here?"

He complained and walked to Zhao Min's side.

"Isn't it good to come up by yourself? I have to let you come up."

Lin Pingzhi squatted down, folded his hands, and directly put Zhao Min on his back.

Feel the softness from the back.

Lin Pingzhi immediately felt refreshed.

"It's more difficult for me to jump up if I carry you directly."

He pointed to the hole above his head and said.

Zhao Min was immediately unhappy.

What does it mean?

Said she was heavy?

She was so angry that she wished she could directly crush Lin Pingzhi to death.

But considering that Lin Pingzhi wanted to take her out.

She still resisted the urge.

He glanced at Lin Pingzhi's previous scratches.

Zhao Min "hummed" twice, a little dissatisfied.

"You only have a scratch, how do you get out?"

A scratch can only be used by Lin Pingzhi once.

You can't jump too high by borrowing strength once.

There is still so much distance left, what should I do?

"don’t worry."

Lin Pingzhi spoke softly.

He fixed his eyes and mobilized his internal energy.


Get a big drink.

Lin Pingzhi took a little run-up and soared into the air.

A little over the previous scratch.

The whole figure bounced to the other wall.

Zhao Min stared helplessly at the wall in front of him, getting closer and closer.

If Lin Pingzhi does not take any measures.

Definitely going straight to the wall.

If Lin Ping is on the ground behind his back.

She was the one who suffered!

She will become Lin Pingzhi's meat pad.

"Lin Pingzhi, we are about to collide!"

Zhao Min exclaimed.

She didn't want to be Lin Pingzhi's meat pad.

"Don't worry."

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly.

He was flattered.

The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade flew up and down in his hand.

Scratches on the wall in front of you.

"Dah" sounded.

His feet stepped on new scratches again.

With a point of application.

Bounced towards the other wall again.

Zhao Min was stunned.

And this kind of operation?

Direct scratches in the air.

How deep is this skill?

Zhao Min can be sure that at least none of her subordinates can do this.

Just like before, Lin Pingzhi copied it twice again.

Successfully brought Zhao Min back to the gazebo.

The sun is setting in the west.

Zhao Min got off Lin Pingzhi with a complicated expression.

She walked to the agency control.

Close the hole again.

For fear of accidentally falling into it again.

"Come on!"

Zhao Min shouted loudly.

this point in time.

The guards should be guarding the surroundings.

But Zhao Min yelled several times.

Nothing happens.

She was a little wary.

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly.

"Don't shout, I told you, your guards must have fainted."

he said confidently.

Zhao Min glared at him and ran out anxiously.

Lin Pingzhi followed without haste.

At the lobby of Green Willow Villa.

Zhao Min stared at the scene before him in astonishment.

Her subordinates were all lying on the ground like corpses.

On the first place.

Dongfang Qingling and Ning Zhongze sat there, drinking tea slowly.

Zhao Min's eyes widened.

"Why are you here, what did you do to them!"

She couldn't believe what was in front of her.

Hundreds of guards, how could they lose to two women?

Could it be that Ning Zhongze of the Huashan School is so powerful?

"Don't worry, they are not dead."

Lin Pingzhi's voice sounded behind Zhao Min.

He walked slowly to Zhao Min's side.

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi with red eyes.

She wasn't angry because all her guards were knocked out.

She was angry that Lin Pingzhi had lied to her.

"It turned out that her anger was all feigned!"

Zhao Min stared at Lin Pingzhi viciously.

However, Lin Pingzhi didn't have time to answer him.

Dongfang Qingling answered directly.

"No, I'm not pretending!"

she said coldly.

"I'm really angry, but you ignore my experience with that bastard."

Dongfang Qingling said in a cold voice.

Her gaze was fixed on Zhao Min.

Doubt arose in Zhao Min's eyes.

She was a little confused.

What do you mean?

How did she know what Lin Pingzhi and Dongfang Qingling had gone through.

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi.

She has many doubts in her heart.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes seemed to see through everything.

"I know that you are resourceful and resourceful. If you speak kindly to me, you may have some plans."

He has read the original.

Wasn't Zhao Min just talking kindly to Zhang Wuji, but in the end he used all kinds of tricks?

"Because beautiful women can lie, you are beautiful, and Qingling is also beautiful, so you deceive each other."

Lin Pingzhi smiled triumphantly.

Before entering the Green Willow Villa, he had given Dongfang Qingling instructions.

Zhao Min is not an easy person.

If something happens.

Let her and Ning Zhongze get rid of all the people in the Green Willow Villa. .

Of course, just stun, not kill.

That's exactly what happened.

Zhao Min did have tricks.

Moreover, it also cleared the spirit of the East, making it very angry.

It's a pity that the road is one foot high, and the devil is one foot high.

Lin Pingzhi followed suit.

I just want to see what Zhao Min's plans are.

In the end, it turned out to be the same black hole trap as Zhang Wuji.

Lin Pingzhi was still a little disappointed.

Unfortunately, he knew that Dongfang Qingling and Ningzhong were waiting outside.

Otherwise, he really wondered if something could happen in the black hole.

Zhao Min felt a sense of frustration.

She found that Lin Pingzhi seemed to know her very well.

But she is not famous.

And met Lin Pingzhi for the first time.

Why did Lin Pingzhi seem to know her so well?

At this time.

There were rustling footsteps outside.

Zhao Min was secretly happy.

All the guards were knocked out.

There was no one to protect her.

And the sound of footsteps outside was her rescuer.

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