Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1305 Up to 2 days

Lin Pingzhi's words made the people around him agree very much.

How can one person be blamed for the matter of two people?

Emotions are about mutual affection.

Taking a step back, if Ms. Yiyi is not willing, who can force it?

Of course Sai Huatuo knew this truth, but he still believed in his own guess.

Moreover, he had already identified Yan Zangfeng and Liu Yiyi as lovers, and anyone else who wanted to destroy them would be committing a crime.

So no matter what the person in front of him is saying, he doesn't pay attention at all, and just believes in his own statement.

Very stubborn.


Sai Huatuo snorted coldly and said, "Boy, I don't care what you say, anyway, I won't save people today, what can you do to me?"


Lin Pingzhi gritted his teeth, he didn't expect this old man to be so difficult to deal with, he really wanted to go up and slap him.

But now it is really not easy to ask for help from others.

He planned to do a little bit of moral kidnapping to see if it would work, and said, "You don't want to save yourself, what kind of doctor are you?"

"Ha ha."

Sai Huatuo had a thick skin, so of course he wouldn't accept such a trick, so he just sneered and said, "I don't have any obligation to save other people, your trick doesn't work for me."


Lin Pingzhi cursed inwardly, thinking to himself, the rascal himself was actually brought under control today.

"Cough cough."

At this moment, Zhuge Qingqing, who was lying in her arms, coughed twice, and her complexion became more and more bad.

Lin Pingzhi was very worried, gently touching her forehead, feeling the temperature getting colder and colder.

He comforted in a low voice: "Qingqing, don't be afraid, you will get better soon, don't worry."

Such a moving scene made Xiaoyao Lang and the others very sad, and even more anxious for others.

Sai Xishi next to her was also a little moved. She has read countless people, and a person's character can be read from his speech and behavior.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi's gentleness at this moment, he felt that the other party should not be the kind of person who commits adultery and evil.


Did not go to persuade the old man.

"Uncle Master."

Xiaoyaolang said to Sai Huatuo again: "I use my personality to guarantee that they are definitely not bad people, okay?

I beg you to be merciful and save people, it is really dying. "


Sai Huatuo doesn't take this kind of thing at all, and will do things that are determined to the end no matter what.

He clasped his hands, turned his head to another place, and pretended to be indifferent.

It is really worrying.


Leng Xue, who was watching everything from the side, couldn't sit still, and was very worried about the little junior sister.

Seeing that the old man was not willing to save the other party, he was irritable, so he took out his dagger at that time.

Leng Xue pressed his dagger against Sai Huatuo's neck, his eyes were full of chills, and he threatened: "Old guy, are you willing to help me?

If you don't agree, I will send you and my little junior sister on the road together! "

Sai Huatuo knew that they didn't dare to do anything to him, so he didn't panic at all.

Knife resting on the neck is still smiling.

He sneered: "Boy, if you have a temper today, kill me.

I'll see if your little junior sister can survive! "


Cold-blooded and furious but helpless, seeing the opponent's softness and insistence, he was a little helpless.

"Or we're asking other people to help."

Chasing life was also very anxious, and now he thought of another way, saying: "Anyway, he is not the only voice in the world.

There is also Hu Qingniu of Mingjiao, by the way, there is another genius doctor also called Sai Huatuo.

I believe that to be able to have such a title is definitely not an ordinary person, maybe we can find him. "

"You mean Ouyang tomorrow?"

When Sai Huatuo heard the opponent's plan, he didn't panic at all, and said: "That kid does have some skills, and he can save this girl.

such a pity. "

Hearing his tone, Lin Pingzhi and the others felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, knowing that there might be bad news.

Lin Pingzhi asked: "What's the pity?"

Sai Huatuo continued: "This little girl has been deeply poisoned and may have two days to live at most.

Going to find Ouyang Mingri now, I'm afraid he's dead before he finds it, isn't it a pity what is it? "

Such words hit Lin Pingzhi and the others like a bolt from the blue.

Now Lin Pingzhi panicked completely, and burst out his aura directly, even the surrounding flowers and plants were suppressed to the point where he couldn't lift his head.

He stared at Sai Huatuo even more viciously, and said, "Senior, please don't challenge my bottom line.

Although I know this is unreasonable, but you should know what a person will do for his lover.

Think about the senior Xixishi next to you, and you should be able to understand.

But if something happens to Miss Zhuge, neither of you can leave here alive. "

There is really no way, Lin Pingzhi can only threaten with words, hoping to force Sai Huatuo to take action.


He obviously underestimated Sai Huatuo's backbone.

As soon as he heard someone threatening him with Saixi Shi, Sai Huatuo became even more indifferent, and said: "Boy, if you say a few more nice words, maybe I can still be moved.


If you dare to make up your mind to the old woman, you won't be cured if you say anything! "


Lin Pingzhi remained silent, of course he would not believe what the other party said.

What does it mean to say a few more good words and then be able to help? Only ghosts believe this. It is nothing more than making yourself feel regretful and regretful.

He is not a young man, he will not be so easily deceived.

"Uncle Master!"

Xiaoyaolang beside him was also very anxious, and seeing Lin Pingzhi like old friends, he naturally took Lin Pingzhi's affairs as his own.

Sai Huatuo shook his head, staring at Xiaoyao Lang with a bit of resentment:

"With your nature, we have never worried that you will go astray.

Who would have known that you would hang out with this kind of person, Xiaoyao Lang, your master Jiu Zhongxian knows about it, and I'm afraid he will expel you from his sect! "


Xiaoyao Lang was threatened and was a little afraid to speak.

Lin Pingzhi also patted Xiaoyaolang on the shoulder, telling him to shut up, there was no need to come back this way.


The scene became a little quieter, Lin Pingzhi took a deep breath, and couldn't be restless at this moment.

He needs to calm down, and needs to figure out what to do next so that the old guy can make a move.

and many more.

Unexpectedly, there was a solution. Lin Pingzhi calmed down a little, and the scenes from the previous TV series came to mind.

It seems that Sai Huatuo likes Liu Yiyi's dishes so much that he can even force him to do something he doesn't want to do.


Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi seemed to see hope.


This place is a bit far from Hangzhou, and it is impossible to get there within two days.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Pingzhi can only fight.

After careful calculation, if you hurry up as soon as possible, it should take about five days from here to Hangzhou.

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