Miao Renfeng was taken aback for a moment.

Su Mingyue's identity is already very powerful.

With doubts, he looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"Do you have another identity?" Miao Renfeng asked.

Lin Pingzhi's gaze was like a torch, and he nodded heavily.


Miao Renfeng was startled.

"Who is it?" he asked hastily.

Lin Pingzhi looked around, whispered in Miao Renfeng's ear.

"The Demon Respect Building."

As soon as these words came out, Miao Renfeng was dumbfounded.

The Mo Zunlou mentioned by Lin Pingzhi earlier was actually himself?

Isn't that who, the one Juxianzhuang wants to deal with is also him?

"You look like Mingyue now, so let me call you Mingyue."

Miao Renfeng felt that she was still used to calling Mingyue.

"It's all right."

Lin Pingzhi said casually.

Anyway, no matter Lin Pingzhi, Su Mingyue or Chonglou, it was him.

Miao Renfeng nodded, with a bit of worry in his eyes.

"Mingyue, Juxian Village is for dealing with Mo Zunlou and your elder brother Qiao Feng, which identity do you plan to go to?"

In Miao Renfeng's view, the most suitable identity should be that of Lin Pingzhi.

After all, whether it is Su Mingyue or Mo Zunlou, they can't eat well in Juxianzhuang.

"The devil respects the building."

Lin Pingzhi said without thinking.

He also thought about using Lin Pingzhi's identity.

But Lin Pingzhi's status is too low.

And it's not appropriate to appear in Juxianzhuang.

In addition, because Qiao Feng helped the Huashan faction.

Therefore, Lin Pingzhi's identity may be implicated instead.

At that time, he may be forced to show his martial arts.

Instead, the gains outweigh the losses.

Miao Renfeng frowned and looked at Lin Pingzhi in puzzlement.

"Why use demons to respect Lou's identity? Isn't the Hero Conference at Juxian Village just to deal with Chonglou and Qiao Feng?"

Regarding Miao Renfeng's question, Lin Pingzhi only raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

His lips trembled slightly, and he spit out a few words.

"Convenient to kill."

After leaving four words, Lin Pingzhi nodded towards Miao Renfeng, and then left.

Only Miao Renfeng was left on the spot, standing messily in the wind.

He suddenly found a problem.

Lin Pingzhi's status is very low.

Su Mingyue has a great reputation in the righteous way.

And the Demon Respect Tower...

He remembered the rumors from a while ago.

Mo Zunlou alone killed 180 monks in Southern Shaolin, and he is a rising devil in the arena!

He realized that Lin Pingzhi seemed to be planning a trick.

A big game.

But as Lin Pingzhi's father-in-law, it seems that they are already grasshoppers on the same boat.

He also understood that Lin Pingzhi told himself that he wanted to keep the women of Fuwei Escort from knowing.

Next, he understood what to do.

After Lin Pingzhi finished chatting with Miao Renfeng.

The first person he looked for was not Xiao Longnu, nor Li Mochou.

It was Miao Ruolan.

Gently knocking on Miao Ruolan's door

"Lan'er, are you there?"

Lin Pingzhi shouted softly.

Miao Ruolan hurried over and opened the door.

Looking at Miao Ruolan who was as weak as water, Lin Pingzhi gently hugged her.

Taking advantage of the trend, close the door.

Miao Ruolan felt Lin Pingzhi's embrace.

Her heart couldn't stop beating wildly.

Miao Ruolan, who was brought up by her father since she was a child, is hard to resist for mature men.

Feeling Lin Pingzhi's warm masculine breath at this moment, she felt shy in her heart.

The head has drooped deeply.

The reason for coming to Miao Ruolan is to completely tie Miao Renfeng to his boat.

The time has come, it's time for Miao Ruolan to transform.

"Lan'er." Lin Pingzhi whispered in Miao Ruolan's ear.

Miao Ruolan only felt itching in her ears, and the warm breath hit her pinnae.

