Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 725 Let Woxing See the Sun Again

As soon as the words came out.

Lin Pingzhi's face turned cold instantly.

"Xiang Wentian, do you want to die too?"

He said coldly.

Let Qu Feiyan stay with Huang Zhonggong?

What did he think?

Couldn't he see that Qu Feiyan didn't want to stay with Huang Zhonggong?

Is he blind?

Xiang Wentian was shocked.

He could clearly feel the killing intent emanating from Lin Pingzhi's body.

And the target of the killing intent was Xiang Wentian.

He was a little scared.

"Qu Yang was the elder of my God Sect before he was alive. Even though he is dead now, if he is his granddaughter, he should contribute to the God Sect and save Ren Sect Leader. It must be...!"

Xiang Wentian was stubborn, he hadn't finished speaking yet.

With a sound of "咻", the sound of piercing the air resounded.

A meteorite flying knife brushed his scalp and flew past.

Cut off, and his hair.

"Just say one more thing, this flying knife is piercing your mouth."

Lin Pingzhi said indifferently.

If it wasn't for Ren Yingying's face.

The throwing knife just now was not a warning.

Instead, he directly killed Xiang Wentian.

Xiang Wentian couldn't say what he hadn't said yet.

He opened his mouth to say something.

Ren Yingying also shook her head.

"Uncle Xiang, stop talking. If Feifei is happy staying with Huang Zhonggong, I will have nothing to say, but if I want to sacrifice Feifei's happiness to save my father, I can't do it."

Ren Yingying said rather sadly.

If Qu Feiyan didn't stay with Huang Zhonggong, maybe Huang Zhonggong would not let her father be released.

"Oh, that's all, as long as you go wherever you want, just be happy."

Huang Zhonggong shook his head helplessly.

Qu Feiyan was moved.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Grandpa Huang, Feifei will visit you often in the future..."

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

Huang Zhonggong treats Qu Feiyan like his own granddaughter.

She also saw it in her eyes and remembered it in her heart.

He also has feelings for Huang Zhonggong.

Although Huang Zhonggong always called her Yan'er, she obviously called Feifei.

"Can you let Master Ren go..."

In Qu Feiyan's voice, there was a little pleading.

Huang Zhonggong was silent for a while.

Then he nodded heavily.

When Qu Feiyan saw her, she was overjoyed.

Tears of happiness flowed from the corners of Ren Yingying's eyes.

Heiheizi panicked.

"No, big brother!"

He wants to stop it.

After all, he really wants it too much, to attract stars.


Lin Pingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, staring closely at Black and White.

Black and white seeds are like stuck in the throat.

I dare not say what follows.

"Second brother, more than ten years have passed, why are you so obsessed with the method of absorbing stars?"

Huang Zhonggong sighed.

How could he not know what Black and White was thinking?

After all decades of brotherhood.

Black and white sons froze in place.

He looked at Huang Zhonggong in astonishment.

"Brother...you know everything?"

when saying this.

Heiheizi's voice was trembling all the time.

He thought he was hiding it from everyone, but he didn't expect his elder brother to know all about it.

Huang Zhonggong shook his head helplessly.

"You copy the keys of my third brother and fourth brother, and every once in a while, you have to go to see him and beg him to teach you the method of absorbing stars. know?"

As a brother, there are some things that you just need to know, and you don't need to say it clearly.

If it wasn't for the fact that Black and White had been refusing all the time today, he would have let me go.

He didn't intend to say anything about it.

"Brother, I was wrong!"

Heiheizi quickly knelt down.

When their brothers lived in seclusion, they agreed to retire from the Jianghu and not to interfere in the disputes between the Jianghu.

But he is always thinking about the star-absorbing Dafa.

This defeats the purpose of their seclusion.

"Get up, time is passing, we are not young, even if you practice the star-absorbing method, can you live forever? Second brother, be careful."

Huang Zhonggong said earnestly.

"What's more, even Master Ren, who knows how to absorb stars, is imprisoned at the bottom of the West Lake Prison? Powerful martial arts doesn't mean that he is invincible!"

Lin Pingzhi nodded aside.

He had to sigh with emotion.

Older gingers are more spicy.

Huang Zhonggong is quite open-minded.

"Please, Master, take us in."

Lin Pingzhi clasped his fists and said.

The clasped fists are for Huang Zhonggong's understanding.

He is a respectable elder.

Huang Zhonggong nodded.

"The road inside is narrow, and only one person can pass through. Which one of you will follow me?"

"I'll go!" Ren Yingying said impatiently.

She really wanted to see Ren Yingying soon.

"Yingying, let's go."

Lin Pingzhi said.

The matter is basically settled, Ren Yingying will not be in any danger next time.

Huang Zhonggong reached out to his younger brothers.

"Give me the key."

Hei Hei Zi and the other three did not dare to disobey.

Obediently gave the key to Huang Zhonggong.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Huang Zhonggong came back with Ren Yingying.

Ren Yingying helped the old man with disheveled hair.

There was a foul smell coming from him.

Beard all over the face.

Lin Pingzhi knew that this was his father-in-law, let me do what I wanted.

The moment when Xiang Wentian saw Ren Woxing again.


"Subordinate Xiang Wentian, see the leader! Welcome back the leader, the leader will rule the world forever!"

Xiang Wentian hurriedly knelt down and saluted Ren Wo.

"Shift to the left, stay safe."

Under Ren Woxing's disheveled long hair, a pair of refined eyes were revealed.

His voice was hoarse.

For more than ten years, he has spoken very rarely.

"As long as the leader is safe and sound, the subordinates will die!"

There were tears in Xiang Wentian's eyes.

Seeing Ren Woxing again, he was too excited.

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Xiang Wentian.

It has to be said that Xiang Wentian is indeed loyal.

Just no eyesight.

"Baby girl, Yingying, let Daddy take a bath first, he hasn't bathed in more than ten years, it stinks to death!"

Ren Woxing said gently.

He felt guilty towards Ren Yingying.

No matter how hot-tempered he is, for Ren Yingying, his temper is very gentle.

Xiang Wentian took Ren Woxing down to wash up.

when they reappear.

A clean and tidy Ren Woxing appeared in front of everyone.

Ning Zhong trembled nervously when he saw Ren Woxing.

More than ten years ago, Ren Woxing single-handedly killed many masters of Wuyue Sword Sect, exhausted to parry.

"Master, don't worry, everything is up to me."

Lin Pingzhi patted the back of Ning Zhongze's hand lightly, and comforted him.

Although Ren Woxing is his father-in-law.

But if you want to make a move on the teacher's wife.

Lin Pingzhi also followed suit.

It's not that I haven't beaten my father-in-law.

Wasn't the number of monks who didn't quit being beaten by him less?

Anyway, they are all old men. Hitting one is a hit, and hitting two is a hit.

After all, Yue Buqun was also his father-in-law.

Didn't he also give in after being beaten by him?

There was a smile on Ren Woxing's insolent face at the moment.

Seeing the sun again, the reunion of father and daughter made him feel very good.

He kept nodding his head, scanning the crowd.

When he saw black and white, he laughed.

"Heiheizi, haven't you always wanted to attract stars?"

After being persuaded by Huang Zhonggong, Black and White Zi has given up thinking about it.

"Black and white don't dare, please teach Master Ren to calm down."

He quickly bowed and answered.

Ren Woxing's martial arts are not inferior to Dongfang Bubai!

"Don't dare to dare, the star-absorbing Dafa was engraved on the cage by me, but..."

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