Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 517 was discovered, chanted for 5 years!


Lin Pingzhi laughed.

Is he a predestined person from Northern Shaolin?

I don't know.

But he can be sure.

He is the enemy of Shaolin Temple.

Putian Town killed 180 monks from South Shaolin.

Northern Shaolin must also hate him.

Fang Zheng clasped his hands together and said very gently:

"Yes, you can tell if the benefactor is a predestined person or not just by looking at his face."

This moved Lin Pingzhi a little.

If this formula proves to be true, you can give the Yi Jin Jing to yourself.

It is possible.

In the original book, Fang Zheng wanted to give the Yi Jin Jing to Linghu Chong.

The requirement is to let Linghu Chong become a disciple of Shaolin laymen.

If this requirement is to make yourself a disciple of Shaolin laymen.

That's acceptable.

"Okay, let me show you what's wrong."

With that said, Lin Pingzhi threw the mask on the ground.

However, a look of astonishment appeared in Fang Zheng's eyes.

"It's you!"

Fang Zheng exclaimed.

"Magic Respect Building!"

He growled through gritted teeth.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Fang Zheng with a half-smile.

"What? Master Fang Zheng thinks I'm not destined?" Lin Pingzhi asked lightly.

Fang Zheng originally had anger on his face.

Listening to Lin Pingzhi's words, the original anger on Fang Zheng's face gradually disappeared.

He looked at Lin Pingzhi and spoke slowly.

"Your Excellency is indeed a predestined person in my Shaolin! As long as you are willing to live in my Shaolin for [-] years, I will offer you the Yi Jin Jing with both hands."

"Fifty years?"

Lin Pingzhi clicked his tongue.

This monk Fangzheng must be crazy.

Decades at every turn.

Is this something humans can do?

For Lin Pingzhi.

Fifty years have passed, and he is seventy years old.

If you come out, you will definitely be beaten to death by those young and strong boys.

"Master Fangzheng, I have heard of your reputation, but it may not be possible for fifty years."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

"However, I would like to ask Master Fangzheng, how did you find me?"

Lin Pingzhi was a little curious about this point.

Fang Zheng smiled and pointed to the bookcase.

"I know the location of every scripture here. The location has changed, and there is a missing flower finger. You must have taken it, right?"

"No, I didn't take it."

Lin Ping's death was not recognized.

That's a fake finger.

It had disappeared, and Lin Pingzhi couldn't take it out even if he wanted to.

"Okay, Master Fangzheng, I haven't got the Yijinjing, so I'm leaving."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

He had already sensed that many people gathered around the door.

I must break free from the encirclement as soon as possible.

Fang Zheng also wanted to keep Lin Pingzhi.

But Lin Pingzhi stepped a little, and rushed directly towards the door of the scripture storage pavilion.


The weeping blood ghost blade became a knife when it was unsheathed.

A Hu family's saber technique slashed towards the door of the Sutra Pavilion.

The knife shines!

The door of the Sutra Pavilion was directly divided into two halves.

Lin Pingzhi broke through the door and went out.

when he goes out.

I saw four people standing in front of me.

Fang Sheng knew him.

The other three should be the "hearing wisdom" among the four great monks of "knowledge and wisdom".

They are all empty characters.

The head of the four great monks is empty.

Many years ago, in order to influence Xie Xun, Xie Xun beat him to death with the Seven Injuries Fist.

So there are only three of the four great monks, Wen Zhixing.


Kong Wen, Kong Zhi, Kong Xing and Fang Sheng all recited a Buddha's name to Lin Pingzhi.

"I've heard nothing about it."

"My old man is Kongzhi."

"Old monk emptiness."

"I have seen the benefactor of the Chonglou."

The three great monks made Buddhist salutes to Lin Pingzhi one after another.

Fang Sheng looked at Lin Pingzhi with a mocking smile on his lips.

"Chonglou benefactor, I'll leave Juxianzhuang, long time no see." Fang Sheng said with a smile.

