Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 705 Titled Lu Dingbo

Wu Sangui sent someone to visit?

Su Quan was puzzled.

He sent someone to kill Wei Xiaobao and Jianning, yet he dared to send someone to visit him?

Even with Wei Xiaobao's body?

This is provocation?

"No, just kill him!"

Kangxi roared with all his strength.

He hates Wu Sangui.

Su Quan's maid was about to go down to deliver a message.

But Su Quan called her to stop.

"Wait a minute, escort the people sent by Wu Sangui to the Palace of Compassion."

Su Quan waved his hand and said.

As Su Quan's maid.

He is also a member of the Dragon Cult.

She would naturally be more inclined to Su Quan's order.

"Yes, Queen Mother."

The maid responded, then turned and left to convey Su Quan's words.

Kangxi looked up at Su Quan suspiciously.

"Emperor Niang, why didn't you just kill her?"

He was a little puzzled.

Wu Sangui killed Jianning and Wei Xiaobao.

Now they even sent someone to send Wei Xiaobao's body.

What is this for?

Slap in the face?

This is riding shit on his head!

Kangxi was young and vigorous, how could he bear this tone.

Su Quan's face was dull.

She wanted to inquire about Lin Pingzhi.

"See what he wants to say. After he finishes speaking, it's okay to kill him."

Su Quan said calmly.

Although Kangxi was a little displeased.

But it was his mother who spoke.

He doesn't have any temper either.

"Okay, I will follow what my mother said."

Kangxi spoke weakly.

Lying quietly on the golden throne.

Seeing this, Su Quan asked people to lift Kangxi's Jin Luan to the first place.

After all, he had to meet the prince's subordinates.

Can't be so casual.

About two quarters of an hour later.

Wu Sangui's men were escorted up by the inner guards.

Similarly, Wei Xiaobao's body was also brought in.

When Kangxi saw Wei Xiaobao's body.

Almost suffocated.

Although he and Wei Xiaobao are masters and servants, they love each other like brothers.

Of course, he has his place to use Wei Xiaobao.

But he also really regards Wei Xiaobao as a good brother.

Now that his good brother's body was right in front of him, he was distraught.

"Wu Sangui sent you here, what does it mean?"

Kangxi took the lead in attacking.

Wu Sangui's subordinate was named Zhang Yuansong, and he was a literati.

With a three-inch tongue, he was appreciated by Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui sent Zhang Yuansong here this time.

It is also because Zhang Yuansong is the most talkative under his command.

Apart from him, Wu Sangui has no one else to send.

After Zhang Yuansong came in, he just knelt down and hadn't had time to greet Kangxi.

He was questioned by Kangxi.

This made him stunned for a moment.

But after all, he is a literati.

Lipstick still understands.

"Report to the emperor, King Pingxi sent me here to tell the emperor the truth of the matter!"

Zhang Yuansong answered respectfully.

The truth... Kangxi's eyes were fixed.

There seemed to be another ray of light in his eyes.

Kangxi looked towards Su Quan.

Su Quan nodded slowly.

With Su Quan's approval, Kangxi came alive and asked Zhang Yuansong:

"What is the truth, you just tell the truth."

He wanted to know if there was something hidden in it.

Perhaps, I can find a chance to break the situation from here.

Thinking of this, Kangxi also thanked his queen mother.

If it wasn't for Su Quan who asked someone to bring Zhang Yuansong up, Kangxi would not have known the so-called truth.

Seeing Kangxi, Zhang Yuansong became energetic.

He understands that whether he can leave Shengjing alive depends on how he performs next.

"My Majesty, Prince Bao is ambitious! His son, Fu Kang'an, invited Prince Pingxi's son Wu Yingxiong and Princess Jianning to attend the dinner, but halfway through, he ordered his guards to attack Princess Jianning and defile and kill Princess Jianning. Seriously wounded!"

Zhang Yuansong looked at Kangxi sincerely.

He didn't lie.

Because this is what Zhang Yuansong understands.

So, he reported it truthfully.

Kangxi stared.

"You said Wu Yingxiong was seriously injured? Did he die?"

He asked in a cold tone.

Why is Wu Yingxiong only seriously injured?

And both Fukang'an and Jianning are dead?

Regarding Zhang Yuansong's words, he originally thought that he could get some useful information.

However, it is similar to what Ouchi guards said.

However, the victim changed from Jianning to Wu Yingxiong.

Zhang Yuansong felt Kangxi's coldness.

He was trembling all over.

"My son... is not dead."

He understood what Kangxi meant.

Fukang'an is dead.

Why Wu Yingxiong is not dead.

Zhang Yuansong didn't understand either.

Why Fukang'an died, but Wu Yingxiong didn't.

"Let me ask you, why did Jianning die?"

Kangxi asked.

"This... I don't know the humble job..."

Zhang Yuansong trembled.

He realized he had made a huge mistake.

Originally, he thought that Kangxi must not understand many things at such a young age.

This errand, originally thought it was a good opportunity for him to be promoted.

Now it seems.

The emperor is the emperor.

Even at a young age, it's not like me, a small master, can guess.

He had an ominous feeling.

"I don't know? Hehe." Kangxi sneered, "Then I will ask you again, how did Wei Xiaobao die?"

In Zhang Yuansong's previous words, Wei Xiaobao was not mentioned.

So Kangxi was still a little curious.How did Wei Xiaobao die.

Hearing Kangxi's question, Zhang Yuansong's eyes lit up.

He found that things turned around.

Just transfer Kangxi's focus to Wei Xiaobao.

Perhaps, he could leave Shengjing alive.

Zhang Yuansong thought excitedly.

"Report to the emperor, please look here."

As he spoke, he took off Wei Xiaobao's shoes.

Anti-Qing and Fuming, the four characters appeared in the eyes of Kangxi and Su Quan.

"Your Majesty, Wei Xiaobao is..."

He wanted to say that Wei Xiaobao was a traitor of the Tiandihui.

King Pingxi found out the hidden people around him for Kangxi, and the heaven and earth will be thieves, which is a great achievement.

But Kangxi did not give him this chance.

"To shut up!"

Kangxi scolded angrily.

Zhang Yuansong was stunned.

Why is the emperor so angry?

"Your Majesty, I..."

He quickly wanted to say something more.

But Kangxi has murderous intentions.

"Drag him down and behead him immediately!"

Kangxi scolded.

Under Zhang Yuansong's horrified eyes.

He was dragged down by Ouchi guards.

While dragging it down, even his mouth was gagged.

He could only sob and look at Kangxi.

He didn't understand until his death why Kangxi didn't let him finish the next sentence.

"Emperor Niang, Wu Sangui is framing Xiaobao, what do you think?"

Kangxi looked at Su Quan and asked.

Su Quan said nothing, just nodded silently.

She is not stupid.

He is not stupid either.

The tattoos on Wei Xiaobao's feet can be seen at a glance that they were not tattooed just now.

But Wei Xiaobao was already dead.

Kangxi didn't want to worry about these things.

Miss the old love before.

He wanted to give Wei Xiaobao a glamorous and respectable identity.

"Come here, seal Wei Xiaobao as Uncle Lu Dingbo, pick an auspicious day, and have a grand burial!"

Kangxi's voice trembled slightly.

For his brothers, he has done his best.

Wait until Wei Xiaobao's body is carried down.

Kangxi looked at Su Quan.

His eyes were burning brightly, and his face turned rosy at this moment.

In his eyes, things may have turned a corner.

"Emperor Niang, if you want to fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside. How about I and Uncle Bao Huang join hands to destroy Wu Sangui?"

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