Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 26 I would rather demolish a temple than ruin a marriage

In a villa at the foot of Mount Hua.

In the main hall stood a middle-aged man with a thin face. If Ning Zhongze and Yue Buqun were there, he could be seen as Zuo Lengchan at a glance.

At this moment, Di Xiu, Zuo Lengchan's disciple, came in from the outside.

"Master, Uncle Lu and Junior Brother Shi are dead." Di Xiu cried and cried, because he hadn't heard the news for a long time, so he was sent by Zuo Lengchan to inquire about the news, but he didn't expect to get bad news.

"What!" Zuo Lengchan was startled when he heard the words, he turned his head to look at Di Xiu, "What's going on?"

From Zuo Lengchan's point of view, although his apprentice Shi Dengda's kung fu is not top-notch, he is smart and cautious, and with Lu Bai supporting him, there shouldn't be any problems, but why did he hear the news from them? News of death?

Di Xiu didn't dare to look up at Zuo Lengchan, he knew his master's temper.

"When I arrived, Yue Buqun had already arrived, I didn't dare to make a sound, I only dared to eavesdrop." Di Xiu said with his head down.

"Get to the point!" Zuo Lengchan became angry, and he exuded an aura that directly knocked down the chair beside him.

Seeing that his master was angry, Di Xiu lowered his head in horror.

"Yes, master, they died at the hands of Hong Qigong." Di Xiu said.

"Where are their bodies?"

"The corpses were left aside, and Tu'er brought them back."

"Come up."


Di Xiu ran out quickly, and then four Songshan disciples appeared carrying the bodies of Lu Bai and Shi Dengda.

"Master, look."

Zuo Lengchan pushed Di Xiu away, his face was very ugly, at this time Lu Bai and Shi Dengda were covered with sword wounds.

He lifted their clothes and saw the sunken palm prints on their bodies, Zuo Lengchan's eyes turned red.

Zuo Lengchan could recognize these palm prints, they were the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, it seemed that they really died in Hong Qigong's hands.

But Zuo Lengchan noticed the faint sword mark on their necks again.

Zuo Lengchan squatted down, and gently stroked the sword marks on their necks with his fingers.

"What a profound swordsmanship." Zuo Lengchan exclaimed, he was sure that the three palms subduing the dragon and the eighteen palms had disabled Lu Bai and the others, and what was really fatal was the sword marks on their necks.

But he had never heard of Hong Qigong using a sword.

Then there is only one possibility.

Hong Qigong wounded them, and someone who came after them killed them.

"Have you ever seen a master swordsman?" Zuo Lengchan suddenly asked.

"No, Master." Di Xiu shook his head, he remembered that he only saw Yue Buqun and the others while hiding in the distance.

Zuo Lengchan didn't say a word, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind that he didn't quite believe.

In the dispute between the two factions of Huashan Qijian, Jianzong Feng Qingyang was transferred away from the mountain, and then disappeared.

Some say he is dead, some say he has lived in seclusion.

Now Zuo Lengchan feels that Feng Qingyang is in Huashan.

Zuo Lengchan knew Yue Buqun's swordsmanship. With Yue Buqun's swordsmanship, he would never be able to achieve the sword marks on Lu Bai's neck.

It can only be said that there are other people who use swords.

Apart from Feng Qingyang, Zuo Lengchan really couldn't think of anyone else.

"Tell Feng Buping and the others that the plan will be postponed," Zuo Lengchan said.

"Yes." Di Xiu got Zuo Lengchan's order and went out.

In the villa, people from the Songshan faction withdrew overnight.

Zuo Lengchan felt fear in his heart, whether it was Hong Qigong or Feng Qingyang, it was obvious that he was no match.

Lin Pingzhi didn't know that his hiding made the Songshan faction's plot temporarily postponed.

At least, in a short period of time, the Songshan faction did not dare to attack the Huashan faction again.

Early next morning.

After Lin Pingzhi, Ningzhong and Yilin had breakfast, they went down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, he saw a scholar chasing a woman riding a horse, sweating profusely with a bookcase on his back.

The woman did not speed up, but kept hanging on to the scholar.

"Hey, Xie Weiyue, why do you think you've been chasing me so shamelessly?" The woman turned her head and looked at Xie Weiyue who was panting behind her and said, "You should read your sage book, and I will learn my martial arts. The eight poles can't be hit together."

"Miss Wu Sha, this statement is wrong. As a woman, how can you fight with a man with a sword?" The scholar named Xie Weiyue said panting while holding his knees.

"What do you know? In this world, there is chaos. If I don't learn a skill, how can I defend myself? Is it up to you?" Wu Sha's eyes showed disdain. In her opinion, Xie Weiyue, a scholar, has no strength to restrain a chicken. Can't protect her at all.

Xie Weiyue's face turned red, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Look, you have nothing to say." Wu Sha blinked her big eyes, as if winning Xie Weiyue's bickering would make him very happy.

"Miss Wu Sha, when I become famous, I will have many men who can protect you." Xie Weiyue said.

"Forget it, you plan to test the fame of Song Dynasty, we are in the territory of Mongolia, how can you protect me?" Wu Sha said disgustedly.

She was talking about the pattern of the world.

Today, the world is divided into five parts, and Mongolia, Qing Dynasty, Southern Song Dynasty, Tubo Kingdom, and Dali Kingdom occupy the land of China.

The Ming Kingdom has been destroyed by the Qing Dynasty, and the Daliao Kingdom is hiding between Mongolia and the Qing Dynasty.

And the only remaining country of the Han people is the Southern Song Dynasty.

This scholar named Xie Weiyue was planning to go to the Southern Song Dynasty for his fame.

"Master, this woman seems to be coming to pay homage to our Huashan sect?" Lin Pingzhi looked at Ning Zhong and asked, it seemed that Huashan did not have such a female disciple in his memory.

"Well, it should be, but this little girl is not like an ordinary person. Look at her fine clothes and jade clothes, and she has a horse under her crotch." Ning Zhong said, you must know that this is an era of wars, and people like them All the horses were requisitioned, so that those with good lightness skills traveled quickly, while those with poor lightness skills traveled slowly.

And Wu Sha is riding a horse under her crotch. It is conceivable that her status is either rich or noble.

"However, I think that scholar seems to be very devoted to this girl on horseback." Yilin looked at Xie Weiyue and said, feeling pity for him in her heart.

"Master, do you think Master will accept her?" Lin Pingzhi looked at Ning Zhong and asked.

"No, this kind of person is either rich or noble, pampered and spoiled, your master will not accept it." Ning Zhong shook his head and said, in fact, she still had one worry that she didn't say, that she might be someone sent by the court.

"In this case, it's easy to handle." Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

"Ping'er, what are you going to do?" Ning Zhong's heart skipped a beat, she knew that Lin Pingzhi might be going to do something again.

"As the saying goes, it's better to tear down ten temples than ruin a marriage." Lin Pingzhi said, looking at Ning Zhongze, "Master, in order not to let you tear down ten temples, I'm going to match them up."

"Okay, senior brother, go quickly." Yilin said with a blushing face, she also hoped that lovers would eventually get married, just like herself and Lin Pingzhi.

"Hey! Ping'er, wait a minute."

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