Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 553 Whoever I want to kill, I must kill!

Lin Pingzhi frowned slightly.

This guy Yuan Chengzhi has raised his height to the national level.

This is deliberately trying to beat yourself!

My real purpose is to deal with Yu Zhenzi and Murong Jingyue.

And snatch Wei Xiaobao's wife.

Counting it, I seem to bear the burden of humiliation!

thought here.

Lin Pingzhi's brows gradually relaxed.

"Noisy." He said softly, looking at Yuan Chengzhi with disdain.

Yuan Chengzhi was irritated by Lin Pingzhi's gaze.

He tightened the Golden Snake Sword in his hand, and looked at Lin Pingzhi with disgust and killing intent.

"Mo Zunlou, hand over that dog official, or the Golden Snake Sword in my hand will definitely make you hate!"

Yuan Chengzhi yelled at Lin Pingzhi.

When Duolong heard that Yuan Chengzhi asked Lin Pingzhi to hand him over, he shrank immediately.

He didn't want to die yet, so he hid behind Lin Pingzhi, obsequious.

"Lord Mozun, as long as you can protect me, I will definitely recommend you to Brother Wei!" Duo Long tried to use Wei Xiaobao's fame as a bargaining chip for Lin Pingzhi to save himself.

This is the purpose of Lin Ping.

At this time, when he heard Duolong say it, he also made up his mind to keep Duolong.

"rest assured."

Lin Pingzhi said softly.

After finishing speaking, he looked directly at Yuan Chengzhi, without any expression in his eyes, very flat.

Duo Long heard Lin Pingzhi's words, although he didn't quite believe Lin Pingzhi's strength.

After all, his opponent is the famous Golden Snake King.

But with Lin Pingzhi's guarantee, Duolong felt a little more comfortable.

The sound of shouting and killing all around, and the sound of gold and iron intersecting made Duolong very flustered.

He leaned against his tall horse, trying to gain a sense of security.

Immediately, his gaze was fixed on Lin Pingzhi.

Because Lin Pingzhi is his only hope.

Lin Pingzhi held the knife-shaped Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, and Yuan Chengzhi held the Golden Snake Sword.

"Mo Zunlou, today I will kill you first! Then take the dog official's life!"

Yuan Chengzhi yelled at Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Yuan Chengzhi lightly, his eyes full of contempt.

"Try?" Lin Pingzhi said coldly.

Yuan Chengzhi said no more.

Holding the Golden Snake Sword, he plundered directly towards Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi stood there lazily.

He raised his hand slightly, and raised the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade.


The Golden Snake Sword was directly blocked by Weeping Blood Ghost Blade.

Yuan Chengzhi held the Golden Snake Sword, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Compassionate sword technique?" Yuan Chengzhi called out Lin Pingzhi's martial arts just now, "How do you know Shaolin's martial arts?"

Yuan Chengzhi is also well-informed.

He recognized Lin Pingzhi's knife at a glance.

It is the compassionate sword technique of Shaolin Temple.

But he didn't understand.

Mo Zunlou killed so many monks in Shaolin.

How could it be possible for Shaolin Temple to pass on the compassionate saber technique to Lin Pingzhi?

He looked at Lin Pingzhi with a cautious look again.

"None of your business." Lin Pingzhi said coldly.

He took the lead.

This time, it was no longer the Mercy Saber Technique.

The shot is the eight-door golden lock knife.

"Eight Gate Golden Lock Knife!"

Yuan Chengzhi called out the sword technique used by Lin Pingzhi.

Not to mention the shock.

Then he saw that the saber was like a broken bamboo, cutting directly towards his chest.

"Have a frenzy!"

Yuan Chengzhi said sharply.

The snake-shaped Golden Snake Sword directly blocked the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade.

There was another "clang".

The two weapons intersect.

Friction produces violent sparks.

The huge force made Yuan Chengzhi stagger back a few steps.

When Duolong saw this scene, his eyes were full of joy.

Yuan Chengzhi is not the opponent of Mo Zunlou.