Now he is very happy.

Finally, I have the opportunity to avenge my revenge in Juxian Village.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Fang Sheng, a little puzzled.

"You knew it was me from the beginning?"

"I don't know."

Fang Zheng walked slowly from behind Lin Pingzhi.

Now Lin Pingzhi belongs to the wolves before and tigers behind.

There must be a big battle today.

Fang Sheng took a step forward and folded his palms towards Fang Zheng.

The same goes for the other three great monks.

Fang Zheng also folded his hands towards them.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Zheng looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"Chonglou benefactor, the Yijinjing is my Shaolin treasure, and your idea of ​​using the Yijinjing violates my Shaolin taboo!"

Fang Zheng's eyes were fixed, and he shouted in a cold voice.

"I secretly informed Junior Brother Fang Sheng to notify the three Senior Brothers Kong Wen, Kong Zhi, and Kong Xing in order to take down those who tried the Yi Jin Jing."

Speaking of it.

Fang Zheng's old face full of gullies was full of smiles.

"My old man didn't expect it to be the famous Demon Zunlou!"

Lin Pingzhi was startled.

Feelings, this old guy, are all based on guesswork.

"Heh, do you think you can keep me?" Lin Pingzhi sneered.

Fang Sheng couldn't help getting angry when he heard Lin Pingzhi's words.

"Chonglou, now that things are going on, you still dare to speak nonsense?"

He pointed at Lin Pingzhi and roared angrily.


Kong Wen clasped his palms together and recited a Buddha's name.

"Also ask the benefactor to pray to the Buddha in Shaolin for [-] years, and cleanse the evil energy in his heart!"

"Twenty years?"

Lin Pingzhi asked back.

"Why does Fang Zheng say it will take fifty years?"

As soon as these words came out, both Fang Zheng and Kong Wen became embarrassed.

What the two said was inconsistent.

The two big monks stared with small eyes.

"Brother Kong Wen." Fang Zheng said hastily, "He wants me Shaolin Yi Jin Jing, I promise him, if it lasts fifty years, Yi Jin Jing can be passed on to him."

After hearing this, Kong Wen stepped down the steps.

"What Junior Brother Fang Zheng said is absolutely true."

He said with a smile, then looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"If the benefactor of Chonglou is willing to recite the scriptures for fifty years, he can pass on the Yi Jin Jing to you."

Lin Pingzhi gripped the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade tightly.

Lin Pingzhi had no intention of believing what these bad old men said.

"Yi Jin Jing, I don't need it."

Lin Pingzhi said coldly.

"But if you want to stop me, you have to weigh it..."

Having said this, Lin Pingzhi's eyes froze.

"Is it enough?"

With a loud roar, he slashed at Fang Zheng with the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade in his hand.

Fang Zheng was shocked.

He didn't expect that Lin Pingzhi's first target would be him.


Follow him with a cold snort.

He stuck out a finger.

Straight towards Lin Pingzhi's point.

This is a great skill of Shaolin Temple.

"Vajra Fingers!"

Seeing Fang Zheng, Lin Pingzhi dared to stick out his finger.

He smiled coldly in his heart.

Do you have a strong diamond finger?

I'd like to see if your powerful vajra finger is as hard as my weeping blood ghost blade!

thought here.

The knife that Lin Pingzhi had slashed towards Fang Zheng's chest was cut back immediately.

This scene made Fang Sheng and others anxious.

"Chonglou! How dare you!"

Fang Sheng roared.

He stepped on his feet, twitched his fingers, and directly attacked Lin Pingzhi.

Kongwen, Kongzhi, and Emptiness, the three great monks did not hold back either.

They all rushed towards Lin Pingzhi.

"Chonglou! You will stay here today!"

Lin Pingzhi felt the attack of the four people.


The knife cutting towards Fang Zheng's finger still didn't stop.

Fang Zheng saw this, and at this moment, he took back his confidently strong Vajra Finger.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi focused his gaze.

"Bang bang bang!"

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