Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 309 Lin Pingzhi's Killing

Said so said.

But with Yilin's current martial arts.

Say nothing else.

Di Xiu, the chief disciple of the Songshan School, is no match for Yilin.

The Nine Yin Scriptures are unique.

What does geek mean?

It means that if you practice, you will be super awesome.

Lin Pingzhi pulled out the Weeping Blood Sword with a "clang".

He took the lead and stood up.

Yilin, Xiaowu and Wanyanping followed behind Lin Pingzhi holding swords.

"Are you from Quan Guanqing?" Lin Pingzhi looked at the many disciples of the Beggar Clan in front of him and asked coldly.

Hearing Lin Pingzhi's words, the disciples of the beggar gang suddenly became angry.

"Who are you!" asked one of the Beggar Clan disciples with several bags on his body, "How dare you call Master Quan by his name!"

"Hmph! Don't you read Quan Guanqing's name!" Lin Pingzhi snorted coldly.

Lin Pingzhi didn't like Quan Guanqing at all.

Seeing that his subordinates are so tyrannical now, his murderous intentions immediately surged up.


With a loud roar, Lin Pingzhi rushed into the beggar gang crowd first.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi dared to make a move, the Beggar Clan disciple immediately called his disciples to fight back.

"Hmph, not everyone dares to behave wildly in front of my gang of beggars!" he roared.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes locked on the talking beggar gang disciple.

He took his sword straight to his throat.

The Beggar Clan disciple was startled, he picked up the stick in his hand and was about to block Lin Pingzhi's sword.

But Lin Pingzhi's Weeping Blood Sword is so sharp, Lin Pingzhi broke the bamboo stick in the hand of the Beggar Clan disciple with just one strike.

There was a "poof".

The Weeping Blood Sword pierced into his throat.

Lin Pingzhi observed that the blood tank of the Weeping Blood Sword did not change.

He also knew that the Beggar Clan disciple he had killed was nothing more than a nobody.

"He dared to kill my Beggar Sect disciple, the brothers killed him!"

A disciple of the beggar gang shouted immediately.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed, and his sword kept flying.

With every sword strike, a beggar gang disciple will be injured or die.

He swept away the dozen or so beggar gang disciples in front of him with a single sword.

Before they rushed up, Lin Pingzhi looked towards Yilin.

Yilin fought alone against more than a dozen disciples of the Beggar Clan, and she did not lose the slightest bit.

Her swordsmanship is so elegant, it looks like a beauty sword dance.

Xiao Wu and Wan Yanping joined hands to deal with more than a dozen Beggar Clan disciples.

Wan Yanping's strength is similar to Xiao Wu's, and the two get along day and night, and they are both Lin Pingzhi's disciples, their martial arts are similar.

Work together to beat those beggar gang disciples to the ground.

Seeing that they were safe and sound, Lin Pingzhi felt relieved.

He turned his head and looked at the beggar gang disciples in front of him, with a cold look in his eyes.

If you don't want to kill, brother, I, Lin Pingzhi, will kill for you!

Big Brother doesn't want to be a villain, so I, Lin Pingzhi, will do it!

Big Brother is kind to me, I, Lin Pingzhi, will definitely live up to you!

Lin Pingzhi thought that Qiao Feng used the intelligence agency of the Beggar Gang to help him.

Thinking that not long ago, he knew that Huashan was going to encounter a catastrophe, so he went to Huashan to help him fight back the enemy.

I, Lin Pingzhi, am not a real gentleman!

But I am definitely not an ungrateful person!


Lin Pingzhi roared.

For the misfortune that Qiao Feng will encounter next, Lin Pingzhi melted into the sword.

"Who the hell are you!" Someone asked loudly.

Lin Pingzhi ignored him and killed the man directly.

"You are from the Five Sacred Sword School!" Someone recognized the Songshan Sword Art.

What Lin Pingzhi used earlier was the Songshan Sword Technique among the Five Sacred Sword Techniques.

He just used it casually and didn't expect to be recognized.

That being the case, let the Songshan faction take the blame.

