Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1515 Assembling the Supreme Alliance

Mistress, I'm really a gentleman. The first thousand and five chapters of the text, Gathering the Supreme Alliance to Exterminate the Master, said very seriously: "Pingzhi, this time we have to go together."

Lin Pingzhi forgot.

There are also people from the Emei sect.

Never seen it before.

After all, he is also a sect, and it is a great sect in the martial arts. Of course, he must lead by example at this time.

You must pass, otherwise you will be ridiculed by your peers.

So it is impossible for Lin Pingzhi to stop the Wuxin teacher who was seen in the crowd.

The old guy looks devout now, as if he is going to settle all the grievances in the past.

"Then let's go together."

After Lin Pingzhi returned to his seat, the troops from both sides would join up and move towards the Supreme Alliance together.

along the way.

Met too many like-minded people.

I can also see the signal bombs from my alliance keep sending out, and it feels like the situation should be more urgent.

"Master Mingyue, let's go together!"

"Fortunate to meet, I didn't expect to meet so soon."


Lin Pingzhi and the others greeted each other along the way.

There were not too many accidents, and it didn't take long to come to the Supreme League. At this time, there were already many people inside.

Almost all the people from the various sects have already come. Although they are not all present, this kind of battle is not small.

Lin Pingzhi greeted those people a little bit, and showed his basic courtesy.

In such a big scene, it is natural to greet each other and maintain the relationship between them.

Lin Pingzhi went to see the Wudang faction, but he didn't expect that neither Zhang Zhenren nor the older generation came.

I really feel a little sorry, if those people can come over, it will be very good.

After all, their strength is no small matter.

Lin Pingzhi recalled the time when he saw Zhang Sanfeng before.

Think of the opponent's strength.

Although at this moment I have come to the late stage of Martial Saint, I still feel a little different from Zhang Zhenren.

One can imagine how terrifying the other party's strength is, they are not at the same level at all, and they probably have already started cultivating immortals.

Although Lin Pingzhi felt it was a pity, he thought it was okay.

There are so many people in the arena, and the combined strength is definitely not weak.

Moreover, there were a lot of people from the Shaolin Temple.

Some people are also famous masters for a long time.

For example, Master Jiejie, Master Fangyuan and so on.

Speaking of this Master of Ending, Lin Pingzhi still doesn't have much impression, but he feels that the strength of the other party seems to be a Martial Saint.

It can be said to be very strong.

He also lamented that the Shaolin Temple has such a deep heritage that he could send a martial saint here casually.

Really powerful.

Lin Pingzhi continued to say hello to other people, and was even more shocked, because this time he found that among the people who came, there were several people in the realm of martial saints.

It really surprised Lin Pingzhi.

I couldn't even see them before, and they could only be said to be at the level of legends in the world, but now I have met several.

There is one in the Shaolin Temple, and then there is the Kunlun School.

Lin Pingzhi originally had some quarrels with the Kunlun faction, but now everyone is focused on foreign enemies, so think about it and say hello in the past.

As a result, he came to the other party's room.

I found an old man with white hair inside. He looked quite old, but his temperament was very good.

It feels very elegant and chic, but it also exudes an oppressive force that makes people feel uncomfortable.Lin Pingzhi could clearly feel that the other party should be in the realm of martial saints, and he had been in this realm for a long time.

Lin Pingzhi really didn't expect it.

I didn't expect that a Kunlun faction could send such a strong man, which is really surprising.

And it has never been heard of in Jianghu.

Who knew there was such an old man in the Kunlun School?

Not only Lin Pingzhi, but also people from other sects, not even those from the older generation.

It is conceivable that this old guy must have been hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, and has never seen anyone.

this time.

It's more urgent, so I just said it.

Lin Pingzhi also felt a little bit of admiration. He went up to say hello and said, "Everyone, I'm being polite to you, Lin Pingzhi. Come over and say hello."


Who knew that guy He Taichong seemed to be losing face again, and when he saw Lin Pingzhi coming over, he snorted coldly.

Lin Pingzhi also knew that the other party had become more confident after having his own backing.

He just sneered.

If you don't want to save face, then there's no need to talk about it.


Seeing Lin Pingzhi turning around to leave, He Taichong immediately called out: "Lin Pingzhi, come and leave as you want?"


Lin Pingzhi turned his head to look at that guy, and sneered, thinking that at such a time, he still thinks about those personal grievances?

"He Taichong, where do you have such a temper, don't think that with a backer, you can act recklessly in front of me."

Lin Pingzhi replied with a sneer, he didn't give him any face at all, and he wasn't afraid.

Because his current strength is enough to be proud of all the heroes in the realm of martial arts, no one pays attention to him.

He can say.

Unless one is in the realm of seeking defeat, or a higher realm, Lin Pingzhi can be a little bit afraid.

Others don't have to come over to embarrass themselves.

Lin Pingzhi didn't take that old guy seriously either, as long as he dared to provoke him, he didn't mind cleaning it up, and let him know what it meant to push the waves ahead.

"Boy, you are still so sharp."

He Taichong was furious.

I didn't expect the other party to be so rampant, didn't you see someone beside me?

Lin Pingzhi didn't show any face at all, and said, "Hehe, so what? Can you hit me.

I didn't expect the Kunlun School to be so measured.

Really think about the overall situation.

Now that everyone is fighting against each other, you kid still wants to create a storm inside. I really didn't expect the Kunlun faction to be so aware of the overall situation. "

Lin Pingzhi obviously said some sarcastic words.

He Taichong also knew that what he did just now was really wrong, but he didn't reflect on himself.

He just felt that it was a bit embarrassing for him to be taught a lesson by a young man, and he became even more frustrated.

So I wanted to stir up some trouble.

Let your ancestors solve it.


The old man next to him spoke slowly, obviously a little displeased, and said: "Tai Chong, it's such a time now, don't you know how to restrain yourself.

This Young Master Mingyue is right, the Kunlun Sect shouldn't do this, it will only embarrass the sect.

You are already so old, don't you understand this truth?It's not even as good as a young man! "


He Taichong obviously didn't dare to refute, so he could only retreat obediently, and looked at Lin Pingzhi with a very disgusted look.

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