Doesn't that mean that he is saved?

This is a big master!

I must hug this thigh.

At that time, Brother Wei will have an extra helper!

Doron thought happily.

Only Lin Pingzhi was uneventful.

he was thinking.

Do you want to kill Yuan Chengzhi here?

If Yuan Chengzhi is killed here, what will Xia Qingqing do?

But if Yuan Chengzhi is not killed here.

Then I don't know when I will have another chance!

Lin Pingzhi looked at Yuan Chengzhi.

But seeing Yuan Chengzhi's face flushed red.

"Magic Zunlou, I want you to die without a place to bury you!"

Yuan Chengzhi roared in grief and indignation.

How could he lose to such a devilish kid in front of him?

Where does this put his face!


Yuan Chengzhi stepped a little.

With a gale, he stabbed quickly.

Lin Pingzhi frowned slightly.

It seems that this Yuan Chengzhi hates him thoroughly no matter what his identity is.

Now it seems that it is better to kill Yuan Chengzhi.

There is a killing intent in my heart.

The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade in Lin Pingzhi's hand also became more fierce.


The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade kept trembling and making clanking sounds.

It seems to be longing for Yuan Chengzhi's blood.

"Don't worry." Lin Pingzhi glanced at Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, and then looked at Yuan Chengzhi who was rushing, "This will let you drink blood."

Lin Pingzhi raised his sword.

The Hu family's sword technique was used directly.

The Golden Snake Sword dropped from Yuan Chengzhi's hand with a "clang".

Flew out.

Inserted directly into the back of a Qing army who was struggling to resist.

Yuan Chengzhi was shocked.

Why does the Demon Zunlou in front of him look smaller than himself.

But this amazing strength.

The speed of the knife is as fast as lightning.

So fast!

I can't even grasp the Golden Snake Sword firmly!

Just when Yuan Chengzhi was shocked.

Lin Pingzhi moved.

He didn't keep his hand just because he knocked the Golden Snake Sword into the air.


Lin Pingzhi spat out a word lightly.

His figure is like a phantom.

In just an instant, he appeared in front of Yuan Chengzhi.


The sound of breaking wind sounded.

The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade sliced ​​through the air.

Cut towards Yuan Chengzhi's chest.

Yuan Chengzhi was shocked.

The intense sense of crisis made him retreat subconsciously.

But it was too late.

The knife is already in front of my eyes.


Yuan Chengzhi gritted his teeth.

He put his left arm on his chest.

Trying to use this to block Lin Pingzhi's lingering saber.

There was a "click".

The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade cut by Lin Pingzhi.

Directly cut off Yuan Chengzhi's left arm.

The sharp weapon of the magic weapon, cuts the mortal body.


Blood spattered from Yuan Chengzhi's arm.

Yuan Chengzhi's face was full of pain.

He finally realized.

The demon respects the building in front of him.

What a terrifying character!

"help me!"

Yuan Chengzhi yelled hastily.

People from the Golden Snake Camp, the Tiandi Society and the Red Flower Society.

Ben devoted himself to fighting the Qing army.

Hearing Yuan Chengzhi's cry for help at this moment, he couldn't help but stop his movements.

When they saw Yuan Chengzhi's broken arm, they were shocked.


"Golden Snake King!"

Yuan Chengzhi's deputy, Chen Jinnan and Chen Jialuo, shouted quickly.

Regardless of the enemy in front of them, they came directly to Yuan Chengzhi.

Trying to save Yuan Chengzhi under Lin Pingzhi's knife.

Seeing that Yuan Chengzhi had his arm chopped off by Lin Pingzhi, Duolong was very excited!

Such rebels, cut off an arm!

Even if the entire army is wiped out, he can get away with it, and even have merit!

"Master Mozun, let's go, they are here..."

Doron said tremblingly.

So many people gathered around.

Even Mr. Mozun who is a master of martial arts!

Two fists are no match for four hands!

Doron thought in horror.

But Lin Pingzhi remained motionless.

"Whoever I want to kill, I will kill!"

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