There must be no wells on Mount Hua.

And the current technology cannot allow the water at the foot of Huashan Mountain to be pumped to Huashan Mountain for use.

So Lin Pingzhi was forced.

Originally, some outer disciples of Huashan were carrying the water.

This outer disciple is called an outer disciple if it sounds nice.

It's hard to say, but it's actually a handyman.

They are not recognized by Yue Buqun, not Yue Buqun's direct disciples.

And the ones who taught them were all Yue Buqun's disciples.

But after Yue Buqun punished Lin Pingzhi to carry water, the workload of those outer disciples became less.

Lin Pingzhi carried two loads of water and walked up the mountain road of Mount Hua.

Fortunately, Lin Pingzhi's five dimensions have been strengthened now, otherwise, he might not be able to carry two loads of water from the foot of the mountain to the top of Mount Hua.

Of course, this is not the most difficult.

The most difficult thing is that Lin Pingzhi has to pick many times to fill up the water in the kitchen.

At this time, Lin Pingzhi was on his third trip.

Even though his physique is quite good, he also started to sweat when he picked the third round.

At this time, the outer disciples have basically finished their work and can go to practice martial arts.

Lin Pingzhi has almost reached the square.

There are three outer disciples resting on the side of the square.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi, they were also taken aback for a moment, and then began to whisper.

"Is this the new little uncle?"

"It's so pretty, like a sissy."

"If you put on women's clothes, you will definitely be no worse than Master Lingshan."

"Keep your voice down, don't let the little uncle hear, he just kicked the sixth uncle yesterday."

Lin Pingzhi was a little helpless.

I had already heard it myself.

With the improvement of insight, one's senses have improved.

Although the three outer disciples deliberately controlled their voices, they were all clearly heard by Lin Pingzhi.

After shaking his head helplessly and smiling wryly, Lin Pingzhi prepared to take the water to the kitchen.

"Ding, get a new side mission, mission content: teach the disciples of the outer sect."

Lin Pingzhi's steps to go to the kitchen stopped.

what does this mean?

Let yourself, this little uncle, bully those three outer disciples?

I, Lin Pingzhi, am an upright gentleman, how can I do such a thing of bullying the weak?

"Ding, the host hypocrite's label perfection is +1, and the current progress is 50.00% seven."

When the three outer disciples saw Lin Pingzhi suddenly stop, they were also taken aback for a moment, they didn't speak any more, they just looked at Lin Pingzhi quietly.

Why did this little master suddenly stop?

Are you tired?

They thought so in their hearts.

But then Lin Pingzhi turned his head and looked towards them.

The hearts of the three outer disciples thumped at the same time.

Why is this little uncle looking at us?

Lin Pingzhi put down the water and walked towards the three outer disciples.

Nephew, nephew.

It's not that my little uncle wants to bully you, it's really forced by this system.

Hope you can understand me.

"Hi, little uncle."

The three outer disciples saluted Lin Pingzhi one after another.

Lin Pingzhi didn't respond, but just looked at them indifferently.

"What did you just say?"

The outer disciple who looks a little older is called Mo Chezhao, and the other two are Lin Yi and Zhou Houxu. Although they are called Lin Pingzhi and Xiao Shishu, Lin Pingzhi is younger than them many.

Hearing Lin Pingzhi's question at this time, Mo Chezhao was able to force himself to calm down, but Lin Yi and Zhou Houxu were suddenly flustered.

"Uncle Qi, we were chatting just now and didn't say anything." Mo Chezhao said with a smile.

Lin Yi and Zhou Houxu also nodded belatedly.


A crisp sound resounded in this square.

Both Lin Yi and Zhou Houxu were dumbfounded.

Why did the little senior uncle suddenly hit senior brother Mo with his hands?

Mo Chezhao is still a little confused.

why did you hit me?

The one who said you look like a girl is Zhou Houxu!

He covered his face and looked at Lin Pingzhi with disbelief.

Lin Pingzhi didn't explain much, and just made two more "papa".

Five bright red finger prints also appeared on the faces of Lin Yi and Zhou Houxu.

Lin Pingzhi didn't want to put in so much effort.

But he was afraid that the system would think he hadn't completed the task, so he chose to be more vigorous.

The three of them were all staring at each other, they didn't understand why Lin Pingzhi did it.

Just because you compare him to a woman?

At this time, in their hearts, the impression of Lin Pingzhi's small belly was already imprinted.

Give them a few more courages in the future, and they will not dare to talk about Lin Pingzhi anymore.

"Ding, congratulations to the host 'Lin Pingzhi', for completing the side mission: teach the disciples of the side line, and get a bottle of golden sore medicine as a reward. Efficacy: it can instantly restore the skin trauma suffered, and the scar will heal quickly."

"Ding, host 'Lin Pingzhi' awakening behavior label: bully the soft and fear the hard, five-dimensional attribute +1."

Lin Pingzhi gradually ignored the system prompts.

There was nothing worthy of his attention.

On the contrary, if this golden sore medicine is placed on the earth in the 21st century, it will definitely be scrambled by those women.

"I'm sorry, the three nephews, I was a little impulsive just now."

After Lin Pingzhi apologized to Mo Chezhao and the others, he continued to fetch water.

Only Mo Chezhao and the other three were left in the square with a dazed look on their faces.

What is this ghost?

Apologize for slapping each of us just now.

Then go away like a normal person?

The more the three thought about it, the angrier they became.

This slap is a bit unfair.

"You three, if you don't practice well, what are you doing here?"

Ying Luobai shouted at Mo Chezhao and the other three.