She was a little unexpected.

Even though she is inexperienced.

But not children either.

Miao Ruolan also had a rough idea of ​​what Lin Pingzhi was going to do next.

"Brother Mingyue, I'm a little scared." Miao Ruolan buried her head in Lin Pingzhi's chest.

She was still a little worried about what was going to happen next.

"Don't worry, don't be afraid." Lin Pingzhi gently carried Miao Ruolan onto the bed.

The two kissed passionately.

After a burst of things that big numbers don't allow to describe.

Lin Pingzhi was preparing for the final attack.

Tears welled up in the corners of Miao Ruolan's eyes.

At this moment, she finally completed the transformation from a girl to a woman.

Her hands tightly grasped Lin Pingzhi's waist.

At this moment, she is in pain and happiness.

She had long hoped that one day she could truly become Lin Pingzhi's woman.

Xiao Longnu and the others haven't transformed yet, she knows it.

At this time, she was the first among all the girls, and she was very happy in her heart.

After a long time.

Lin Pingzhi gently kissed Miao Ruolan on the forehead.

"Take a good rest, I'll have dinner delivered."

Miao Ruolan nodded slightly, with tears of happiness in the corners of her eyes.

After leaving, Lin Pingzhi walked straight to Xiaolongnu and Li Mochou's room.

Miao Ruolan was a little weak for the first time.

He wasn't having fun.

On the way, Lin Pingzhi heard some piano sounds.

With his level of music theory, one can tell from the first listen that the player who plays the piano is absolutely superb.

Moreover, it completely surpassed Ren Yingying.

There are really not many people in this world who can surpass Ren Yingying in piano art.

In this Fuwei Escort, there are only piano practitioners.

After all, she is the future Qin Demon.

Lin Pingzhi stood at the gate of practicing Qingshang.

His thoughts were completely taken away by the sound of the piano.


Finished a song.

Lian Qingshang's voice came from the room.

"My lord, I like to listen to Qingshang's music, just come in."

Lin Pingzhi frowned.

He didn't know what Lian Qingshang was trying to sell.

What Qin Mo is good at is sound wave skills.

Just a melody of the piano can manipulate people's mind.

Counting it, the same is true for the seven-string invisible sword of the master of Meizhuang.

It's just that the seven-string invisible sword is far behind Qin Mo's Heavenly Demon Eight-tone.

Lin Pingzhi thought about it.

When Qin Demon dominated the martial arts world, Bai Xiaosheng seemed to be about to die.

Seems a little too old.

She is so young now, she should not be so powerful.

"Let's see, she's lurking in Fuwei Escort, what's she trying to do!"

With this thought in mind, Lin Pingzhi pushed open the door.

Lin Pingzhi's feelings about practicing Qingshang playing the piano and practicing Qingshang without playing the piano are completely different.

Lin Pingzhi once remembered reading a passage.

There is a sword as a soldier, and the person who uses it depends on the person; there is a sword like a person, and the person who uses it depends on the heart.

These are the words of Murong Ying in Gu Longzhong.

His unique skill is the Heavenly Demon Seven Swords.

It is the same as the heavenly demon octave for practicing Qingshang, and it belongs to the top unique school.

But Murong Ying's qualifications are limited.

Throughout his life, he only learned six swords.

The seventh sword, but I can't learn it no matter what.

Before he died, he said these words.

A sword is a weapon, it depends on who uses it.

People are weapons, it depends on the person's heart.

Now switch to Lian Qingshang and try the same.

Practicing Qing and Shang's qin is Tianmoqin.

The only sound weapon in the world.

The Tian Moqin is in Lin Pingzhi's hands, even he knows the rhythm very well.

It's not as powerful as Tianmoqin in the hands of Lian Qingshang.

Lian Qingshang, as a piano player, has already become one with Tian Moqin.

The sword is one with the sword.

She is, human and piano are one.

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