Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 745 Rose Sword Yan Nanfei

"Ding, conquer Han Ji and get a reward: Tobacco Leaf Clothes."

[Tobacco Leaf Clothes: Armor that can emit smoke, causing the opponent to stun and hallucinate.

Lin Pingzhi didn't expect the system to give him such a good thing.

This effect is somewhat similar to hallucinogenic powder.

Looking at the tired and satisfied Han Ji, Lin Pingzhi decided to give her the tobacco leaf clothes.

Compared with her powerlessness.

Although King Ruyang is going out today.

But I don't know when I will come back.

If there are tobacco leaf clothes.

Instead, Han Ji can protect herself.

Will not be bullied by King Ruyang.

As for taking Han Ji away?

Lin Pingzhi felt helpless.

When he straightened his waist, he asked Han Ji.

Han Ji was unwilling to leave.

Afraid of causing trouble to him.

Lin Pingzhi knew.

Han Ji didn't have too much affection for him.

It's just that I don't want to give the first time to Ruyang Wang, a bad old man.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Luohong who was on the bed, and smiled helplessly.

"This tobacco leaf coat is for you."

He said that the tobacco leaf clothes were placed by Han Ji's bedside.

"Remember to wear it at all times, it can protect you."

Han Ji's beautiful eyes stared at Lin Pingzhi.

She felt like she was going to be blown apart.

"You are really not human..."

Han Ji's voice trembled.

When it started, it was late at night.

Now it is dawn.

Lin Pingzhi touched his nose.

"I can't help it, I can't control it..."

He was also thinking about going back to find Dongfang Qingling.

But at that time, he was attacking Han Ji.

I have forgotten the others in my mind.

Han Ji rolled her eyes at Lin Ping.

Thinking of the beauty of last night, a trace of blush appeared on her face.

"Go quickly, the prince will go to the barracks later, and I have to see him off."

Han Ji said softly.

She could feel that the stream seemed to become a river.

I'm afraid it will be uncomfortable to walk today.

Lin Pingzhi nodded slightly.

Indeed, it was getting late.

He still has to go back to deal with Dongfang Qingling.



Lin Pingzhi returned to the room.

But he saw Dongfang Qingling sitting on his bed with bloodshot eyes.

Apparently a sleepless night.

"You know how to come back?"

Dongfang Qingling stared at Lin Pingzhi.

She originally thought that tonight would be the night they went to Wushan together.

Unexpectedly, Lin Pingzhi did not return overnight.

"It seems that Princess Zhao Min is very moist, you look refreshed."

Dongfang Qingling looked at Lin Pingzhi strangely and said.

Lin Pingzhi was a little embarrassed.

"Qing Ling, she is not Zhao Min."

He didn't know what to say.

It was his fault too.

The harmed Dongfang Qingling waited in the room all night.


Dongfang Qingling snorted coldly.

He bypassed Lin Pingzhi and went back to her room.

Lin Pingzhi was helpless.

He wanted to chase after him, but he didn't think about what to say.

"Qing Ling, rest first."

Lin Pingzhi said softly.

Time passed by and it was already noon.

The three of Lin Pingzhi gathered around a table to eat.

Ning Zhong glanced at Dongfang Qingling with some doubts.

"Miss Qingling, it seems that you didn't sleep well last night?"

she said with concern.

"Thank you for your concern, it's okay."

Dongfang Qingling said coldly.

Seeing this, Ning Zhong couldn't say much.

He just looked at Lin Pingzhi and Dongfang Qingling.

Always feel like something is going on.

"Come here, Qingling, eat this, this is delicious."

Lin Pingzhi embarrassed Dongfang Qingling with a piece of meat.

Dongfang Qingling didn't speak, and just ignored Lin Pingzhi's meat.

Do not touch, do not eat.

Lin Pingzhi had a headache.

It seems that we have to find a chance to comfort Dongfang Qingling tonight.

"The flowers are not withered, the moon is not thick, where does the bright moon shine? There are roses at the end of the world."

