"Who are you!"

Shi Dengda looked at Lin Pingzhi warily.

He didn't know who this unusually good-looking man was. He knew all the high-ranking disciples of various sects, but he didn't know who this man was.

"Huashan faction Lin Pingzhi!"

Lin Pingzhi said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Ding, the host hypocrite's label perfection is +1, and the current progress is 50.00%."

There are so many people here now.

All of them are well-known and decent masters, and Yue Buqun is also there.

No fear at all.

Don't you, Stendar, dare to rush over and fuck me?

Stenda was a little confused at this moment.

Lin Pingzhi of the Huashan School?

He remembered that there was no one named Lin Pingzhi in the Huashan School.

But Shi Dengda didn't care about it, since he was the Huashan faction, he had to abide by the order of the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains.

"Since it's your Huashan faction, why stop me? Could it be that your Huashan faction wants to violate the order of the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains?"

Stanley said coldly.

Hearing Shi Dengda's words, Yue Buqun's expression changed.

Has this hat been put on my Huashan faction's head like this?

Yue Buqun was about to refute, when Lin Pingzhi spoke up.

"No, no, Pingzhi is just lamenting that the Songshan School is the leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, and the head of the Songshan School, Zuozhang, is even the leader of the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance."

"How could such a chivalrous, upright and upright senior like him be willing to hurt a little girl who is in her prime?"

"Could it be that senior brother Shi changed the order of the leader of the left alliance without authorization?"

"Could it be that senior brother Shi won't let go of such a young girl?"

"Could it be that Senior Brother Shi is so cruel and ruthless?"

"Could it be that Senior Brother Shi has no humanity at all?"

"Could it be that Senior Brother Shi is really capable of doing it?"

Five impossibilities, pointing directly at Shi Dengda.

Stendhal suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

What an eloquent Lin Pingzhi.

If you say the order of the leader of the left alliance, it is tantamount to ruining your master's reputation.

If you say that you are good at making ideas, it will appear that you are inferior to a beast.

Stanley panicked.

What about this Nima?

Is this person to kill or not to kill?

But the master clearly ordered Liu Zhengfeng to be wiped out.

Who will save me?

Liu Qin's face was covered with tears out of fear of death.

At this time, I heard Lin Pingzhi speak so righteously that he wanted to save himself from life.

I can't help but feel good towards Lin Pingzhi in my heart.

At the age of sixteen, she was rescued by the handsome hero Lin Pingzhi, and a seed called love was planted in her heart instantly.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi with fiery eyes.

"Senior Brother Shi, don't you want to let him go!"

Lin Pingzhi asked loudly.

When Yue Buqun saw the limelight, he wanted to give his disciples the best of them.

He was also a little unwilling, and quickly stood up and shouted at Stenda.

"Nephew Shi, let him go."

Seeing Yue Buqun, he got up and spoke.

Master Dingyi hurriedly followed.

"Nephew Shi, regardless of whether Liu Zhengfeng is in collusion with Qu Yang, the elder of the Demon Sect, Liu Qin is the last heir of the Liu family, and he is still young, are you really up to it?"

"Let go!"

Lin Pingzhi shouted loudly.

The sound of "letting people go" instantly ignited the entire Golden Basin Handwashing Conference.

All sects and sects yelled at Stengda to let him go.

Shi Dengda is sure that he has never been under such great pressure in his life.

He had no choice but to cast a help-seeking look at Ding Mian.

Ding Mian nodded towards Shi Dengda.

Up to now, everyone is on the opposite side. If Liu Qin is killed hard, it will cause public anger.

Anyway, Liu Qin is the only one left in the Liu Manor, so it can't cause any trouble.

And Liu Qin has already explained everything that should be explained.

Shi Dengda took the sword away from Liu Qin's neck.

Liu Qin immediately wanted to rush towards Liu Zhengfeng.

But at this moment, Ding Mian immediately questioned Liu Zhengfeng.

"Liu Zhengfeng, what else do you have to say now?"

Lin Pingzhi took this opportunity, ran to Liu Qin's side, and brought Liu Qin to the Huashan faction.

"Liu Xiandi, why talk too much with them, let's go!"

Qu Yang appeared.

He jumped out from the screen behind Liu Zhengfeng, pulling Liu Zhengfeng to go outside.

Seeing that Liu Zhengfeng was about to be taken away by Qu Yang, Liu Qin immediately wanted to follow.

But she was held down by Lin Pingzhi and couldn't get up.

Then there is the scene where they are about to escape and get hurt.

Lin Pingzhi was a little helpless.

He didn't even want to save Liu Qin.

After all, it's none of your business to hang up.

In this world, I don't know how long I can live.

There is no leisure to save others.

After seeing Lin Pingzhi rescued Liu Qin, Yue Lingshan stood beside her and did not return to her side.

Suddenly pouted, a little unhappy.

This damn little forest.

Why are you so bothered.

He clearly said that I was the most beautiful, but he smiled at Yilin from the Hengshan school.

Now he is not afraid of danger and rescues Liu Qin.

The more Yue Lingshan thought about it, the more unhappy she became. She was so angry that she lay down on the table and started to sulk.

At this time, Qu Yang was injured by Ding Mian when he left with Liu Zhengfeng.

The ice's true energy entered his body, and he was about to die soon.

This is the end of the golden basin washing hands.


