"Ping'er, shall we go directly to Guangmingding?"

Ning Zhong looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

The three of them were on their way, naturally they were much faster than other sects.

Therefore, in Ningzhong, there is this question.

After all, it's too early to go, and the righteous martial arts haven't arrived yet.

They are likely to fall into the trap of the Demon Cult.

"No, let's go to Green Willow Villa first."

Lin Pingzhi shook his head and said.

Green Willow Villa is exactly where Zhao Min stayed.

After the six factions besieged Guangmingding, Zhang Wuji went to Green Willow Villa to rescue Yang Xiao and the others.

It is also in the Green Willow Villa.

Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min got married.

What Lin Pingzhi has to do now.

Just go to Green Willow Villa to cut off the beard.

"Green Willow Villa?"

Ning Zhong was a little puzzled.

Dongfang Qingling, on the other hand, gave Lin Ping a blind eye.

"Hearing this name, it fits your temperament very well, it's like a place where you are looking for flowers and willows."

She said slyly.

That night, Lin Pingzhi tortured her to death.

Directly tamp the scorpion.

It filled Dongfang Qingling with shame.

"Such a poetic and picturesque name of the villa is called a land of flowers and willows by you. I guess the owner of the villa will be half dead with anger."

Lin Pingzhi smiled.


Dongfang Qingling turned her head and stopped looking at Lin Pingzhi.

Seeing this, Ning Zhong felt quite helpless.

She found that Dongfang Qingling's attitude towards Lin Pingzhi was a bit strange.

On the way from Sun Moon God Sect to Ruyang Palace.

Dongfang Qingling obeyed Lin Pingzhi's words.

After leaving Ruyang Palace.

Dongfang Qingling's words were full of cynicism towards Lin Pingzhi.

Talking is also yin and yang.

She couldn't see what the problem was either.

But it's a matter of two young people.

Ning Zhong did not think about participating more.


The sound of driving horses sounded.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

"There are people from Mongolia, hide first!"

His voice fell.

The three quickly rushed to the side of the road.

People in the rivers and lakes rarely own horses.

In Mongolia, anyone who dares to swagger and ride a horse must be from Mongolia.

Except for the people of Mongolia, other people riding horses in Mongolia are courting death.

Horses are military supplies, and the control is extremely strict.


Another sound of riding a horse.

A familiar figure flitted in front of Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

He lifted his foot and was ready to catch up.

Ning Zhong quickly asked:

"Ping'er, what are you doing!"

The man who was riding the horse just now seemed to have very good martial arts.

If Lin Pingzhi rushed after him rashly, it might be something bad.

"Qing Ling, take good care of Master Mistress, I'll arrest him for questioning, and I'll be back soon."

After finishing speaking, Lin Pingzhi stepped on the dark night to Liuxiang, and strode towards the man who was driving the horse earlier.

Dongfang Qingling didn't stop her this time.

Not even yin and yang.

Because the man who drove past just now is a bad old man.

So she doesn't care about these at all.

If it was a woman, she would definitely not let Lin Pingzhi chase after him alone.

"Qingling, why don't you go and have a look with Ping'er, I'm a little worried."

Ningzhong cares about chaos.

She had forgotten how strong Lin Pingzhi's martial arts were.

"If he can't even beat him, it's useless for me to go."

Dongfang Qingling reminded.

It was only then that Ning Zhong remembered that Lin Pingzhi's martial arts was the highest among the three.

Also no longer speak.

Here Lin Pingzhi stepped on the dark night Liuxiang, and his speed was no slower than that of the man on the horse.

Soon, he used Dark Night Fragrance to keep pace with the man on horseback.

The man on horseback felt something in his heart and looked sideways.

When he saw Lin Pingzhi, his expression changed drastically.

"Shut up!"

He reined in, trying to stop the horse.

Following the inertia, the horse under him slid a few meters away.

He quickly got off his horse.

