Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 316 Seeing Wang Yuyan Finally

With Jin Da leading the way, Lin Pingzhi and others soon arrived outside the mill.

There is a horse tied to a tree outside.

Presumably it should be the horse that Duan Yu and Wang Yuyan rode together.

On the way to the mill, messy footprints were also seen.

"No! They've already gone in!" Lin Pingzhi said in surprise.

When Jin Da heard this, he was shocked immediately.

"What! My brother!"

Jin Da rushed directly into the mill.

"Brother Jin!" Lin Pingzhi shouted.

But Jin Da's footsteps did not stop at all, he rushed towards the inside of the mill quickly.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Yilin asked quickly.

Lin Pingzhi looked into the mill.

From the window, you can still see many Xixia people gathered there.

"You go from the front, and I'll go around from the back." Lin Pingzhi glanced at the second floor of the mill.

Wang Yuyan was there.

"Good!" Yilin nodded and said.

She looked at Xiao Wu and Wan Yanping.

"Sister Ping'er and sister Xiaowu, you follow me." Yilin said.

"Wait a moment."

Lin Pingzhi called Yilin to stop.

"What's wrong?" The three of them stopped and looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"There is a man who looks like the leader inside. You are not his opponent. After finishing off the other Xixia people, go to the second floor of the mill. I will wait for you there." Lin Pingzhi instructed.

Yilin deeply remembered Lin Pingzhi's words.

"Brother, don't worry." Yilin said and passed.

Lin Pingzhi nodded, and he took An Yeliuxiang and quickly walked around to the back of the mill.


He stepped a little, and the whole person jumped up out of thin air, and rushed in through the window.

At this time, Wang Yuyan was concentrating on the movements below.

Jin Er's daughter-in-law is helping Wang Yuyan get dressed.

Wang Yuyan was terrified when she heard the sound of Lin Pingzhi breaking through the window.

"Who is it!" Wang Yuyan looked in the direction where Lin Pingzhi came in.

Jin Er's daughter-in-law was startled when she saw Lin Pingzhi.

But soon Wang Yuyan's face showed surprise.

"Master Mingyue!" Wang Yuyan said happily.

She knew that with Lin Pingzhi, at least her and Duan Yu's lives would be safe.

"Miss Wang."

Lin Pingzhi rushed in, wiped the rain off his face, looked at Wang Yuyan and said.

But Wang Yuyan was asking Jin Er's daughter-in-law to help her change clothes.

Now she doesn't have any hair on her body.

Lin Pingzhi was dumbfounded.

The magnificent scene in front of me can be said to be rare.

Two sentences appeared in Lin Pingzhi's mind:

This woman should only exist in the sky, it is rare to hear it in the world.

His eyes became extremely hot and seemed full of possessiveness.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi looking at her like this, Wang Yuyan couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"Master Mingyue!" Wang Yuyan exclaimed.

Only then did Lin Pingzhi react.

For the sake of his image as a gentleman, Lin Pingzhi must turn his head away.

"Sister, quickly help me get dressed." Wang Yuyan shouted.

Jin Er's daughter-in-law Jing Qing began to help Wang Yuyan get dressed.

Wang Yuyan felt a little shy.

She didn't expect Lin Pingzhi to expose his body.

All of this was a misunderstanding, but it happened to be such a coincidence.

But Wang Yuyan still kept telling herself that this was just a misunderstanding.

My favorite is my cousin Murong Fu.

But thinking of Lin Pingzhi's burning eyes, Wang Yuyan couldn't help but feel a ripple in her heart.

Does Master Mingyue like me?Wang Yuyan thought so in her heart.

At this time, Wang Yuyan's clothes were already half worn.

But Duan Yu's voice suddenly came from below.

"Brother Jin, Brother Jin! You can't die!" Duan Yu shouted hastily.

Jin Er's daughter-in-law couldn't care less about Wang Yuyan's dressing when she heard Duan Yu's voice.

"Second brother!" Jin Er's daughter-in-law hurriedly rushed down.

Suddenly the door was violently kicked open.

"You bastards! You actually killed my younger brother!" It was Jin Da's voice.

But hold tight for a moment.

Jin Er's daughter-in-law cried out again.

"Big brother!"

Kim Dae is also dead.

Duan Yu was at a loss, he didn't know what to do for a while.

At this time, the warriors of Xixia Yipintang were preparing to attack Jin Er's daughter-in-law.

"Don't do this! Don't kill people!" Duan Yu hurriedly dissuaded him.

But he was kicked away by the people of Xixia Yipintang.

Lin Pingzhi listened to these voices and remained unmoved.

He is not the savior after all.

Can't save everyone.

What's more, the system gave him a task just now.

Let him sit idly by and ignore the Kim Dae family.

Although Lin Pingzhi felt helpless, he still stood there.

Looking at the scene below, Wang Yuyan's heart was pierced.

Duan Yu wanted to run up at this moment.

Wang Yuyan immediately stopped him.

"Young Master Duan, don't come up, I haven't got my clothes on yet." Wang Yuyan shouted hastily.

Duan Yu heard that his fairy sister was not wearing any clothes at this time, although he wanted to find out, but in the end he suppressed the idea of ​​not blaspheming the fairy sister.

"Okay!" Duan Yu gritted his teeth, "I'll try my best to stop them!"

Because Duan Yu didn't come up, he didn't see Lin Pingzhi.

Wang Yuyan looked at Duan Yu, then at Lin Pingzhi.

At this time, there are no female relatives.

Someone had to help her dress.

She struggled again and again, thinking that Lin Pingzhi had watched everything that Lin Pingzhi should have seen before.

Just let Lin Pingzhi come.

"Master Mingyue." Wang Yuyan shouted with difficulty.

When Lin Pingzhi heard Wang Yuyan's call, he immediately turned his head to look at Wang Yuyan.

At this time, Wang Yuyan added a bit of messy beauty under the half cover of her clothes.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but was dumbfounded again.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi's demented gaze, Wang Yuyan was delighted because her charm could move Lin Pingzhi's face.

But more shy.

As a girl from a good family, she never got close to men, so she was naturally extremely shy when Lin Pingzhi saw something she shouldn't have seen.

"Young Master Mingyue, don't look at it." Wang Yuyan said angrily, "Help me get off my clothes quickly, I'm poisoned and can't move."

Hearing Wang Yuyan's call, Lin Pingzhi immediately came to his senses.

"Okay, come right away." Lin Pingzhi rushed to Wang Yuyan's side without saying a word.

Lin Pingzhi, who came to Wang Yuyan's side, looked even more engrossed.

His hands froze in mid-air.

The beauty is from far to near.

There is beauty in far, and beauty in near.

Wang Yuyan felt shy in her heart, she was a little ashamed and annoyed.

Why did Young Master Mingyue look at him so directly.

Doesn't he know what is said in the sages' books?

"Young Master Mingyue." Wang Yuyan screamed like a mosquito, "You still don't close your eyes?"

"Oh." Lin Pingzhi quickly nodded and closed his eyes.

He slowly stretched out his hand to look for the clothes that were half hanging on Wang Yuyan's body.

"Ah." Wang Yuyan whispered.

Lin Pingzhi immediately felt a little embarrassed.

He knew what he had encountered.

"Master Mingyue, be careful." Wang Yuyan reminded.

"Miss Wang, don't worry, I will never encounter anything I shouldn't touch again." Lin Pingzhi said seriously.

Wang Yuyan was shy in her heart, and she didn't know whether Mr. Mingyue had intentions or not.

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