Liu Qin cried sadly.

Lin Pingzhi didn't know what to say.

In fact, I and Liu Qin are not related to the same disease?

All are broken.

They were all exterminated by this self-proclaimed decent family.

Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi patted Liu Qin on the shoulder and whispered in his ear.

"Hey, don't cry. If there is a chance in the future, I will avenge you."

Listening to Lin Pingzhi's comfort, Liu Qin cried even more sadly.

She hugged Lin Pingzhi directly, weeping in pain.

"Ding, congratulations to the host 'Lin Pingzhi', complete the side mission: ensure that Liu Qin is not dead, and get rewards: 3 Weakness Cards, effect: use it on the designated enemy, which can reduce its combat power by half, and lasts for 10 minutes."

This reward, for Lin Pingzhi, is a very useful thing.

My current combat power is 41.

That is to say, if a weak card is used.

Then it can compete with the boss with the original combat power of 82.

Because the Lord has disappeared.

This is the end of the golden basin washing hands.

Dingyi brought Yilin over to say hello to Yue Buqun and Lin Pingzhi, and then went back.

Before leaving, Yilin said goodbye to Lin Pingzhi.

This made Linghu Chong, who had no sense of presence after washing his hands in the golden basin, feel a little uncomfortable.

Why does Junior Sister Yilin seem to favor Junior Brother Lin?

Linghu Chong didn't understand.

Following Yue Buqun and others back to the inn.

Lin Pingzhi knocked on Yue Lingshan's door.

"Senior Sister, it's me, open the door."

Yue Lingshan didn't open the door, she just shouted in the room.

"Why are you looking for me! You are looking for your sister Yilin, your sister Qin'er, why are you looking for me as a senior?"

Hearing Yue Lingshan's tone, Lin Pingzhi was delighted.

It seems that the fish is about to take the bait.

"Senior sister, don't be angry, I really only have you in my heart, can you open the door? Let's talk after opening the door."

"not open!"


"you go!"

"Senior Sister! Then I'm really leaving!"

Lin Pingzhi walked a few steps in place as he spoke, pretending to leave.

At this moment, he was counting down in his heart.





The door opened.

Yue Lingshan appeared.

Lin Pingzhi quickly hugged Yue Lingshan and walked directly into the room.

At the same time, he hooked his right foot and closed the door.

"Xiao Linzi, what are you doing!"

Yue Lingshan was hugged tightly by Lin Pingzhi, she panicked a little.

The eyes looking at Lin Pingzhi kept dodging.

"Let go of me."

Yue Lingshan scolded coquettishly.

"Don't let it go."

"Xiao Linzi, stop making trouble, let me go."

"No trouble, I won't let go."

Yue Lingshan gave up struggling, leaning against Lin Pingzhi's strong chest, she seemed to be able to feel Lin Pingzhi's steady and powerful heartbeat.

"Xiao Linzi, what do you want to do?"

Yue Lingshan gave up struggling and looked at Lin Pingzhi with a blushing face.

"I've come to get my reward back."

Lin Pingzhi said with a wicked smile.

Yue Lingshan suddenly came to her senses, she wanted to resist.

But Lin Pingzhi hugged her so tightly that she couldn't break free at all.

"Senior sister, I like you."

Lin Pingzhi said softly.

Yue Lingshan's mind went blank when she heard Lin Pingzhi's confession of love.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Pingzhi directly kissed Yue Lingshan's lips.


Yue Lingshan wanted to speak, but was blocked by Lin Pingzhi, unable to speak.

Yue Lingshan who was kissed gradually gave up resistance.

Lin Pingzhi has completely taken the initiative.

Yue Lingshan was caught by Lin Pingzhi every time, and she couldn't escape at all.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Yue Lingshan quietly, and said softly: "Senior sister, are you willing to be my woman?"

Hearing Lin Pingzhi's question, Yue Lingshan was stunned for a moment.

Do you want to promise him?

But what I have always liked before is the eldest brother.

Why have I never thought of Senior Brother since Xiao Linzi appeared?

Just when Yue Lingshan was thinking.

Lin Pingzhi kissed him again.

Yue Lingshan completely gave up resistance this time.

Even started to become more active.

Lin Pingzhi's hands also gradually became dishonest.

His palm caressed.

Despite the clothes.

But Yue Lingshan still felt the fiery touch of Lin Pingzhi's palm.


Yue Lingshan wanted to move Lin Pingzhi's hand away with her last rationality.

But why would Lin Pingzhi give up at this time?

Yue Lingshan was shocked, and she began to feel weak.

Lin Pingzhi picked up Yue Lingshan and walked towards the bed.

However, at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Brother Lin, are you there?"

Liu Qin's voice was heard outside the door.

With this call, Lin Pingzhi and Yue Lingshan's flames that were about to burn were extinguished immediately.

Yue Lingshan blushed when she thought of the embarrassing scene just now.

Lin Pingzhi was helpless.

Why did Liu Qin come to find herself at this time?

I almost wiped my gun and misfired!

The more Lin Pingzhi thought about it, the more sad he became.


Just a little bit, the mission can be completed and Yue Lingshan can be captured.

What a pity.

Helpless Lin Pingzhi could only choose to give up for the time being.

"Sister, let's continue another day."

Saying that, he kissed Yue Lingshan's forehead and left.

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