A familiar voice rang out.

Lin Pingzhi turned his head to look.

The blood-red rose sword, the purple robe, and the handsome face.

It was one of the dragon heads of the Azure Dragon Society, Qiangwei Sword Yan Nanfei.

When Lin Pingzhi looked at him.

Yan Nanfei also looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"Your Excellency is Qiangwei Sword Yan Nanfei?"

Ning Zhong's eyes lit up.

Yan Nanfei's reputation in the righteous way can be said to be prestigious.

Famous, one person with one sword, picked several cottages.

Yan Nanfei looked at Ning Zhongze with a gentle smile on his face.

"It's right here, it must be the Ning Ningxia of the Huashan School right now?"

he said with a smile.

At the same time, he stood up, carrying a jug of wine, and came to Lin Pingzhi's table.

The table has four seats.

Ning Zhong and Dong Fang Qing Ling sat on the left and right of Lin Pingzhi respectively.

Yan Nanfei took a drink and sat opposite Lin Pingzhi.

"This one must be the famous Mr. Mingyue, Lin Pingzhi, Mr. Lin?"

He looked at Lin Pingzhi with a smile on his lips.


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

He knew that Yan Nanfei recognized him.

"I have admired Mr. Mingyue's name for a long time, and Yan Mou offers you a toast!"

Yan Nanfei picked up the wine and went to pay respects to Lin Pingzhi.

Immediately afterwards, he drank it all in one gulp, appearing quite bold.

Then he looked at Dongfang Qingling.

There was also a burst of astonishment in my heart.

He had never heard of this red-robed woman.

It can be seen that its aura is much stronger than him.

"I don't know who you are?"

Yan Nanfei looked at Dongfang Qingling and asked.

Dongfang Qingling didn't even look at Yan Nanfei.

"I'm stuffed."

After speaking, she went directly upstairs.

Lin Pingzhi was fine.

Yan Nanfei was his subordinate.

But Ning Zhong was a little embarrassed.

"That's the way she is. Hero Yan, I offer you a toast."

Ning Zhong also picked up his wine glass and toasted Yan Nanfei.

This glass of wine can be regarded as an apology for Dongfang Qingling's unreasonableness.

"Ningxia's wine, Yan must drink it, hahaha!"

Yan Nanfei smiled, clinked his glass, and drank it down in one gulp.

The three exchanged pleasantries.

Wait until you are full.

Lin Pingzhi and Ning Zhong talked and left the inn.

He found a deserted alley.

Wait for less than ten breaths.

Yan Nanfei's figure appeared in front of Lin Pingzhi.

"Yan Nanfei, see the dragon head!"

He knelt down on one knee towards Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi nodded slightly.

At the foot of Huashan Mountain, Lin Pingzhi and Xiao Siwu met each other in the identity of Gong Ziyu.

He did not meet Yan Nanfei directly.

Now Yan Nanfei recognized his identity as Lin Pingzhi.

Ming Yuexin must have told Yan Nanfei.

In other words, the situation of the Azure Dragon Club has been completely controlled by Ming Yuexin.

Bai Xiao was born in the Azure Dragon Club, and it was no longer a thing.

For Lin Pingzhi, this is good news.

He couldn't help feeling that, as expected of Lan'er, no matter her means or scheming, she was as powerful as her beauty.

"You came to see me, Erlongshou, what's the matter?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Yan Nanfei and asked.

Ming Yuexin must have something to do with him.

Otherwise, it would not be possible for Yan Nanfei to come in person.

Either Mingyuexin is in trouble.

Either it is the Azure Dragon Club, which has big trends.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Yan Nanfei to come in person.

Yan Nanfei was an important pawn buried in the righteous path of the Qinglong Society.

It was Yan Nanfei who reported the actions of many righteous people to encircle and suppress the Qinglong Society, so that the Qinglong Society could be invincible.

It is definitely a big deal to have such an important chess piece come here!

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