"So what!" Lin Pingzhi continued to slaughter the disciples of the Beggar Clan with the Songshan sword technique.

Soon everyone on the ferry was killed by Lin Pingzhi.

"Brother." Yilin ran to Lin Pingzhi's side.

Lin Pingzhi wiped away the blood from Yilin's face distressedly.

Perhaps Yilin had never killed so many people before.

"Thank you for your hard work." Yilin said.

She is smiling.

In this bloody place, her smile is like a rose flower.

Xiao Wu and Wan Yanping came in front of Lin Pingzhi, their martial arts were slightly weaker.

Fortunately, there was no injury.

"Are you all okay?" Lin Pingzhi said with concern.

Although there is no injury on the surface, if there is an internal injury, it will not be obvious at a glance.

"Don't worry, master, I'm getting along very well with my junior sister and sister." Xiao Wu smiled happily.

She felt that she had finally helped Lin Pingzhi.

"Master, don't worry, these beggar gang disciples are far worse than those in Xiangyang," Wan Yanping said.

She followed Lin Pingzhi from Xiangyang City.

Lin Pingzhi understood what Wanyan Ping meant.

The disciples of the Beggar Clan in Xiangyang City followed Guo Jing and fought against the Mongolian army.

The weak are all dead.

And can survive.

Basically all good players.

Among the current beggar gang.

If one is talking about the strongest in martial arts, then naturally Qiao Feng and Hong Qigong are the most recommended.

However, Hong Qigong has abdicated. It can be said that Qiao Feng is the No. 1 force in the beggar gang.

But talk about the overall strength of the beggar gang.

The first ones to recommend are naturally the disciples of the Beggars' Clan in Xiangyang City.

Although they are the fewest in number, each one is a seasoned fighter.

Whether it is Qiao Feng's Northern Beggars' Gang or Shi Huolong's Southern Beggars' Gang, they are inferior to the Beggars' Gang led by Huang Rong in Xiangyang City.

"Junior Sister." Lin Pingzhi looked at Yilin with an apologetic look on his face, "My elder brother Qiao Feng is in trouble, let's go to Mount Heng after this matter is resolved."

Yilin didn't complain either, since she hasn't been back to Hengshan for a long time anyway, so it doesn't matter if it takes longer.

As long as she understands Lin Pingzhi's intentions.

"Senior Brother, don't worry about Yilin." Yilin said, "You and Brother Qiao are both outstanding heroes in the world, a man and a man, how can you stop your progress because of this little girl like me?"

Lin Pingzhi was very moved.

It's so beautiful, what more can I ask for.

Yilin really is as understanding as the original book.

In the original book, she fell in love with Linghu Chong, but it didn't come to fruition.

Lin Pingzhi will definitely not let Yilin down again.

"I believe that with my help, big brother will definitely be able to tide over this difficulty." Lin Pingzhi nodded.

Wan Yanping looked at Lin Pingzhi, she wanted to ask what to do next.

"Master, what should we do next?" Wan Yanping asked.

Lin Pingzhi turned his head to look at the two big ships at the ferry.

"The two elders who are law enforcement and teaching skills of the beggar gang are imprisoned in front of them. Let's rescue them and give my elder brother justice."

"it is good!"

Lin Pingzhi hurriedly led his men onto the big boat.

All the disciples of the Beggar Gang who were not tied up were killed by Lin Pingzhi.

Now there are only beggar gang disciples whose hands and feet are bound.

"Shh" sounded.

Lin Pingzhi's sword energy streaked across.

All the disciples of the Beggar Gang were rescued by Lin Pingzhi.

But they didn't thank Lin Pingzhi, instead they picked up the weapons around them and killed Lin Pingzhi.

"You thief! How dare you kill my Beggar Sect disciple!"

A beggar sect disciple shouted loudly.

"We fight with you!"

Lin Pingzhi's face was ugly.

These beggar gang disciples don't argue right from wrong, they are really extremely stupid.

"May I ask if the elders of the Beggar Clan's Law Enforcement are here!"

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