Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 742 Soldiers of Ruyang Palace

The matter of the Sun Moon God Sect came to an end.

Everything went smoothly than Lin Pingzhi imagined.

Qu Feiyan followed Huang Zhonggong to travel around the rivers and lakes.

When I am tired, I will go back to Meizhuang to live for a while.

Both Ren Woxing and Xiang Wentian returned to the Sun Moon God Sect.

Assistant Protestant Director Ying Ying.

As for Dongfang Qingling and Ningzhongze.

They still followed Lin Pingzhi.

And Lin Pingzhi's destination this time.

It is to go to Ruyang Prince's Mansion and meet Zhao Min for a while.

The three found an inn.

"Shopkeeper, just serve good wine and good food."

Lin Pingzhi shouted.

He, Ning Zhongze and Dongfang Qingling sat on the table and waited.

"Ping'er, is the Princess of Ruyang Palace really as powerful as you say?"

On the way, Ningzhong also heard Lin Pingzhi mention about Zhao Min.

A trace of disdain emerged from the corner of Dongfang Qingling's mouth.

"If she dares to appear in front of me, I can kill her with one shot."

Lin Pingzhi felt a little bitter.

After following him, why can't he change his habit of killing people at every turn?

Zhao Min must start with it.

Of course, we have to see if Zhao Min is as good-looking as in the original book.

"It's not martial arts that makes her great. Even if Qing Ling is good at martial arts, you may not be able to deal with her."

Lin Pingzhi shook his head helplessly.

In the original after all.

Zhang Wuji, who had achieved great feats of Nine Suns, was devoured to death by Zhao Min.

Dongfang Qingling's upright killing of embryos may not be able to bear it when she meets Zhao Min.


Dongfang Qingling snorted coldly.

Apparently it was because Lin Pingzhi favored Zhao Min because of his jealousy.

Ning Zhong smiled slightly.

She was no stranger to this scene.

The original Dongfang Bubai has become the fact that Dongfang Qingling has gradually accepted it.

And I think Dongfang Qingling is not bad.

"Ping'er, did you come to Ruyang Palace to kill her or..."

Ning Zhong looked around and said cautiously.

After all, this is the territory of Mongolia.

And it's not far from Ruyang Palace.

Rao had Lin Pingzhi, who was a master of martial arts, but Ning Zhong was also afraid that these words would be listened to by others.

"Wait and see, not sure yet."

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

Naturally, he couldn't tell Ning Zhong that, Master, Ping'er wants to bring her to the couch as well, to be with you.

Such ridiculous words.

Even if Ning Zhong was not angry, he would probably accuse Lin Pingzhi a few words.

"In my opinion, it's better to kill him."

Dongfang Qingling scoffed.

She was in the Qing Dynasty, but she had seen how many women were harmed by Lin Pingzhi.

Now this Zhao Min, Dongfang Qingling guessed, maybe Lin Pingzhi also thought the same.

Lin Pingzhi looked a little embarrassed.

He knew that Dongfang Qingling had guessed his thoughts.

"Okay, let's eat quickly, stay overnight after eating, and then I will go to Ruyang Palace at night to see how the situation is."

Lin Pingzhi said.

The food and drink have been served.

Lin Pingzhi and the others began to eat.

At this time, noisy voices sounded from outside the hotel.

"Get out of the way, the young master wants to eat, get out!"

Mixed with it, there was the sound of blades being unsheathed, and the sound of tables and chairs being destroyed.

Ning Zhong frowned.

She grabbed the long sword beside her and was about to strike.

Ning Xia, who loves to fight against injustice, can't see this kind of person running amok at all.

"and many more."

Lin Pingzhi pressed Ning Zhongze.

He didn't intend to let Ning Zhongze make a move.

Because the people who come are not easy.

From the footsteps, he could hear that these people were well-trained soldiers.

Definitely not the servants of ordinary people's homes and nursing homes.

Ning Zhongze moved his hand away from the scabbard.

