
Lin Pingzhi carried Ning Zhongze behind his back.

Step firmly on the boundary marker.

With inertia.

Ning Zhong also slammed into Lin Pingzhi's back hard.

For a while, Lin Ping felt relaxed and happy.

"Master! You can fly!"

Xiao Wu's voice came from behind Lin Pingzhi.

Her voice was very agitated, excited.

Lin Pingzhi jumped off the boundary marker.

Ning Zhong saw so many people following him, and also found that her posture with Lin Pingzhi was a bit indecent.

"Ping'er, let me go."

Ning Zhong whispered in Lin Pingzhi's ear.

The soft voice and the warm breath made Lin Pingzhi's ears itch.

For a while, I was distracted.

But now there are so many people in front of me.

Considering his identity relationship with Ning Zhongze.

He quickly put Ning Zhongze down.


Yue Lingshan got off Lin Pingzhi's back when he saw Ning Zhong.

Hastily rushed over.

She threw herself into Yue Lingshan's arms and cried out in pain.

"Mother, Shan'er misses you so much, Shan'er almost thought..."

Yue Lingshan didn't say anything more about the latter words.

That was a result she didn't even dare to think about.

She sobbed and threw herself into Ning Zhongze's arms, weeping again and again.

Ning Zhong gently stroked Yue Lingshan's back.

"Don't worry about Shan'er, mother is fine." She said with a smile.

When he said this, Ning Zhong felt a little guilty.

After all, what happened between her and Lin Pingzhi made Yue Lingshan very sorry.

"Let's keep a distance from Ping'er in the future, or I'll be sorry for Shan'er."

Ning Zhong secretly swore in his heart.

Lin Pingzhi had no idea what was going on in Ning Zhongze's mind.

Xiao Wu has already thrown herself into Lin Pingzhi's arms.

She bowed her head and sobbed continuously.

Worry and yearning for Lin Pingzhi all burst out at this moment.


Xiao Wu grabbed Lin Pingzhi's clothes tightly, trembling all over.

Lin Pingzhi held Xiao Wu in his arms with distress.

"The master is very good, the master is fine."

He comforted softly.

But he found that Xiao Wu was already 15 before he knew it.

In another year, it will be 16 years old.

In this world, at the age of 16, many girls already have children.

Xiao Wu's nutrition has almost kept up this year.

So it grows faster.

He has grown a lot taller.

Thin where it should be thin, and fat where it should be fat.

Although Lin Pingzhi felt a little comfortable at this time.

But he didn't think about anything else.

He has always regarded Xiao Wu as his apprentice.

"Be obedient." Lin Pingzhi smiled and rubbed Xiao Wu's head.

Xiao Wu slowly left Lin Pingzhi's arms, her red and swollen eyes seemed to have not rested for several days.

She slowly left Lin Pingzhi.

Now she is more sensible than before.

She knew that her mistresses were also waiting for Lin Pingzhi's embrace.

Yue Lingshan also left Ning Zhongze's arms.

Straight into Lin Pingzhi's arms.

"Xiao Linzi, you scared me to death!" She choked up and said.

Lin Pingzhi kissed her forehead lightly, and gently wiped away the tears on her face with his fingers.

Immediately after Lin Pingzhi hugged Yilin and Wanyanping, he looked at Qu Wuyi.

Qu Wuyi had deep dark circles around his eyes.

She silently waited for the others to finish hugging Lin Pingzhi.

"Back?" Qu Wuyi said coldly.

But there was infinite tenderness in her eyes.

This is the gentleness that belongs to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi walked towards Qu Wuyi slowly.

He could see Qu Wuyi's exhaustion.

Yilin just clung to his ear and told him that Qu Wuyi has been running around without sleep these days.

"Well, I'm back."

Lin Pingzhi said flatly.

He slowly stretched out his hand and approached Qu Wuyi.

Just when Qu Wuyi was about to enter Lin Pingzhi's embrace.

Zhou Botong jumped out.

"Brother, you really scared me to death."

With a smile on his face, he rushed to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi's face turned dark.

Originally, in front of him was the cold and beautiful Qu Wuyi.

He was also ready to embrace her in his arms full of joy.

But Zhou Botong's old face suddenly appeared in front of Lin Pingzhi, which startled him.


Lin Ping's punch directly hit Zhou Botong's stomach.

Zhou Botong insisted on getting high and high, and then with a "bang", he fell to the ground with his feet in the air.

Changchun real person Qiu Chuji looked at Zhou Botong who had fallen to the ground, and turned his head silently.

He dare not recognize such an embarrassing uncle.

Lin Pingzhi gave Zhou Botong a blank look.

I was about to hug my dear Wu Yi.

He is a bad old man who came here to join in the fun.

But for this punch, Lin Pingzhi didn't use his internal strength.

It's just purely using the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu to bless the power.

If you use internal strength, use Lin Pingzhi's skill after eating the snake gall.

With this punch, Zhou Botong's viscera might have been cracked by him.

Lin Pingzhi withdrew his gaze and looked at Qu Wuyi again.

But at this moment, the corners of Qu Wuyi's mouth were slightly raised.

It seems that he can't help but laugh.

And her shallow smile made Lin Pingzhi's heart skip a beat.

"No memory."

Lin Pingzhi walked in front of Qu Wuyi.

Gently embraced her willow waist.

"You look so pretty when you smile."

When Qu Wuyi listened to Lin Pingzhi's words, the corners of his mouth that were originally raised immediately flattened.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi quickly kissed her on the forehead.

"Wu Yi, don't be angry, I won't abandon you in the future, okay?"

He quickly comforted.

But Qu Wuyi turned around directly, with his back to Lin Pingzhi.

"Whether you live or die, what does it matter to me?" She said coldly.

Lin Ping knew that this was an angry speech.

He hurriedly hugged Qu Wuyi for a comforting meal.

Zhou Botong got up by himself at this time.

"Why don't you help me up?" Zhou Botong stared at Qiu Chuji and said cursingly.

Qiu Chuji looked embarrassed.

He dare not!

Zhou Botong's temperament is too weird.

Just when Qiu Chuji was worrying about how to deal with his uncle making things difficult for him.

Zhou Botong's apprentices Yeluqi and Yeluyan also rushed over.


The two hurried to Zhou Botong's side.

Yeluyan looked at Zhou Botong with anxious eyes.

"Master, where is Master Mingyue?" She asked.

Because Lin Pingzhi no longer uses the disguise technique, it is his original appearance.

Yeluyan didn't recognize Lin Pingzhi, that's why he asked this question.

"I'm here."

Lin Pingzhi said directly.

He was originally comforting Qu Wuyi.

Suddenly I heard Yeluqi asking where he was.

He subconsciously responded.

Yeluyan was stunned when she saw Lin Pingzhi.

She did not expect that Lin Pingzhi looked so handsome.

Her originally anxious expression was now blushing.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned for a moment.

Why did Yeluyan blush suddenly?

"Miss Yelu, are you okay?"

Lin Pingzhi asked hesitantly.

Yeluyan lowered her head shyly.

"Mingyue... Oh no, Lin Shaoxia, as long as you are fine."

Her shy appearance made everyone think about it.

Qu Wuyi even turned his head to stare at Lin Pingzhi.

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