Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1307 Three Healing Holy Medicines

"Cough cough."

Xiaoyao Lang coughed twice to ease his embarrassment.

At this time.

The wooden door in front seemed to be kicked open suddenly, and there was a lot of movement.

Immediately afterwards, Sai Xishi came out angrily from the inside, and he said:

"You bastard old man, you are really a bastard who can't save you, I followed you because I was blind.

Now I'm going to find the Immortal of Wine! "


It is impossible for Sai Huatuo to watch his beloved woman run away, followed closely behind, and still refused to bow his head and roar:

"Damn old woman, what are you trying to do today? Why did you ruin our relationship because of other people's affairs?"


Sai Xishi said mercilessly: "I have no relationship with a quack doctor like you."


Angrily stepping on the wooden board under his feet, he walked farther and farther.


It was obvious that there was some threatening meaning, and he had no intention of running away from home at all.

But even so.

Sai Huatuo was still in a hurry, and suddenly yelled, "Damn old woman, stop by yourself, let me think about it!"

Only then did Sai Xishi stop, but he still didn't look back, and said, "Then wait until you think it over."

Sai Huatuo had no choice but to cast a glance at Lin Pingzhi next to him, looking extremely displeased.

He said very reluctantly: "Boy, you are lucky today, this damn old woman insists on making trouble with me."

"Then thank you, senior."

Lin Pingzhi thanked very anxiously.


It was obviously a little too early to be happy.

Sai Huatuo sneered, and said, "Don't be in a hurry to thank me, I didn't say you must save me.

Just to think about it.

Hehe, boy, do you think the old man is confused? Even if I don't save her, this old woman won't leave.

Do you think the relationship between me and this old woman is insignificant? She is not so cruel. "


Lin Pingzhi didn't say a word, which means he recognized what Sai Huatuo said.

Indeed, as he said, Sai Xishi was only threatening a word or two, so it was naturally impossible for him to run away from home.

And the reason why Sai Huatuo said to think about it a few times is also because he is concerned about Sai Xishi's feelings, please think about why she is so obsessed with saving the people of Zhuge's family

Is it related?

Sai Huatuo thought about it for a while, but he really didn't think clearly about the relationship between Sai Xishi and those people.

After thinking it over clearly, he became more determined in his thinking, he would not save him, and he would do nothing to save him.

So he raised his head and said, "Old woman, I decided to die, you can go."

After speaking, he turned around and went back to the house.


Sai Xishi was a little dazed, turned around, pointed at his nose and scolded, and kept jumping behind.

But it's impossible to really leave here.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Mingyue, it seems that I want to let you down."

Lin Pingzhi smiled wryly: "No... Senior, you have tried your best, it's only because I didn't make a good impression on him."


Sai Xishi breathed a sigh of relief, she could see that Lin Pingzhi was really affectionate and he was really a good young man.

It's a pity that there are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life...

"Auntie, is there no other way?"

Xiaoyao Lang asked urgently.

Sai Xishi gave a long sigh, glanced at Zhuge Qingqing lying in Lin Pingzhi's arms, and said:

"The poison in this girl is very complicated, and ordinary people really can't help detoxify it, and it will aggravate the condition instead.


It's a pity that my ability is limited, unless I have the Nine Dragon Stone, I can still try it, but that stone has been kept by the bad old man Sai Huatuo, if he doesn't give it to me, I can't help it. "


Xiaoyao Lang was a little silent.

Sai Xishi regretted again: "Of course, if there are other things, it's okay, but you can't have them."


Lin Pingzhi raised his head and asked, even if there was even a ten thousandth chance, he would seize it.

Seeing his anxious and worried eyes, Sai Xishi really felt distressed, and didn't want to say this at first, so as not to give them hope and despair.

But since he asked, he couldn't help but speak up.

She said: "As far as I know, there are three magic medicines for healing in this world.

In addition to the old man's Nine Dragon Stone, there is also a golden plum bottle that has been passed down for a long time in the rivers and lakes, which is said to have the effect of bringing the dead back to life.

Unfortunately, no one knows where the bottle is.

There is also the Tianxiang cardamom that has been around for a long time. It is said that there are only three in the world.

I remember that the Tiedan Shenhou of Hulong Villa came to us to help heal a person named Suxin.

At that time, we saw that he was really anxious, affectionate, and coercive, so we had no choice but to agree and told him that Tianxiang cardamom could save lives.

Later, Tie Dan Shenhou tried his best to find it, and finally found it, helping the girl to continue her life.

Tiedan Shenhou has not come to us so far, which means that the girl's condition has stabilized.

Judging from the time, she may have eaten two Tianxiang cardamoms, and there is only the last one left in the world, and most of them are still in the hands of Tie Dan Shenhou.


It seems that there is no hope, the whereabouts of Jin Ping Mei is unknown, and the last piece of Tianxiang cardamom is another life-saving medicine. "

"This is too unfortunate."

Xiaoyao Lang was anxious when he heard this.

Sai Xishi sighed again, "It was also because of that time that the old man was even more reluctant to save the people in the government, and he was disgusted in his heart."

Lin Pingzhi beside him was a little shocked.

Heavenly Fragrant Cardamom...

Doesn't he carry it all the time?

is it a coincidence or what

Lin Pingzhi was stunned for a moment, after all, this last one was for Su Xin.

What if someone else uses it?


Looking at Zhuge Qingqing who was in serious condition in his arms, Lin Pingzhi seemed helpless again.

do not care.

Let's revive the person in front of you first, as for Su Xin's matter, I will slowly remedy it later.

After all, the rivers and lakes are so big, and there are so many genius doctors, I don't believe it is impossible to ask one to help with treatment.

Besides, there are Nine Dragon Stones and Golden Plum Bottles...you can always grab one. "


Lin Ping made up his mind, immediately took out Tianxiang cardamom from his body, and put it into Zhuge Qingqing's mouth.

"Heavenly Cardamom!"

Sai Xishi recognized what Lin Pingzhi was holding at a glance, and was completely surprised.

She was at a loss, never expecting that the last Tianxiang cardamom was actually in Lin Pingzhi's hands.

Is it a coincidence or a coincidence?

Hearing the movement outside, Sai Huatuo, who had been listening at the door, also rushed out.

At first glance, it really is heavenly fragrant cardamom, and I am also surprised.

For doctors like them, the holy medicine for healing naturally possesses great charm.

It's like the charm of peerless magic arts for martial arts practitioners.

Of course, I hope to see it quickly.

"It's really heavenly fragrant cardamom!"

There was surprise in his tone.

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