Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 549 Doron Received the Message

Xia Qingqing looked panicked.

It directly ignited Yuan Chengzhi.

In a state of being alone and drunk.

Raise his anger to the extreme.

"Do you really have him in your heart!"

Anger appeared in Yuan Chengzhi's eyes.

He walked to Xia Qingqing's side.

To tear her clothes off.

Xia Qingqing could only make a helpless sound.

"Brother Yuan, no, we are not married yet."

Xia Qingqing struggled.

But how could she be Yuan Chengzhi's opponent.

The current Xia Qingqing.

Like a helpless little kitten.

For Yuan Chengzhi's claws.

There is no way.

Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

It's not that she doesn't want to commit herself to Yuan Chengzhi.

It's just that Yuan Chengzhi is drunk now.

This is the case.

Xia Qingqing really didn't want to.

Feeling your clothes being torn apart.

Despair appeared in Xia Qingqing's eyes.

Where are you, Lin Pingzhi?

Quickly save me!


The curtain was lifted directly.

Lin Pingzhi appeared at the door of the tent.

Joy appeared in Xia Qingqing's eyes.


Lin Pingzhi snorted angrily.

The sound waves directly stunned the drunken Yuan Chengzhi.

Lin Pingzhi came to Xia Qingqing and asked softly:

"Qingqing, are you okay?"

Xia Qingqing looked at Yuan Chengzhi who was fainted on the ground with some fear.

She didn't know what was going on in her heart.

Yuan Chengzhi's rudeness before.

Let Xia Qingqing's love for Yuan Chengzhi.

turned into fear.

She raised her head leisurely.

Eyes full of tears looked at Lin Pingzhi.


She cried and threw herself directly into Lin Pingzhi's arms.

Like this moment.

Only Lin Pingzhi's arms.

It is her harbor.

Give her enough sense of security.

Lin Pingzhi patted Xia Qingqingyu's back lightly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

As he spoke, he raised his palm.

Prepare to kill Yuan Chengzhi with one palm.

This is a good opportunity.

Yuan Chengzhi died.

Xia Qingqing is hers!

"no, do not want."

Xia Qingqing held Lin Pingzhi's hand with sobs.

Although at the moment she is in Lin Pingzhi's arms.

But she didn't want Yuan Chengzhi to die either.

Lin Pingzhi knew that in Xia Qingqing's eyes, he was just a spare tire.

Waiting for regularization, now is not the time.

Lin Pingzhi withdrew his palm.

He hugged Xia Qingqing again.

He glanced at the fainted Yuan Chengzhi:

"Qingqing, come with me."

Xia Qingqing froze for a moment.

Confusion appeared in her eyes.

Are you going with Lin Pingzhi?

Or stay by Yuan Chengzhi's side?

Xia Qingqing didn't know what to do for a while.

She looked back at Yuan Chengzhi who had fainted.


Brother Yuan must have been drunk to do this.

It's not his fault.

Xia Qingqing turned her head.

Pear Blossom had an apologetic look on her rainy face.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi guiltily:

"I'm sorry, I want to stay with Big Brother Yuan, he did this because he was drunk this time."

That's because I stimulated him.

Lin Pingzhi thought.

Looking at Xia Qingqing, she nodded slightly:

"I respect your decision."

Xia Qingqing was immediately moved.


If I met you first, Lin Pingzhi.

There won't be so many things.

But the truth is, Brother Yuan first appeared in my life.

She gently pushed Lin Pingzhi away.

Ready to help Yuan Chengzhi to the bed.

Lin Pingzhi held Xia Qingqing's little hand.

Shouted affectionately:


Xia Qingqing listened to Lin Pingzhi so affectionately.

Uncontrollably turning his head to look at Lin Pingzhi.

But it happened to be printed on Lin Pingzhi's lips.

Xia Qingqing's eyes widened.

She didn't expect this to happen.

What a shame!

Brother Yuan is still lying on the ground.

But facing Lin Pingzhi's kiss.

