Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 470 Preaching and Teaching Careers

"Isn't it because my mother got sand in her eyes, why don't you blow it out for her?"

Yue Lingshan pouted and said unhappily.

"You speak as if I misunderstood what you have."

Lin Pingzhi was stunned for a moment.

It turned out that Yue Lingshan thought he was helping Ning Zhongze blow his eyes?

He looked towards Ning Zhongze.

Indeed, Ning Zhongze's eyes were a little red.

It looked like it got in the sand.

He hadn't spoken yet, but Ning Zhong immediately responded.

"Shan'er is right, Ping'er just helped me blow down the sand." Ning Zhong's expression returned to normal.

Her shy look in front of Lin Pingzhi before was gone now.

Lin Pingzhi was also grateful for this.

Fortunately, I am not lustful.

Otherwise, if Yue Lingshan saw it, the misunderstanding would be serious.

When Yue Lingshan heard Ning Zhongze's words, she also ran towards Ning Zhongze with a smile.

Her jade hand caressed Ning Zhongze's face.

"Mom, are you feeling better now? Shall I blow it for you again?" Yue Lingshan said with a smile.

Ning Zhong held Yue Lingshan's hand with a doting look on his face.

"Mother is much better, Ping'er finally came back, you go and accompany him."

"Okay, mother."

Yue Lingshan nodded with a smile.

She ran to Lin Pingzhi's side again and threw herself into his arms.

"Xiao Linzi, I miss you so much."

Lin Pingzhi hugged Yue Lingshan and glanced at Ning Zhongze.

But Ning Zhong avoided him.

He deliberately turned his head away and stopped looking at Lin Pingzhi.

Now she still doesn't know how to face Lin Pingzhi.

What happened just now, to Ning Zhongze, is simply ashamed to say.

She glanced at Yue Lingshan and reminded.

"Shan'er, go down with Ping'er." Ning Zhong said softly.

She is very upset now and needs to be quiet.

"Understood, mother." Yue Lingshan responded.

She directly dragged Lin Pingzhi away.

Lin Pingzhi didn't say anything either.

He knew what he had done before, but it was difficult for Ning Zhong to accept it.

But Yue Lingshan hadn't seen her for a long time.

Lin Pingzhi followed Yue Lingshan to the room.

Yue Lingshan couldn't help it, she hugged Lin Pingzhi and kissed her.

She missed Lin Pingzhi so much.

Lin Pingzhi didn't refuse, and embraced Yue Lingshan in a fierce kiss.

After a long time, Yue Lingshan couldn't breathe.

Only then did she push Lin Pingzhi away.

Thinking of her own madness just now, Yue Lingshan couldn't help feeling a little shy.

She blushed, looking at Lin Pingzhi with longing and anticipation.

When Lin Pingzhi interacted with Ning Zhongze earlier, he had an idea.

Looking at Yue Lingshan's eyes at this moment, Da Linzi woke up immediately.

Yue Lingshan glanced at Dalinzi, then turned her head away, not daring to look any further.

It was still bright outside at this time.

Although Lin Pingzhi wanted to eat Yue Lingshan.

But he was worried that Xiao Wu and the others would break in suddenly.

"Later, otherwise Xiao Wu and the others are here." Lin Pingzhi leaned close to Yue Lingshan's ear, biting her earlobe and whispered.

Yue Lingshan blushed.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi and said, "Xiao Wu and the others haven't returned to Huashan yet."

Lin Pingzhi was stunned for a moment.

Yue Buqun and Jiang Biehe went to play, did they take Xiao Wu and the others with them?

Or did Xiao Wu and the others follow Dingyi to Hengshan again?

It seemed that Lin Pingzhi was puzzled.

Yue Lingshan explained: "Sister Yilin wrote a letter, and they will come to Mount Hua with Leader Qu of Cold River City."

Hearing this, Lin Pingzhi suddenly realized.

At that time, Qu Wuyi promised herself that she would protect Yilin and the others.

She must have taken Yilin and the others to Yihong Courtyard.

