Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 347 Lin Pingzhi's Oath

Lin Pingzhi's heart tightened.

How many women do you have?

This is still really not calculated carefully.

Lin Pingzhi didn't know how to answer the dumb mother-in-law's question for a while.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi was questioned by her mother, Yilin knew that he was in a difficult situation.

"Mother, no matter how many women senior brother has, he will treat me well, don't worry." Yilin shook the dumb mother-in-law's arm, acting coquettishly.

The dumb mother-in-law patted Yilin's hand lightly, a trace of helplessness appeared in her eyes.

"Mother naturally knows that he will treat you well, otherwise I wouldn't have dealt with him earlier." The dumb mother-in-law gave Lin Pingzhi a blank look and said, "He has other women, I can tell of course."

The dumb mother-in-law walked up to Lin Pingzhi as she spoke.

"Brat, I don't care how many women you have, but if you dare to hurt Yilin, her father and I will definitely hunt you down, even at the ends of the earth."

Although Lin Pingzhi is not afraid of being hunted down by Monk Bujie and the dumb mother-in-law.

After all, the strength is here.

But Lin Pingzhi will definitely not hurt Yilin.

"Mother-in-law, please don't worry!" Lin Pingzhi said respectfully, "Pingzhi swears here, if there is a wrong Yilin in this life, I will be struck by lightning and die!"

In this world, vows are taken very seriously.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi swearing, the dumb mother-in-law would not suspect that Lin Pingzhi would hurt Yilin.

"Good boy." The dumb mother-in-law praised, and she looked at Lin Pingzhi with admiration.

Yilin couldn't hold back when Lin Pingzhi swore the oath.

"Brother!" Yilin cried and threw herself into Lin Pingzhi's arms.

For her.

Lin Pingzhi's oath is undoubtedly a confession of love.

The power of the oath bound Lin Pingzhi.

Although Yilin believed in Lin Pingzhi, she was also a woman.

He would also think about whether Lin Pingzhi would still treat her as he does now when he gets old one day and is no longer young.

But when Lin Pingzhi's vow came out.

Yilin no longer had any doubts.

When Monk Bujie heard Lin Pingzhi's oath, he was also happy for his daughter Yilin.

But the dumb mother-in-law's attitude towards Lin Pingzhi made Monk Bujie dissatisfied.

"Why can he have so many women? You ran away from home when I took a look at others?" Bujie monk asked the dumb mother-in-law in puzzlement.

His expression is very serious, which is indeed the doubt in his heart.

With so many women in Lin Pingzhi, his wife even allowed his daughter to follow him.

But when I first glanced at other women, she ran away from home.

This made Monk Bujie unable to understand.

When the issue of non-virtuous monk came up, Lin Pingzhi knew that he was about to overturn.

The smile on the dumb mother-in-law's face disappeared instantly.

She looked at Monk Bujie coldly.

"What? You still want to find another woman?" The dumb mother-in-law asked coldly.

Monk Bujie was stunned for a moment.

He really wanted to ask, when did I say I was looking for another woman?

But the dumb mother-in-law has already made a move.

She slapped Monk Bujie directly with her palm.

Monk Bujie saw that the dumb mother-in-law was about to make a move again, so he ran away quickly.

Lin Pingzhi watched his father-in-law and mother-in-law start the chasing game again, presumably this is their fun.

He hugged Yilin in his arms tightly again.

Lin Pingzhi felt that he was really happy to find a woman like Yilin.

"Junior Sister." Lin Pingzhi called softly.

"Huh?" Yilin raised her head and looked at Lin Pingzhi suspiciously.

Lin Pingzhi directly kissed Yilin's lips.

The monk who didn't quit and the dumb mother-in-law didn't know where they went.

At this time, only Lin Pingzhi and Yilin were in the courtyard.

Where they are affectionate, they have forgotten everything.

Just when Lin Pingzhi was about to proceed to the next step.

Dingyi came to the courtyard where they were.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi and Yilin kissing passionately.

Ding Yi couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

"Ahem." Dingyi pretended to cough twice.

But neither Lin Pingzhi nor Yilin responded.

They are all immersed in it.

Seeing that the two of them didn't respond, Ding Yi felt quite helpless.

"Cough cough cough."

She pretended to cough again, louder this time.

Lin Pingzhi and Yilin reacted instantly.

The two looked at Dingyi with embarrassment.

Yilin shyly slipped into Lin Pingzhi's arms, not daring to look at her master again.

Although Lin Pingzhi was a little embarrassed in his heart, his face was full of concern.

"Why is Master Uncle coughing so violently? Did he catch a cold? Does it matter?" Lin Pingzhi asked quickly, and then his speech slowed down, "Although it is summer, the top of Mount Heng is still a bit cold at night, Master Uncle Wan You must take good care of your health, everyone in the Hengshan faction is counting on the uncle, if the uncle is unwell due to catching a cold, induces illness, and cannot afford to lie down, then the Hengshan faction will lose its backbone."

Dingyi listened to Lin Pingzhi's words, his eyes widened.

Hello Lin Pingzhi.

I regard you as my son-in-law, but you curse me?

Yilin secretly squeezed Lin Pingzhi's waist in Lin Pingzhi's arms.

She was blaming Lin Pingzhi for talking.

Lin Pingzhi was in pain and knew that Yilin was blaming him.

He hastily squeezed out a smile and looked at Dingyi.

"Master, don't take it to heart, it was just a joke." Lin Pingzhi explained, looking at her with a serious face, "Master's uncle came late at night, so he must be looking for his younger sister for something important."

Yilin thought the same when she heard Lin Pingzhi's words.

The master came so late, he must have something important to find himself.

"Master, what's the matter?" Yilin said hastily.

Dingyi looked at Yilin and shook his head.

"No, I have something to do with Pingzhi." Dingyi shook his head, looking at Lin Pingzhidao.

Yilin raised her head and looked at Lin Pingzhi, thinking that the master didn't know what it was to find the senior brother.

It's just that Dingyi didn't say anything directly.

Yilin felt that if she stayed here, the master would not tell what happened.

"Then master and brother, I'll go back and rest first." Yilin said obediently.

Dingyi didn't stop her, she looked at Yilin with doting eyes: "Go."

"You go to rest first, I'll come later." Lin Pingzhi patted Yilin's ass.

Immediately, Yilin blushed and walked towards the room.

Master Dingyi's expression turned ugly.

"Pingzhi, this is a pure place of Buddhism." Master Dingyi said seriously, "Even if Yilin has returned to vulgarity, you should pay attention to the influence."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Mrs. Dingyi resentfully, and said nothing more.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi seemed to know his mistake, Mrs. Dingyi did not continue to pursue this matter.

"Okay, Pingzhi, you come with the uncle, the uncle has something to ask you." Master Dingyi said.

Lin Pingzhi probably guessed what Master Dingyi wanted to say to him when Master Dingyi said he was looking for him.

As one of the Five Sacred Mountains, Hengshan naturally cannot stay out of such a big event like Mount Huashan on Songshan Mountain.

What's more, Mount Tai and Mount Heng have already expressed their favor to Mount Song.

Master Dingyi was also a little anxious.

"Uncle Master is here."

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