When Lin Pingzhi saw Ding Dian's expression, his heart hung in his throat.

"What's wrong? Can I cure it?" Lin Pingzhi looked at Ding Dian with longing eyes.

Ding Dian looked at Lin Pingzhi, then at Xue Wulei.

"Yes, yes, but..." Ding Dian was interrupted by Lin Pingzhi before he could finish speaking.

"Thank you, Big Brother Ding." If it wasn't for being unable to kneel down, Lin Pingzhi would have kowtowed to Ding Dian.

"I haven't finished yet." Ding Dian said quickly, feeling helpless.

Lin Pingzhi was very grateful to Ding Dianna when he heard that he had hope of recovery.

"Brother Ding, tell me." Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

Xue Wulei on the side also stared at Ding Dian, with a trace of longing in his eyes, after all, this is an emissary with honorable orders, if he doesn't recover, he will definitely be punished.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi's happy face and the longing in Xue Wulei's eyes, Ding Dian decided to tell the truth.

"Well, by chance, I was taught by Tie Gu Mo E Mei Nian Sheng Mei Lao. He has a kung fu that can heal broken bones. It took me five years to learn it. I don't know how long it will take you." Ding Dian said a little Said embarrassingly.

After all, I have a very good talent, but it took five years.

If it was Lin Pingzhi, he didn't know how long it would take.

But for Lin Pingzhi, there is no problem with any exercises, as for him, he knows them in seconds.

"It's okay, if I can't learn it by myself, then it's my fate." Lin Pingzhi said pretending to be free and easy.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi like this, Ding Dian also nodded in satisfaction. He felt that he had done his best.

During this year, Ling Tuisi brought people to make trouble several times, but Xue Wulei blocked them, so that he did not reveal that his injuries had recovered. For this, Ding Dian was very grateful to Xue Wulei.

"Okay, then I'll pass on the sutra to you, Di Yun, and you listen too." Ding Dian called to Di Yun in the corner.

But Di Yun didn't respond, curled up in the corner of the cell, covered his ears and didn't speak.

Seeing this, Ding Dian shook his head helplessly. He already knew that Di Yun was not Ling Tuisi's person, but he was used to beating him...

"It's fine if he doesn't learn it, I'll pass it on to you, but if you learn it well in the future and you can go out from here, you must kill Wan Zhenshan, Yan Daping, and Qi Changfa." Ding Dian looked at him with hatred. Said, he still remembers Mei Niansheng's eyes before he died.

Lin Pingzhi nodded, but when he glanced at Di Yun, he realized that Di Yun wasn't listening at all.

Also, Qi Changfa is Di Yun's master, and if Ding Dian asked him to kill his master, if he heard it, he would not react at all, this is impossible.

"I'm going to let the wind go." Xue Wulei walked away consciously.

After all, it is taboo for others to eavesdrop on things like teaching exercises.

Ding Dian controlled the voice so that only Lin Pingzhi could hear it.

"Ding, congratulations to the host 'Lin Pingzhi', you have learned a new inner strength: the Divine Light Sutra, the current level: the first level."

When he was studying neurology, Lin Pingzhi found that the bones in his body were wriggling rapidly, as if a broken bone was finding another broken bone, ready to connect.

"Brother Ding, help me turn over." Lin Pingzhi shouted hastily.

When Ding Dian heard Lin Pingzhi's words, he quickly helped Lin Pingzhi turn over, and Lin Pingzhi lay flat on the ground.

The bones on his back wriggled quickly, as if there was life inside.

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi was in pain and his head was covered with sweat. This reconnection of broken bones was to straighten his broken bones one by one, and then reconnect them. The pain involved can be imagined. Know.

But Ding Dian felt as if he was in a dream. He looked at Lin Pingzhi's squirming back and was dumbfounded.

"Brother Xue..." Ding Dian called out.

"What's wrong?" Xue Wulei came to Ding Dian.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi was recovering at this time, he also praised Ding Dian's miraculous skills in his heart.

"Slap me." Ding Dian said.


Since it was Ding Dian's request, Xue Wulei naturally listened, but it was the first time he heard someone asking him to slap him, so he was a little excited, and the slap was stronger.

With a "bang", Ding Dian was beaten and flew to the edge of the cell.

"Damn, it hurts so much!" Ding Dian got up cursing.

"You asked me to hit you." Xue Wulei said innocently.

After Ding Dian felt the pain, he looked at Lin Pingzhi again, and found that it was still the same. He finally decided in his heart that this was not a dream.

If this is not a dream, there is only one possibility.

He is a monster!

It took me five years to comprehend Shenzhaojing by myself, a whole five years.

That's what makes me feel like I'm a genius.

But compared to this newcomer, he is a waste.

Just read it once, and he will know how to play it?

Ding Dian is not happy anymore.

"He's so scary..." Ding Dian looked at Lin Pingzhi and murmured.

"Huh?" Xue Wulei was puzzled.

"I've practiced for five years before I can master it, and he will master it in no time!" Ding Dian was about to cry.

Xue Wulei was startled when he heard Ding Dian's words, what kind of monster did they have in Qinglong Society?

Although he was envious, he was not jealous. He was more happy for Lin Pingzhi, Bai Xiaosheng and Gong Ziyu. With such a genius, the Qinglong would rule the world, isn't it just around the corner?

At this time Xue Wulei can be said to completely trust Lin Pingzhi.

At the same time, Lin Pingzhi, who was in pain, also heard the system's prompt.

"Ding, congratulations to the host 'Lin Pingzhi', complete the side mission: gain Xue Wulei's trust, and get a reward: 1 favorability enhancement card."

Lin Pingzhi is now in pain and happiness.

I have used up all the favorability enhancement cards, and now I have another one. Lin Pingzhi thinks it is okay, after all, the difficulty of this side task is not too great.

At this moment, Di Yun was stunned by Lin Pingzhi's actions. He didn't expect Ding Dian to teach Lin Pingzhi such a powerful magic skill. He regretted it a little, but thought of Ding Dian punching and kicking him, he still gave up the idea. .

Lin Pingzhi didn't know how long he had been in pain, because he had already passed out from the pain.

When he woke up again, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Ding Dian and Xue Wulei staring at him with wide eyes.

"How is it? Are you ready?" Ding Dian asked with concern.

Lin Pingzhi tried to move his feet.


Try twisting your waist again.

Can twist!

Lin Pingzhi sat up happily.

He hasn't experienced this feeling for a long time.

He had been lying down for so long that he didn't remember what it was like to sit.

He jumped up and happily started running and jumping.

Seeing the happy Lin Pingzhi, Ding Dian also smiled.

Of course he was a little jealous.

After running for an unknown amount of time, Lin Pingzhi felt a little tired before he stopped.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Lin Pingzhi asked.

"Seven days." Xue Wulei replied.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned, he didn't expect that he was unconscious for seven days.

I believe that Mochou and Long'er will be very happy to see her recovery.

At this time, the system came to the task again.

"Ding, get a new side mission, mission content: kill Di Yun."

"Ding, get a new side mission. Mission content..."

I didn't expect that there was more than one task.

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