It may be on the way to Huashan now.

But in this way, Lin Pingzhi also knew that no one would disturb him and Yue Lingshan's intimacy.

There was an evil look on his face, and his gaze towards Yue Lingshan shone brightly.

Yue Lingshan looked at Lin Pingzhi, how could she not understand Lin Pingzhi's thoughts.

But she hugged herself with both hands and looked at Lin Pingzhi in horror.

"Xiao Linzi, what are you going to do, don't mess around."

Lin Pingzhi's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, Yue Lingshan would still like to play like this.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, he grabbed Yue Lingshan's hand, and poked towards the big forest.

"Senior Sister, Dalinzi misses you."

Yue Lingshan was shy.

When she touched Da Linzi, she immediately withdrew her hand.

"You are so bad!"

Yue Lingshan lightly hammered Lin Pingzhi's chest.

Lin Pingzhi grabbed Yue Lingshan's hand and looked at her straight.

Yue Lingshan lowered her head in embarrassment.

Lin Pingzhi gently took her into his arms and said with a smile.

"Senior sister, am I huge and friendless?"

Yue Lingshan didn't react for a while.

"What a huge friend! Ah, wait!" Yue Lingshan exclaimed, she seemed to have thought of something, her face was blushing, "Xiao Linzi, you are going to die!"

The shy Yue Lingshan kept lightly hammering Lin Pingzhi's chest.

Lin Pingzhi kissed Yue Lingshan lightly on the face.

"The ancients said that the elders are teachers." Lin Pingzhi said solemnly, "Although you are younger than me, you are my senior sister, so you are considered an elder, right?"

Yue Lingshan listened to Lin Pingzhi's words, and she rolled her eyes at Lin Pingzhi.

There was a smug look on her face.

"Since you know that I am your senior sister and your elder, you still dare to make fun of me?"

As she spoke, she clenched her fist and stretched it out in front of Lin Pingzhi's eyes.

"See, if you bully me again, I'll beat you up!"

Lin Pingzhi kissed her pink fist, Yue Lingshan was so ashamed that she immediately withdrew her hand.

"Hahaha!" Lin Pingzhi laughed, "Then senior sister, have you ever heard such a sentence?"

Hearing Lin Pingzhi ask herself, Yue Lingshan couldn't help looking up at Lin Pingzhi curiously.


"Teacher, preaching and receiving liquid can also solve doubts."

Lin Pingzhi said with a wicked smile.

Yue Lingshan broke free from Lin Pingzhi's arms, she didn't realize that what Lin Pingzhi said was wrong.

With her hips akimbo, she raised her head and stood in front of Lin Pingzhi.

"Since you have said it all, I am your senior sister, that is, the elder, and the elder is the teacher, and the teacher preaches and teaches karma to solve doubts, so what kind of Tao do you want me to teach you, what karma to teach, and what puzzles to solve?"

Yue Lingshan was very serious, she tried her best to imitate the way Yue Buqun taught her disciples, it was very funny.

Lin Pingzhi also quickly saluted Yue Lingshan.

"Actually, it's only three words." He raised three fingers and said.

Yue Lingshan stared at Lin Pingzhi with contempt, as if he was a master of Taoism.

"My good boy, please tell me."

"Yin, essence, clothing."

Lin Pingzhi spit out three words slowly.

Now Yue Lingshan was stumped.

She turned around angrily and stopped looking at Lin Pingzhi.

"Hmph, what yin, essence, and clothes, Xiao Linzi, you don't follow the rules."

"I don't."

As Lin Pingzhi said, he stepped forward and hugged Yue Lingshan from behind.

He put his chin on Yue Lingshan's shoulder, with a smile on his lips.

"Senior Sister, according to the order of preaching, receiving fluids and solving puzzles, you can match the three words I said, and you will know."

Yue Lingshan listened to Lin Pingzhi's words.

Subconsciously combined the words Yin, Jing, and Yi with that sentence.

That is to pass...receive...understand...

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