Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1512 Attack Again

Mistress, I'm really a gentleman. Text Chapter 510 Strikes again Lin Pingzhi and Ningzhong immediately began to make troubles, wanting to vent the excess strength and lust in their bodies.

In the evening, Lin Pingzhi and Ning Zhongze came out of the room.

At last, all the dryness was dissipated.

At this moment, Jianxiong has woken up and is melancholy at Zhujian Mountain.

Their Sword Forging City relies on this mountain range.

I didn't expect it to be destroyed automatically now, and the heat also slowly disappeared, turning into an ordinary mountain range.

It is conceivable that the foundations have been destroyed.

So Jianxiong was very melancholy and didn't know what to do next.

Lin Pingzhi said that the two of them came over immediately to comfort him: "Don't worry, with me here, I will definitely not let you feel wronged."

Lin Pingzhi showed concern.

Ning Zhong also communicated with Jianxiong very enthusiastically, saying that everyone is a family and will definitely help each other.

Jianxiong smiled and nodded, of course he knew that the other party would help.


Anyway, it is something that has been relied on for so many years.

Suddenly ruined somewhat melancholy.

Jianxiong felt even more ashamed of his father and ancestors, and failed to protect the inheritance passed down from his ancestors.

Although melancholy, things have happened.

Now we can only try our best to control the casualties.

It is said.

Many people died and many were injured.

Lin Pingzhi and Ning Zhongze could only regret it.

"Master Mingyue."


Ning Zhong went to comfort Jianxiong. Although the latter seemed to be fine, Ning Zhong still felt the need to mediate.

So Lin Pingzhi wandered around alone, and a voice appeared.

Lin Pingzhi looked back and smiled. It turned out to be Huang Rong, so beautiful and charming.

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said, "Rong'er, are you still used to living here?"

"I've said it all, call me Huang Nuxia."

Huang Rong emphasized again, but her tone was not so strong anymore.

Lin Pingzhi smirked, still calling Rong'er.

"Rong'er, don't worry, I will give you the Nine Dragon Stone after I heal my injury."

Huang Rong didn't continue to emphasize, and she knew the other party's hooligan nature, so she could only let the other party call her that.

It seemed a little affectionate.

Huang Rong just glanced at Lin Ping, and the hotness in her body became more serious.

So he quickly moved his eyes away, looking at the sky not far away, looking at the sky full of stars.

"That's good, I hope you mean what you say."

Lin Pingshang stood side by side with Huang Rong, not in a hurry for Ba Wang to force his bow, after all, it wouldn't be too much fun.

He just proceeded slowly, and asked, "I don't know why Guo Daxia was injured so badly, and he has been tortured for so many years."

Perhaps Huang Rong also felt a little embarrassed, and she was just talking about the internal injuries left in the past.

Lin Pingzhi obviously didn't believe it. He rolled his eyes and tried to get the words out, but he only showed an expression that something was wrong.

"Really? That's really bad.

Before leaving, Sai Huatuo told me that the effect of the Nine Dragon Stone in treating internal injuries is mediocre, not even as good as that of some people in the realm of martial arts.

The biggest effect of Nine Dragon Stone is on trauma, even an injury like a hole in the heart can be healed quickly.

Since Guo Daxia suffered an internal injury, the effect of this stone should not be too great. "


Huang Rong was obviously taken aback when she heard this sentence, did she still have such a shortcoming?


Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Lin Pingzhi has already emphasized just now, if it is the wound caused by those sharp weapons.It is easy to treat.

That's why Huang Rong wasn't so nervous.

However, everything was seen by Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi immediately smirked: "I knew Rong'er that you didn't tell me the truth, hey, it's really uncomfortable.

Can't you be honest with me? "

Huang Rong felt a little embarrassed, and knew that her thoughts had been guessed by the other party.

She said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, it's just because the location of the wound is a bit awkward, so I thought, let Brother Jing keep it a secret.

I hope you can understand, Young Master Mingyue. "


Lin Pingzhi felt that his words had been tricked out, and looked at Huang Rong very curiously:

"Rong'er, where is the wound?"

Huang Rong kept avoiding Lin Pingzhi's eyes and did not dare to meet her. At this time, she did not dare to answer. She just said very perfunctorily:

"It's just a few wounds on the body.

Master Mingyue, why are you asking so clearly? "

Lin Pingzhi retracted his gaze, then continued to laugh, turning his fingers on his temples.

He pretended to be thinking, and then said: "I remember when Guo Jing and Guo Daxia were stabbed by his good brother Yang Kang, it was quite serious, and he almost died.

Could it be that injury?

I remember...it seemed like I was stabbed in the back. "

Lin Pingzhi's words were not restrained at all, and were directly explicit.

Huang Rong frowned, obviously feeling uncomfortable, but there was no way to refute, after all, she was guessed by the other party.

"It seems I'm right."

Lin Pingzhi gave a smirk and said, "I never thought that Fu Daxia has suffered so much for so many years.

Presumably... you also feel bad together. "

Speaking of it.

Huang Rong suddenly panicked.

Then he looked at Lin Pingzhi vigilantly and kept a certain distance, knowing whether the other party had bad intentions.

"Master Mingyue, don't say such explicit words again."

She emphasized.


Lin Pingzhi had already seen the desire on the other party's body, and also guessed that the person outside the room today should be the other party.

At that time, he was still absorbing his own power, so he didn't have much attention to give out.

He just sensed someone approaching and walked away.

After waking up, he saw a hole was poked in the window again, and only then did he realize that the picture of him and Ning Zhongze practicing kung fu had been peeked at.

According to the residual aura, Lin Pingzhi thought with some uncertainty that the other party was Huang Rong.

That's it for now.

Thinking of Lin Pingzhi's inexplicable agitation here.

I thought that if the other party saw my body, it might be really hard to control now.

So Lin Pingzhi took the initiative to lean over.

Huang Rong naturally backed away.

Two people advance and retreat.

Not long after, Huang Rong was forced into a corner, unable to retreat, her eyes became serious, and her brows also wrinkled.

It seemed to dissuade Lin Pingzhi from leaving.


Did Lin Pingzhi give up so easily?

And he could feel that the other party's eyes were not too tough.

In other words.

Not really wanting to leave myself.

Lin Pingzhi immediately pushed Huang Rong into a corner, and then blocked the opponent's movement with both hands.

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