Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 750 Trap, pull Zhao Min together

Lin Pingzhi saw this.

Hastily palmed the past.

"Qing Ling! Calm down!"

Lin Pingzhi stared at Dongfang Qingling and said.

Dongfang Qingling's martial arts were not much weaker than him.

Although Zhao Min has practiced martial arts.

But that's just a show.

Compared to Dongfang Qingling, she was nothing short of flamboyant.

If this palm is real.

I'm afraid Zhao Min will die directly.


Two palms facing each other.

Dongfang Qingling took a few steps back.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi with shock.

As if to say: You beat me because of this woman?

At this time.

Zhao Min posted it.

She lightly rested on Lin Pingzhi's shoulder.

Chuchu looked at Lin Pingzhi pitifully.

"Did this elder sister get angry just now? Why is she angry? She looks so fierce, unlike me who only loves the young master."

She looked particularly aggrieved.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

It turns out that there was green tea in ancient times?

However, this kind of green tea is still hard for men to refuse.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to her properly."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

Ning Zhong sighed at this time.

"Hey, Ping'er, you disappoint me so much."

As she spoke, she turned around and looked at Dongfang Qingling.

"Qingling, let's go."

Dongfang Qingling nodded slightly.

At the same time, with anger in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Pingzhi.

Dongfang Qingling and Ningzhong left after waiting.

There was a flash of light in Zhao Min's eyes.

She no longer clings to Lin Pingzhi.

He went straight to sit opposite Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi directly grabbed Zhao Min's arm.

"Princess, where do you want to go?"

There was a slight smile on his lips.

After finishing the tea in a hurry, you want to leave?

How can it be so easy?

A trace of panic appeared in Zhao Min's eyes.

She pushed Lin Pingzhi hard.

Lin Pingzhi pushed the boat smoothly and let her go.

Zhao Min patted directly on the tea table.

A hole suddenly appeared under Lin Pingzhi's feet.

The dark hole.

As if to swallow Lin Pingzhi completely.

Complacency appeared in Zhao Min's eyes.

"Lin Pingzhi, wait to die."

she sneered.

Looking at Lin Pingzhi who fell.

Zhao Min had a smug look on his face.

What Mingyue son.

Not worth mentioning.

Can such a person threaten Da Khan?

For Lin Pingzhi.

Zhao Min can be said to be very familiar with it.

Outside Xiangyang City, Lin Pingzhi assassinated Kublai Khan alone, threatening Kublai Khan not to attack the Southern Song Dynasty within ten years.

This matter, the world knows.

Achieved the prestige of Lin Pingzhi.

Zhao Min, the Princess Ruyang King.

It can be said that he hates Lin Pingzhi so much.

Kublai Khan was the Great Khan of Mongolia.

It is the face of Mongolia.

Zhao Min wanted revenge a long time ago.

Today Lin Pingzhi delivered it to your door.

Everything before was her scheme.

Deliberately use beauty.

Let Lin Pingzhi have conflicts with his companions.

Wait until they leave.

She persuaded Lin Pingzhi to drink the poisoned wine again.

Never thought that Lin Ping was impatient.

Before drinking, I wanted to touch her.

Helpless, Zhao Min could only push Lin Pingzhi away and let him fall into the trap.

Zhao Min walked towards the entrance of the cave.

She poked her head out and looked at Lin Pingzhi below with a proud face.

"Lin Pingzhi, I thought you were so powerful, but I didn't expect you to be nothing more than that."

Zhao Min sneered and looked down at Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi was orderly, with a faint smile on his face.

"Is it?"

He asked rhetorically.

Zhao Min was stunned.

It was Lin Pingzhi who was obviously trapped, why did he look so indifferent.

"You can't come up, how dare you be so stubborn?"

She smiled contemptuously.

Although he couldn't see Lin Pingzhi's expression on his knees begging for mercy.

It's a pity for Zhao Min.

But Lin Pingzhi was so calm.

But it made Zhao Min a little confused.

Lin Pingzhi rubbed his arms.

"Although I can't go up, it doesn't mean I can't let you down!"

He smiled lightly and stretched out his hand towards Zhao Min.

Zhao Min, who was on the top, froze in place.

What does it mean?


She felt a strong pull.

This attraction caught Zhao Min unexpectedly.

"what happened!"

She panicked.

Now her body moved towards the hole uncontrollably.

Lin Pingzhi had a smile on his face.

"Princess, it seems that you don't have a detailed grasp of my situation!"

he sneered.

Zhao Min was stunned.

She just remembered.

Among Lin Pingzhi's martial arts, there is the dragon catching skill!


Zhao Min felt helpless.

But now she couldn't resist.

He could only watch helplessly as the soles of her feet dangled in the air.


Zhao Min came to the top of the cave.

There was no point of application under her feet, causing her to scream in terror.

"Don't be afraid."

Lin Pingzhi, who was below, smiled slightly.

He opened his hand and caught Zhao Min.

Follow the pull of gravity.

Zhao Min sank into Lin Pingzhi's embrace.

The body is stuck together with Lin Pingzhi.

"Lin Pingzhi, move your sword away!"

Zhao Min roared angrily.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.


Didn't the Crying Blood Ghost Blade be taken into the space by him?

Where does he have a sword?

However, the next moment, he froze suddenly.

He finally understood what the sword Zhao Min was talking about.

That's Big Forest.

Lin Pingzhi didn't pay attention, it turned out that Big Lin, inadvertently, had already held his head high!

"Uh, sorry!"

Lin Pingzhi quickly relieved Zhao Min.

He turned his back to calm the desire in his heart.

The cave was dark, very dark.

There is only a hole above the head that only one person can pass through.

There was light falling down.

With the weak light, Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi's back.

She didn't expect to be pecked by geese after hunting geese all day long.

In the past, she used tricks to murder people.

Unexpectedly, her trick this time dragged her into the water instead.

The smooth walls around made Zhao Min a little desperate.

And she had already ordered it before.

The guards were not allowed in without her order.

In other words.

It is very likely that she will spend the night here with Lin Pingzhi today.

Think of such a result.

Zhao Min panicked.

"Hey, Lin Pingzhi, is there a way for you to go out?"

She gritted her teeth, looked at Lin Pingzhi and said.

Let her spend so long with Lin Pingzhi here.

She was afraid that Lin Pingzhi would have evil intentions.

After all, she was not Lin Pingzhi's opponent at all.

"go out?"

Lin Pingzhi turned around.

Big Lin has calmed down.

He looked at Zhao Min indifferently, and asked:

"Why did you go out? Didn't you let me in?"

He naturally knew Zhao Min's worry.

He said this as a joke.

"Don't you want to go to your teacher's wife and your confidante?"

Zhao Min gritted his teeth and said.

She was almost pissed off by Lin Pingzhi's words.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

"I don't want to, why should I look for them with you as a beautiful woman?"

A wicked smile appeared on his face.

A look of panic appeared on Zhao Min's face.

The smile on Lin Pingzhi's face grew stronger.

"In terms of beauty, you are not inferior to them. In terms of status, you are the princess of Ruyang King of Mongolia, and your status is much higher than theirs. With the princess by your side, I would never miss leaving."

As he spoke, he walked slowly towards Zhao Min.

Zhao Min staggered back.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi approaching, she panicked.

"Lin Pingzhi, don't be impulsive, I'm just kidding you! Don't be impulsive..."

Zhao Min said fearfully.

But Lin Pingzhi didn't listen to her dissuasion at all.

And she, staggering, retreated to the wall.

Behind, there is no way to retreat.

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