Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 254 Sudden Change

Yue Buqun didn't expect that what Ying Luobai said would be like this.

When Ning Zhong saw that Lu Dayou and the others joined forces to slander Lin Pingzhi, he immediately felt angry.

But she also wanted to know what happened next.

"What happened later! Tell me quickly." Ning Zhong urged.

Lu Dayou and Linghu Chong became anxious immediately.

Lao Denuo was holding a hidden weapon in his hand at this time, and he was a little entangled in whether he should make a move or not.

Just when Ying Luobai was about to speak again.

Lu Dayou panicked.

"Master and wife! I was wrong!" Lu Dayou hurriedly shouted, "It's the second senior brother, it's the second senior brother..."

But before Lu Dayou finished speaking, Lao Denuo moved!

He threw the hesitant dart directly at Lu Dayou.

Lin Pingzhi didn't expect that Lao Denuo would make a move here!

It seems that he must know that if this continues, he will be exposed.

"Be careful!" Lin Pingzhi shouted immediately.

Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong were also anxious.

Lin Pingzhi hurriedly wanted to save Lu Dayou.

But he was a little far away from Lu Da.

Laudenuo's dart finally pierced Lu Dayou's throat before Lin Pingzhi arrived.

"Two, two, brother, you..." Lu Dayou pointed at Lao Denuo.

He wanted to speak, but couldn't.

The shocking changes present made everyone dumbfounded.

The second senior brother who had been honest and honest for a long time actually killed Lu Dayou!

Seeing that Lu Dayou died immediately, Yue Buqun felt annoyed.

If he hadn't been too careless, Lu Dayou wouldn't have died at all!

After Lao Denuo killed Lu Dayou, he ran away with light work without any pause.

Yue Buqun quickly chased after him.

At this moment, Laudno's voice came.

"Linghu Chong! Don't run away!"

Linghu Chong's face changed when he heard Lao Denuo's voice.

Ning Zhong, who was standing beside Linghu Chong, was startled.

She looked at Linghu Chong in shock.

But Linghu Chong had already made a move.

He patted Ning Zhongze on the shoulder.

Ning Zhong directly spat out a mouthful of blood and went backwards.

Lin Pingzhi wanted to catch up.

But I still feel that Ning Zhongze's injury is more important.

He quickly stepped forward and caught Ning Zhongze who was flying upside down.

Although hugging Ning Zhongze's delicate body, Lin Pingzhi didn't have any messy thoughts at this moment.

He supported Ning Zhongze to do a good job cross-legged, and directly began to heal Ning Zhongze's injuries with the help of the nerves.

At this time, Ying Luobai also woke up.

He looked at all this in front of him, a little at a loss.

In the end what happened?

What about the master?

At a glance, he found that there was blood on the corner of Ning Zhongze's mouth, and the younger brother was healing Ning Zhongze.

And there was Lu Dayou's body on the ground.

There was a dart stuck in his neck, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't believe it.

Ying Luobai was a little at a loss.

At this time, apart from Lu Dayou, Liang Fa, the third disciple of Huashan, and Tao Jun, the seventh disciple, all drew their swords to guard their surroundings.

Yue Lingshan saw so many things happened in such an instant.

She was a little shocked at first.

As soon as she realized it, she drew out her sword and pressed it against Ying Luobai's neck.

"Tell me! What do you know!" Yue Lingshan burst into tears.

Yilin was very vigilant at this time.

Lin Pingzhi is healing his wounds in Ningzhong.

The highest martial arts here is Yilin.

She has martial arts such as the Nine Yin Manual taught by Lin Pingzhi, but she has never demonstrated them in Huashan.

So people in Huashan don't know.

Xiao Wu and Wanyan Ping were at a loss for what to do.

Wan Yanping pulled Xiao Wu to prevent her from walking around.

She is also very vigilant, whether someone will come out again.

If Xiao Wu made another mistake, Wan Yanping was sure that Lin Pingzhi would go berserk.

"Ping'er! Xiao Wu!" Lin Pingzhi called out to them, "Bring Jiuhua Yulu Pills!"

Ning Zhongze's injury has basically stabilized.

Linghu Chong struck ruthlessly, but luckily it wasn't fatal.

As long as he swallowed the Jiuhua Yulu pill, Ning Zhong would recover quickly.

Wanyanping and Xiaowu immediately came to Lin Pingzhi's side, and handed Lin Pingzhi the bottle containing Jiuhua Yulu pills.

Lin Pingzhi took the bottle and uncorked it, only to find that there was only one Jiuhua Yulu pill inside.

"Why is there only one grain left?" Lin Pingzhi asked in surprise.

Wanyanping was not injured, nor was she Xiaowu, so why did the Jiuhua Yulu Pills in the bottle just disappear.

Hearing Lin Pingzhi ask herself, Wanyanping hesitated to speak.

At this time Xiao Wu stood up.

"Brother, I also ate sister Ping'er's Jiuhua Yulu pill." Xiao Wu said with some embarrassment.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned for a moment.

Was eaten by Xiao Wu?

"What about your own?" Lin Pingzhi looked at Xiao Wu and asked.

"I've finished eating a long time ago..." Xiao Wu lowered her head in embarrassment.

Lin Pingzhi slapped his forehead.

Xiao Wu is really a foodie.

Although the Jiuhua Yulu Pill is delicious, it is medicine, so why take it casually?

Lin Pingzhi was speechless.

He didn't speak any more.

Fortunately, there is only one left.

He stuffed that moment into Ning Zhongze's mouth, and tapped Ning Zhongze's acupuncture points.

Ning Zhongze swallowed the Jiuhua Yulu pill in his mouth.

"Pinger, Xiaowu." Lin Pingzhi threw the empty bottle aside, "Take care of my mistress."

Wan Yanping and Xiao Wu nodded.

At this time Xiao Wu didn't dare to say no again.

After all, she just did something wrong.

She told herself in her heart that she would never eat indiscriminately again in the future.

Of course, no one knows whether she can do it or not.

After Lin Pingzhi handed Ningzhong over to Wanyanping and Xiaowu to take care of him, he walked towards Ying Luobai.

At this time, Yue Lingshan was full of tears.

Yilin was beside her, vigilant about her surroundings.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi approaching, Ying Luobai felt ashamed in his eyes.

"Junior brother, I'm sorry." Ying Luobai said guiltily.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi approaching, Yue Lingshan put away the sword and threw it into Lin Pingzhi's arms.

"Xiao Linzi, why did the second senior brother kill the six monkeys! Why did the senior senior brother attack the mother!" Yue Lingshan cried.

She did not understand all this.

Aren't the senior brother and the second senior brother on good terms with Liuhou?

And their master and mother, that is, their parents, are also very good to them.

But why would they do such a thing.

"Don't be sad." Lin Pingzhi patted Yue Lingshan's head.

Even though he knew that Yue Lingshan would definitely not be able to do it, he was not sad.

But he couldn't do anything other than comfort.

Seeing the vigilance of the senior brothers around him, Lin Pingzhi felt a little emotional.

If it wasn't for what happened to him, Laudno wouldn't have shown his original shape so quickly.

But the Songshan School will not come now, and it will be tomorrow at the earliest.

"Senior Sister, Junior Sister." Lin Pingzhi patted Yue Lingshan in his arms, and looked at Yilin, "You take your wife to recuperate, and then let the other senior brothers go back. Our Huashan School may be in danger next time." .”

Yue Lingshan also seemed to have grown up at this time, she was no longer arrogant.

"Okay, Xiao Linzi, you should be careful yourself."

Yue Lingshan came out of Lin Pingzhi's arms and wiped away her tears.

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