Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 344 He Is Really Your Father


Lin Pingzhi clenched his fist, and threw a Fumoshen Fist at Monk Bujie.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi punching towards him, Monk Bujie showed joy in his eyes.


The non-restraining monk clenched his fists and his knuckles kept ringing.

"Good come!"


The two punched with both fists.

There was a stalemate for a while.

Monk Bujie blasted his internal energy directly into Lin Pingzhi's body.

Lin Pingzhi felt the internal force in his body, and hastily absorbed the internal force with the Beiming Divine Art.

Beiming Shengong began to probe towards the Bujie monk along Lin Pingzhi's meridians.

Lin Pingzhi stopped in a hurry.

This is his future old father-in-law.

If he is seriously injured.

That would be bad.

But Monk Bujie didn't know this.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi withdrew his hand, he thought that Lin Pingzhi would not be able to withstand the impact of his internal force.


Monk Bujie punched Lin Pingzhi's chest.

Lin Pingzhi flew backwards and hit the pillar of the Banshan Pavilion.

"Hey." Monk Bujie touched his big bald head, "How about you kid? I don't feel good about this punch from the big monk, right?"

Lin Pingzhi only felt the qi and blood in his body surging, so he quickly suppressed the injury with the help of Shenzhaojing.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi was healing his wounds, Monk Bujie thought of taking advantage of the victory to pursue him.

At this time, Hengshan Sanding had brought people down.

Yilin told Master Dingyi about Otian Boguang.

She immediately called Dingjing and Dingxian and chased after them.

They met Yiqing who was kidnapped on the road, and they knew that Lin Pingzhi and Tian Boguang were in Banshanting.

"Brother!" Yilin shouted.

She hurried to Lin Pingzhi's side.

When Monk Bujie saw that Hengshan had settled down three times, he immediately gave up and went up to meet him.

"The Great Monk has seen the three teachers." Monk Bujie apologized, "Where is my daughter Yilin?"

Hengshan Sanding's face was a little ugly.

But seeing that Tian Boguang is no longer there.

Dingyi pointed to Yilin beside Lin Pingzhi and said, "She is Yilin."

Monk Bujie immediately looked towards Yilin.

Seeing that she cared so much about Lin Pingzhi, he immediately became anxious.

Why does this kid from Huashan make Yilin care so much.

Does my family, Yilin, like him?

Monk Bujie hurriedly ran towards Yilin.

"Yilin, you can't like this kid." Monk Bujie said anxiously.

Seeing a big monk suddenly appearing to pull her, Yilin immediately clung to Lin Pingzhi's body in panic.

Lin Pingzhi was also a little displeased to see the great monk being so rude.

Even if Yilin is your daughter, she doesn't know you yet.

It's not okay for you to be so rude.

"Hey, Great Monk." Lin Pingzhi grabbed the hand of Monk Bujie, "I stopped before because I was afraid of hurting you, so don't push yourself."

A fierce light appeared in Lin Pingzhi's eyes.

So what if you are Yilin's real father.

If you dare to hurt Yilin, I will suck you dry with Beiming magic power.

Monk Bujie was immediately angry when Lin Pingzhi grabbed his arm.

"You boy, get the hell out of here!" Monk Bujie shouted.

He was about to slap Lin Pingzhi away with one palm.

However, Lin Pingzhi directly used the Beiming Divine Art to absorb the inner strength of the undisciplined monk.

Monk Bujie trembled all over.

"Let go, let go, let me go." Monk Bujie tremblingly said.

Lin Pingzhi withdrew the Beiming Divine Art.

The monk who didn't quit was frightened and backed away again and again.

"Okay! You actually know how to use the star-absorbing method that I can do!" Monk Bujie looked at Lin Pingzhi in horror.

Hengshan Sanding was startled when he heard the words of Monk Bujie.

"Senior Sister." Dingjing looked at Dingyi and said.

"Don't worry, listen to what he has to say." Ding Yi said.

She had a good impression of Lin Pingzhi.

It feels like he doesn't belong to the Sun Moon God Sect.

"You are so ignorant, great monk." Lin Pingzhi said disdainfully, "I have never heard of the star-absorbing method that I can do at will. I am using the Beiming magic skill."

Monk Bujie was stunned for a moment.

"Beiming Divine Art? What Beiming Divine Art?" Monk Bujie said angrily, "I see that this is clearly a star-absorbing method that I can do by myself."

Yilin was naturally upset when she heard that Monk Bujie had wronged her sweetheart like this.

"You fart." Yilin yelled at Monk Bujie, "How could my senior brother have anything to do with people from the Sun Moon God Sect!"

When Monk Bujie heard Yilin's words, his originally stern face immediately laughed.

"Yes, yes, yes, I fart, I fart." He kept clapping his mouth as he spoke.

His movements were deliberately exaggerated, as if to make Boyi Lin smile.

But Yilin was angry because he framed Lin Pingzhi at this time, how could she care about him.

"You big monk, you are so rude." Yilin turned her head away and stopped looking at him.

Lin Pingzhi embraced Yilin in his arms.

"Where are Xiao Wu and Ping'er?" Lin Pingzhi asked softly.

Yilin's face was reddened by Lin Pingzhi's sudden intimacy.

After all, his master was watching over there.

Brother, why are you like this?

"They are in the nunnery." Yilin whispered.

Knowing that Xiao Wu and Wan Yanping were in Baiyun Nunnery, Lin Pingzhi felt relieved.

Seeing that Yilin ignored him, Monk Bujie felt a little anxious.

"Yilin, look at Dad, don't bother with that brat." Bujie monk hurriedly said.

Yilin ignored him, making him jump in anxiety.

"You are talking nonsense! I have been an orphan since I was a child." Yilin retorted.

Monk Bujie saw that Yilin didn't recognize him as his father, so he immediately looked at Master Dingyi with a look of pleading for help.

"Master, please tell Yilin quickly." Monk Bujie begged.

The monk's refusal to quit made Yilin suspicious.

She looked at Mrs. Dingyi with suspicion in her eyes.

In Lin Pingzhi's arms, she couldn't help but grasp Lin Pingzhi's clothes tightly.

A trace of helplessness appeared in Dingyi's eyes.

She looked at Yilin with kindness in her eyes.

"Yilin, this Bujie monk is indeed your biological father." Dingyi shook his sleeves.

With a heavy sigh, she took the lead to go up the mountain back to Baiyun Nunnery.

Dingjing and Dingxian glanced at Yilin and went back to Baiyun Nunnery with the disciples of Hengshan School.

Yilin looked at Monk Bujie timidly.

It all seemed so unbelievable.

When I grew up so much, a biological father suddenly appeared.

Monk Bujie looked at Yilin expectantly.

But Yilin fell into hesitation.

Her eyes were red, and tears were already falling from her lids.

Lin Pingzhi looked a little distressed.

He stretched out his hand and gently wiped Yilin's cheek.

Yilin's little hand suddenly grabbed Lin Pingzhi's.

"Brother." Yilin choked up, "Is what Master said true?"

Lin Pingzhi knew what Yilin was asking.

He looked at Monk Bujie, and saw that his brows and eyes were full of love for Yilin.

"Your master won't lie to you." Lin Pingzhi said softly.

When Monk Bujie heard Lin Pingzhi's words, his attitude towards Lin Pingzhi became much better.

"That's right, that kid is right, your master Dingyi will never lie to you." Monk Bujie said expectantly, "I'm really your real father."

Yilin couldn't hold back any longer.

She wailed and rushed towards the Bujie monk.


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