Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 380 Love Is Unfair

For all this, Lin Pingzhi was also belatedly aware.

He didn't expect that Ren Yingying would let Xiang Wentian take the blame.

Even in the past three days, there have been several frictions between the believers of the Sun Moon God Sect and the members of the Beggar Gang.

Since Green Bamboo Lane, Yue Buqun didn't look for Lin Pingzhi any more.

"Junior brother." Liang Fa came to find Lin Pingzhi.

"What's wrong? Brother?" Lin Pingzhi looked at Liang Fa.

Speaking of which, Liang Fa's attitude towards him has always been quite good.

So Lin Pingzhi treated Liang Fa like a senior brother.

"Master said, we will go back to Huashan tomorrow morning." Liang Fa said, "Master asked me to ask you, should we go back together, or do you want to go back to Hengshan first?"

Lin Pingzhi thought for a while, Xiaowu, Wanyanping and Yilin were still in Hengshan.

I'd better go back to Hengshan first.

After all, I seldom go back to Hengshan, and if I bring them back to Huashan, I can go back every time as Lin Pingzhi.

"Then please tell me, Senior Brother, Master Dingyi and I will return to Mount Heng first, and then return to Mount Hua." Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

Liang Fa nodded without saying anything.

"Okay, I'm going to talk to the master now." Liang Fa said and left.

Lin Pingzhi thought about it, Luoyang will come again next time.

Say goodbye to Ren Yingying.

Now the Sun Moon God Sect is fighting with the Beggar Gang because of its own problems.

I'm afraid Ren Yingying doesn't have much energy to find herself.

What's more, when I was not in Huashan, I mostly walked as Su Mingyue.

I'm afraid Ren Yingying wanted to find her, but she couldn't find her.

With this in mind, Lin Pingzhi came to Luzhu Lane again.

Lu Zhuweng still looked at Lin Pingzhi with a cold face.

"Go in, my aunt said, just go in when you come." Green Bamboo Man said.

Lin Pingzhi nodded and entered the room.

"Coming?" Ren Yingying said softly.

"Yes, my wife, I'm here to say goodbye to you." Lin Pingzhi said.

As soon as Lin Pingzhi's words came out, Ren Yingying was stunned.

The room fell silent for an instant.

"Are you leaving?" Ren Yingying asked, "Where are you going?"

"Let's go to Hengshan first, and then go back to Huashan." Lin Pingzhi replied truthfully.

Ren Yingying was silent for a while.

"In that case, then I won't send it away." Ren Yingying said.

"My wife, you are getting old, take good care of your body, don't pay attention to me, I am such an adult, can I still get lost?" Lin Pingzhi laughed.

Hearing Lin Pingzhi's words, Ren Yingying couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Why is Lin Pingzhi so gentle to strangers, but always angry with himself?

"By the way, is the girl you mentioned that day still looking for you?" Ren Yingying asked.

Lin Pingzhi's heart skipped a beat.

When Ren Yingying asked herself about her like this, she still cared about what she thought in her heart.

"No, don't mention it." Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Ren Yingying asked.

Her heart tightened, for fear that Lin Pingzhi would say something about not liking her.

"When I went out from Green Bamboo Alley that day, I was surrounded by people from the beggar gang. She jumped out foolishly. In order to save me, she herself was injured by that Xu." Lin Pingzhi said regretfully.

Ren Yingying was a little angry.

Didn't he jump out to save him to save him?

Besides, being injured by the sneak attack surnamed Xu was also because he was too worried about him.

"And then? How did you escape?" Ren Yingying asked.

She wanted to see if Lin Pingzhi would tell her "wife" about his real martial arts.

"I didn't escape." Lin Pingzhi said.

"Then how did you get out of your body?" Ren Yingying asked.

Lin Pingzhi thought for a while, the news seemed to be about the group of people Xiang Wentian killed.

"After she was injured, a middle-aged man came suddenly. His name was Xiang Wentian, or the left envoy of the Sun Moon God Sect." Lin Pingzhi said, "She also called Xiang Wentian Uncle Xiang."

Ren Yingying was overjoyed, thinking about his real martial arts, she only wanted to tell herself.

This made her feel sweet.

"I've heard about Xiang Wentian, the Sun Moon God taught Zuo Shi, and his martial arts are amazing." Ren Yingying said.

"Yes, it's really powerful." Lin Pingzhi praised, "In just a short while, those members of the beggar gang died."

"Then did you thank him?" Ren Yingying said with a smile.

Lin Pingzhi rolled his eyes.

She really took it seriously.

Besides, I don't know Xiang Wentian yet.

Thanks a chicken feather.

"No!" Lin Pingzhi said decisively.

Ren Yingying couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Only then did he realize that Xiang Wentian's story was just fabricated by himself.

"Since you are leaving Luoyang, why didn't you say goodbye to that girl? Instead, you came to say goodbye to my wife." Ren Yingying asked curiously.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head helplessly.

"It's not that I don't want to look for her, it's that she looks for me every time." Lin Pingzhi said, "When she wants to look for me, she looks for it, but I can't find her. How unfair is that?"

Lin Pingzhi pretended to be very similar.

Ren Yingying didn't find out until now, Lin Pingzhi knew that the old woman in Luzhu Lane was her.

"Why is it unfair?" Ren Yingying asked.

She was a little curious, why she was looking for Lin Pingzhi, and it was unfair that Lin Pingzhi couldn't find her.

I saw Ren Yingying asking this question.

Lin Pingzhi simply said it.

After all, he was leaving Luoyang soon.

Ren Yingying might not always be in Green Bamboo Lane.

At that time, I still don't know where to find her.

If he went to Heimuya, he might be beaten to death by Dongfang Bubai!

"My wife, you said that she likes me too, so I like her too. Do you think this is a fair existence?" Lin Pingzhi asked.

Ren Yingying thought about it, and Lin Pingzhi was definitely right.

"You're right." Ren Yingying said.

Seeing that Ren Yingying agreed, Lin Pingzhi continued: "But why, she came to me because she wanted to find me. It's been three days and I miss her too. Why can't I find her when I miss her?"

Ren Yingying was taken aback.

Although her current identity in front of Lin Pingzhi is not that of Ren Yingying.

But when Lin Pingzhi said that she wanted Ren Yingying, she also felt moved.

There was even an urge to lift the curtain and rush into his arms.

But rationality prevented her from doing so.

Because she is the holy aunt of the Sun Moon God Sect, and because her father, Ren Woxing, has not been found yet.

Because the Sun Moon God Sect is still under the control of Dongfang Bubai.

If you tell Lin Pingzhi where to find her.

I'm afraid Lin Pingzhi will be targeted by Dongfang Bubai.

Thinking of this, her eyes were a little red.

Qu Feiyan on the side also looked sad for Ren Yingying.

After sorting out her thoughts, Ren Yingying said softly: "Maybe, does she have something to hide?"

Lin Pingzhi naturally knew it.

It's just that he wanted Ren Yingying to know what was on his mind.

"I know that love is not fair." Lin Pingzhi said disappointedly.

Ren Yingying burst into tears.

She dared not speak, fearing that her crying would attract Lin Pingzhi's attention.

Lin Pingzhi didn't say much, he stood up and was about to leave.

"Honey, I'm leaving. If I come to Luoyang again in the future, I will come to see you again."

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