Facing Lin Pingzhi, he knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and nodded:

"Subordinates see the young master!"

The person riding the horse is Hong Antong, the leader of the Dragon Sect.

It was precisely because Lin Pingzhi saw Hong Antong that he caught up.

Because Hong Antong had already surrendered to him.

"Get up."

Lin Pingzhi said lightly.

Hong Antong stood up, a little afraid to look at Lin Pingzhi.

The latter looked at Hong Antong.

He remembered that Hong Antong should have followed Jiumozhi to the Mongolian Kublai Khan.

Why is it here?

"Where are you going?"

Lin Pingzhi asked.

Hong Antong looked at Lin Pingzhi respectfully.

"My young master, my subordinates have received the order from Princess Ruyang Wang to go to Green Willow Villa."

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

It is Green Willow Villa again.

"What are you doing at Green Willow Villa?"

Although Lin Pingzhi had certain guesses in his mind.

But he still wasn't sure.

So I didn't ask in detail.

I want to see what Hong Antong will explain.

"This time, Hunyuan Thunderbolt's hand, Cheng Kun, planned the orthodox martial arts and besieged Guangmingding. Princess Ruyang wanted to take this opportunity to directly wipe out the Central Plains martial arts, so as to reduce the resistance to Mongolia's attack."

Hong Antong said truthfully.

Lin Pingzhi nodded slightly.

This is true.

The biggest obstacle encountered by Mongolia in attacking the Southern Song Dynasty was not the Southern Song army.

The emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty was fatuous and incompetent.

The army under his command is also full of wine bags and rice bags.

Really tough.

It made Mongolia unable to break through Xiangyang for a long time.

It is the Central Plains martial arts forces.

Under the leadership of the green hat brother Guo Jing, they are brave and invincible, and they are not afraid of death.

Even if a group of people die, people will continue to rush to Xiangyang one after another.

This is the reason why Xiangyang City could not be captured for a long time.

As for Zhao Min's move, if he can succeed.

Although it is not enough to wipe out all the martial arts forces in the Central Plains.

But it can also solve the problem that can seriously damage the vitality of the Central Plains martial arts.

Wait until the Mongolian army marches southward.

It will be easy to capture Xiangyang.

Zhao Min's plan this time is really cunning and cunning.

"What does this have to do with your going to Green Willow Villa?"

Lin Pingzhi asked puzzledly.

"My young master, the reputation of my Dragon Sect in Jianghu is not very good, so what Princess Ruyang Wang wants is to let my subordinates lead the Dragon Sect to help Ming Sect, so that the righteous and the evil can be killed inseparably."

Ding Chunqiu answered honestly.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Zhao Min deserves to be Zhao Min.

Let Hong Antong lead the Dragon Sect to join Mingjiao and sow dissension.

As a result, the two sides will fight to the death, and their vitality will be greatly injured.

At that time, Zhao Min can easily arrest everyone by relying on Shixiang Ruanjin Powder.

"Your Dragon Sect is involved, and Ding Chunqiu's Xingxiu Sect is also involved?"

Lin Pingzhi asked.

The Xingxiu faction said it was a faction.

But in fact, its reputation is worse than that of Shenlong Cult.

It's just a dragon sect, and it doesn't feel like it's enough to stir up the situation.

With Zhao Min's IQ, he can definitely understand.

Ding Chunqiu's side, no accident, must have participated.

"That's right, Ding Chunqiu will also lead the Xingxiu faction to join the Mingjiao camp."

Hong Antong replied honestly.

"I finished contacting the Shenlong Sect and rushed to the Green Willow Villa ahead of schedule to meet the Princess Ruyang Wang."

As he spoke, he looked at Lin Pingzhi with some doubts.

I don't know what Lin Pingzhi plans to do.

"You go first, I will go to Green Willow Villa later, you just pretend you don't know me."

Lin Pingzhi waved his hand.

It seems that there should be many masters in Green Willow Villa.

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