He was just passing by, and he shouted when he saw some outer sect disciples slacking off here during practice time.

Hearing Ying Luobai calling them, they nodded in agreement.

When Lin Yi passed by Ying Luobai, he was stopped by Ying Luobai.

"Wait a moment."

Ying Luobai turned his head and shouted.

Mo Chezhao, Lin Yi and Zhou Houxu all stopped, they were a little scared.

I'm afraid that the Eighth Master Ying Luo Bai will also slap each of them.

"What are you doing covering your face?" Ying Luobai asked.

"Uncle Eight..." Lin Yi looked at Ying Luobai in front of him, feeling a little aggrieved.

"Put your hands down." Ying Luobai shouted softly.

After Mo Chezhao and the three of them put down their hands covering their faces, Ying Luo was startled.


How is this going?

who hit it?

With such a heavy hand?

"Who hit it?" Ying Luobai's voice became low, he didn't want to hear that it was the three of them who hit each other.


Mo Chezhao, Lin Yi, and Zhou Houxu looked at each other, hesitating.

Seeing them like this, Ying Luobai wanted to know more about them.

"Say, what's going on?" Ying Luo asked Bai He.

The three of them still didn't dare to speak, they were very afraid that if Lin Pingzhi found out, they would be beaten again.

Seeing the fearful expressions of the three of them, Ying Luobai thought to himself that they must have been bullied.

His anger doesn't come anywhere.

As disciples of Mount Hua, how could they bully fellow disciples?

He must look into this matter.

"Lin Yi, tell me, what's going on." Ying Luobai looked at Lin Yi who was more familiar to him and asked.

Lin Yi was a little confused.

Do you want to say it or not?

"Say it quickly, or you will be fined not to eat today!" Ying Luobai said coldly, he was impatient.

Hearing that he couldn't eat, wouldn't that kill him?

They are all farmers at the foot of Huashan Mountain, and they just want to eat enough to fill their stomachs.

Not letting them eat now is more uncomfortable than killing them.

"I said." Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said.

"Well, let's talk." Ying Luobai nodded.

"I finished my work with Senior Brother Mo and Senior Brother Zhou. I originally planned to go to practice after taking a break."

"I happened to see the little uncle who was being punished carrying water, and Senior Brother Zhou said something like a bitch."

"Then the little uncle came over and slapped each of us."

After speaking, Lin Yi lowered his head.

At this time, Lin Pingzhi happened to be carrying an empty bucket and was going to carry water down the mountain.

When Mo Chezhao and others saw Lin Pingzhi, they all lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

Ying Luobai was already very angry when he heard Lin Yi's words.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi walking through the square at this time, he was even more furious, and wanted to ask Lin Pingzhi for clarification.

"Little brother!" Ying Luobai shouted towards Lin Pingzhi.

"Hey, Brother Eighth, I'm here, what's the matter?" Lin Pingzhi ran and jumped in front of Ying Luobai.

When he saw Mo Chezhao and the three of them, he said sorry.

Ying Luobai was very angry.

"Junior Junior Brother, why are you so hard on yourself? They said something wrong, just punish them with some physical work." Ying Luobai asked.

"My fault, my fault, I'm sorry, I was impulsive." Lin Pingzhi kept nodding while laughing.

"it's okay no problem……"

The three of Mo Chezhao shook their heads again and again, they were all afraid of Lin Pingzhi.

Seeing this scene, Ying Luobai dared not speak out.

He was really afraid that Lin Pingzhi would be impulsive again and beat himself up.

After all, even Senior Brother Liu Hou'er couldn't beat him, let alone himself.

Ying Luobai still knows this snack.

"Eighth senior brother, it's okay, I'll continue carrying water."

Lin Pingzhi said, and went down the mountain with an empty bucket.

Looking at Lin Pingzhi's cheerful back, Ying Luobai was very annoyed.

If not, I can't beat you, and I will definitely teach you a lesson!

"Okay, you guys go to practice. Your work tomorrow will be cut in half. It's the compensation for the junior brother beating you." Ying Luobai looked at Mo Chezhao and the three of them and said.

The three nodded, thanked them, and left in a hurry.

And Ying Luobai rushed directly to where Yue Buqun was.

After Yue Buqun heard Ying Luobai's words, he was very angry.

"I'm so mad! How dare Ping'er do that." Yue Buqun shouted angrily, and slapped the coffee table at the same time.

Ning Zhong heard Yue Buqun losing his temper in the side room, and hurried over.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Ning Zhong asked with concern.

"Don't mention it! I feel that I made a mistake in accepting Ping'er. He just beat up three outer disciples." Yue Buqun said angrily.

He really regretted accepting Lin Pingzhi.

Hearing that Lin Pingzhi beat someone again, Ning Zhong asked, "What did the three outer disciples say?"

When Yue Buqun heard Ning Zhong asked a question, he looked towards Ying Luobai.

Ying Luobai gritted his teeth and said, "They said that junior brother looks like a woman."

When Yue Buqun heard this, he became even more angry.

Huashan pays the most attention to rules, how can he say that about his uncle?

"Senior Brother, you have also heard that every time Ping'er strikes, there is a reason for it, but his personality is more impulsive and he strikes harder." Ning Zhong said good things for Lin Pingzhi.

"You, you, you can get used to him, but he also injured the three outer disciples after all, we can't let him continue to do chores, otherwise I don't know how many outer disciples will be injured by him , we must let him go to Siguoya and practice his temper." Yue Buqun said.

"Brother..." Ning Zhong wanted to intercede for Lin Pingzhi.

"Stop talking too much, it's settled like this."

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