Lin Pingzhi asked her to wait, so she waited.

At this time Lin Pingzhi looked at Dongfang Qingling again.

"I didn't let you do it, so don't do it yourself."

She was afraid of Dongfang Qingling, so she shot and killed him directly.

Dongfang Qingling raised her head proudly.

"I don't like chivalry."

Even so, she didn't intend to do anything.

As footsteps approached.

Lin Pingzhi slowly turned his head to look.

But I saw a woman disguised as a man, surrounded by soldiers dressed as domestic servants, walking into the inn.

She flapped the white jade fan in her hand and looked around.

But seeing Lin Pingzhi's side, he didn't drive away, and frowned slightly.

"Why are they still there?"

She pointed her fan at Lin Pingzhi.

Most of the people in the inn have been driven away.

Lin Pingzhi and the others were relatively close to the inside, so they survived.

At this time, the young man dressed as a man spoke, and those soldiers ran to Lin Pingzhi's side.

"Young master has spoken, if you don't want to die, get out immediately."

The soldiers came to Lin Pingzhi's side, and they stretched out their hands to grab Lin Pingzhi's collar.

Lin Pingzhi leaned back slightly and hit an elbow.

Knock that soldier into the air a few meters away.

"Damn, he dared to do it! Kill him!"

Lin Pingzhi's actions made the soldiers furious.

They "Qiang Qiang" drew out their weapons and surrounded Lin Pingzhi's table.

"Soldiers of the Ruyang Palace, are they so good?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled contemptuously.

He tapped his palm on the table.

The whole person bounced up instantly.

Stepping on Lingbo microsteps.

In the blink of an eye, all the soldiers were sent flying by Lin Pingzhi.

They lay on the ground crying in pain.

Lin Pingzhi was almost sure that this young man who disguised himself as a man was Zhao Min.

Besides her, who else in Ruyang Palace is interested in dressing up as a man?

"Zhao Min" glanced at Lin Pingzhi, his eyes lit up.

Especially when she looked into Lin Pingzhi's eyes.

A blush appeared on that pretty face.

"Do you know that I am from Ruyang Palace?"

she said softly.

The voice was intentionally rough.

Obviously, in order to pretend to be a man, he did a lot of work.

Lin Pingzhi sat back in his original position, turned around, and looked at "Zhao Min".

"They are obviously not ordinary domestic servants. Except for the people from Ruyang Palace, who would dare to be so domineering here?"

Lin Pingzhi said jokingly.

This is secretly cursing the Ruyang Palace.

But "Zhao Min" didn't seem to be angry.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi carefully.

From hair to feet.

It's like not letting go of anything.

In the end, her gaze was fixed on the 24th bridge moonlit night at Lin Pingzhi's waist.

"Are you Lin Pingzhi?"

"Zhao Min" eyes lit up.

It seems that because of the moonlit night at the 24th bridge, he recognized Lin Pingzhi's identity, and he seemed a little happy.

This kind of behavior made Lin Pingzhi somewhat astonished.

Could it be that she is the same as A Ke?

The name of Mr. Mingyue is so useful?

Can you let a woman throw herself into her arms?

"It's Mr. Lin, may I ask your Excellency?"

Lin Pingzhi reported his name.

He wanted to hear what name this "Zhao Min" would make up to perfuse him.

But "Zhao Min" didn't answer yet.

Then a soldier hurried to "Zhao Min" and handed her a letter.

"Zhao Min" didn't dare to hesitate.

After reading the letter, her expression changed.

At this moment, he didn't care about talking to Lin Pingzhi.

"let's go."

The soldiers of Ruyang Prince's Mansion retreated quickly.

Lin Pingzhi froze in place.

What the fuck?

Why don't you tell me your name?

So disrespectful?

Damn it!

"Don't look, everyone is gone."

Dongfang Qingling sneered.

She had already seen that that person was a woman disguised as a man.

Lin Pingzhi's face was a little ugly.

He had some doubts in his mind.

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