This time Xia Qingqing was completely immersed in Lin Pingzhi's tenderness.


She wants to struggle.

But he could only groan silently.

Lin Pingzhi resisted himself not to do anything.

She also didn't touch Xia Qingqing's smooth and tender skin.

I'm afraid I can't help it.

After a long time.

Xia Qingqing blushed.

Wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

She lowered her head and dared not look at Lin Pingzhi:

"Next time, no more."

The corners of Lin Pingzhi's mouth rose slightly.

This time it can.

Wouldn't it be better next time?

He nodded:

"Understood, then I'm leaving."

Xia Qingqing quickly looked up at Lin Pingzhi




Lin Pingzhi looked at Xia Qingqing suspiciously.

Xia Qingqing lowered her head in embarrassment.

Her two little hands had nowhere to rest.

Constantly pinching the corner of the clothes.

"Can you help me carry Brother Yuan to the bed?" Xia Qingqing asked in a low voice.

He looked up at Lin Pingzhi resentfully.

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

He walked to Yuan Chengzhi's side.

Pulled up Yuan Chengzhi's collar and threw it directly on the bed, regardless of whether he was injured or not.

Xia Qingqing didn't expect Lin Pingzhi to be gentle with Yuan Chengzhi.

Mainly because she is not strong enough.

"I'll leave first."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

His figure disappeared into the tent again.

in a shadow.

Lin Pingzhi fell into deep thought.

It was just outside Xia Qingqing's account that he heard that Duo Long was leading the team this time.

Who is Doron?

Wei Xiaobao, Lord Wei's brother!

Not only is it good to gamble.

And very cowardly!

But he sucks up.

And the official is still high.

thought here.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes flickered.

This is a good opportunity to break into the Qing Dynasty!

Lin Pingzhi stood up.

looking around.

The most urgent task is to find out where the man is being held.


Qing army stationed.

In Duolong's big tent.

Dozens of tables are set out.

On each table there are many gambling tools of the casino.

Duolong led a hundred soldiers of the Qing army.

Around the gaming table.

"Damn, why is my luck so bad!"

Doron angrily threw the cards in his hand on the table.

The soldier beside him smiled happily:

"Commander Duolong, if you lose, give me money!"

Doron's expression changed.

The soldier was startled.

Could it be that Commander Duolong didn't want to give money after losing?


Doron pulled out a purse.

Hit it directly on the table.

All eyes on the purse.

Can't stop swallowing saliva.

so heavy.

It seems that there is a lot of silver in it!

Duolong looked at the greedy look of his soldiers.

Look quite proudly from the bosom.

He took out another stack of banknotes.


Hit the table hard.

Looking at the envious look of his soldiers.

Doron is like a rooster that wins a cockfight.

Stretched neck, raised head.

"Hmph! This commander has plenty of money!"

Doron said arrogantly.

The soldiers spent a lot of time with Doron.

He really understands his boss' temper.

They all began to join in.

"Commander Duolong is amazing!"

"Follow Commander Duolong and eat nine meals a day!"

"We still expect to be promoted and make a fortune with Commander Duolong!"


Doron listened to the flattery.

Very useful.

A flatterer since ancient times.

I also like being photographed.

Doron is such a person.

"Come on! Keep going!"

After enjoying the flattery.

Doron continued to gamble.

Just then.

A Qing soldier ran in.

"Commander Duolong, Commander Duolong! Something big happened!"

Doron gave the soldier a blank look.

Put away your purses and banknotes.

"What are you doing in such a panic, what happened!"

Doron said angrily.

The soldier looked at Doron resentfully.

"The vanguard battalion led by the former general was wiped out."

Doron heard this.

The whole person trembled with fright.

"completely annihilated?"

he questioned loudly.

"Yes, the whole army was wiped out, and the body of the former general was not found."

"Damn it, the Golden Snake Camp must be around."

Duolong directly patted the gambling table.

"Pass my order, the whole army gathers!"

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