
Lin Pingzhi opened Bai Yuer's window in a brutal way, but he was taken aback.

"what are you doing?"

Bai Yuer was surprised.

But before she could react, Lin Pingzhi rushed over and picked her up, and put her on the bed.

Immediately afterwards, they kissed wantonly, without giving the other party any time to react.

No reason was given.

Anyway, it's intimacy.


Bai Yuer was taken aback, thinking how could the other party be so rude?Instinctively want to resist.

But I didn't try my best, or I was still thinking about this matter in the deepest part of my consciousness.

After struggling for a while, I found that the other party had no intention of stopping, so I could only choose to enjoy it.

Gradually, she finally kept up with the rhythm of the home team, becoming charming and active.

"Yu'er, it really should be hard for you."

Lin Pingzhi gave a smirk, and immediately got down to business.

The room was full of joy, and the exciting sound didn't stop until midnight.

Bai Yuer was exhausted and was covered in sweat, but she had a very satisfied expression on her face.


Also with a smile on his face, he completely put the previous conflicts out of the blue.


All she could see were the eyes, just the pleasure of being comforted by someone just now.

"you are so bad."

Bai Yu'er grabbed Lin Pingzhi's flesh, smiled and cursed very affectionately, and was a little shy.

Lin Pingzhi held Bai Yu'er in his arms, and said, "Yu'er, how is it? I told you that you won't suffer if you follow me. Do you believe me now?"

"You scoundrel."

Bai Yu'er nestled in Lin Pingzhi's arms, she really believed it, and now she was so admired.

It can be said that he followed Lin Pingzhi with all his heart.

That night.

The passionate two people once again vented their desires.

It wasn't until the next morning that things were done hastily.

Every time after this kind of incident, Lin Pingzhi felt full of energy and indescribably refreshed.

And Bai Yu'er, like the other women, fell into a deep sleep, because she was very tired after all.

"Sleep slowly, baby."

Lin Pingzhi kissed her, got dressed and got out of bed.

The sound of the system sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for conquering Bai Yu'er, rewarding ten years of skill."

It's another ten years.

It's really flattering.

speak up.

Lin Pingzhi felt very refreshed.

Others improve their own internal power, or steal it from others through special methods.


Just honestly pile up time, it can be said to be quite boring and boring, few can survive.

But he does.

You only need to sleep with different women to get it, which is really the best of both worlds.


Having cheats is different.

Lin Pingzhi, who was in a cheerful mood, felt very fulfilled when he walked around and looked around.

Think carefully.

It seemed that Jianxiong was the only one who hadn't been taken down by him, thinking in his heart, when would he take this girl into his arms.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will arrive.

Just now, he was still thinking about how to attack Jianxiong, but Jianxiong appeared in front of Lin Pingzhi and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Mingyue, and the beautiful woman in my arms is back."

"Why, could it be that the young city lord is jealous?"

Lin Pingzhi asked this intentionally, and said, "There are quite a few women around you, but you didn't touch any of them.

I really don't know what you are thinking.

Could it be a woman? "


Jianxiong quickly explained: "You are a woman.

I'm just not interested in those rouge cheesy fans, can I? "

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Lin Pingzhi rolled his eyes at him and said, "Everyone is a man, do you really think I will believe these words?

Young city lord, I think you don't have confidence, do you?How about I guide you? "

Lin Pingzhi patted his chest as he spoke, showing confidence: "You should also know that there are a lot of women around me, and the experience in this field can be said to be invincible."

Such open words made Jianxiong blush.

After all, it is a family with a young daughter, so of course it is very shy to hear such unsightly words.

She hurriedly said: "Okay, okay. Mr. Mingyue, you are not shy at all."

"Tch, why are big men ashamed?"

Lin Pingzhi said it as a matter of course.

Also on purpose.

Knowing that the other party is a daughter, then you have to molested it well, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of time?

"never mind."

Lin Pingzhi wanted to play hard to get, and said: "Since you are not interested, then I will not force you.

After all, there are not many geeks like you who devote themselves to cultivation. Of course, I respect your choice. "


He turned around and was about to leave, and deliberately said: "I am not as indifferent as you, and now I want to find a lady for entertainment.

Goodbye. "

Looking at the back of the other party going away, Jian Xiongxin had no idea, and felt very at a loss in his heart.

that longing.

It's like an appetite, which makes people can't wait.

At this time.

Jianxiong suddenly felt that it is natural for a man to love a woman, just like eating when hungry and drinking water when thirsty.


At this moment, I still don't have the courage to call out Lin Pingzhi, reveal my identity, and reveal my gender.

I can only hide this longing in my heart and turn it into an itchy and unbearable torment.

It is really uncomfortable.

After Lin Pingzhi turned the corner, he watched furtively there.

Sure enough, he found that Jianxiong's ambition was unbearable, obviously he couldn't stand being teased by himself.

He doesn't think it's inappropriate to play hooligans like this.

Those who are ugly are called hooligans, and those who are handsome are called romantic.

Lin Pingzhi is called Merry now, after all he is so handsome.

He just watched quietly there, not to mention, it's really interesting and has a special flavor.

I planned to just go to the showdown like this.


At this moment, one of the mountains in Jianjian City suddenly began to shake a little.

Countless stones on the mountain began to roll down, and hot molten iron flowed out of them.


A chilly breath emerged from his body instantly, giving people a very strange feeling.

Looking up at the mountain at this time, his whole body was flushed red, but the top of the mountain seemed to be frozen.

This very contradictory scene is really too impactful.

Lin Pingzhi could guess that Lingshuang Sword should have come out.

"Good guy."

Sensing that unusual breath, Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, this is called fighting spirit mode.


How much he cares about those babies now.

If you practice to the highest level, you can achieve the victory of having a sword without a sword.

Lin Pingzhi's current strength is still weak, but he is working hard in that direction.

At present, he is also very satisfied with his Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, and he does not need to pursue a sharper and more gorgeous weapon.


He wanted to use this opportunity to get rid of Sword Master, so that he could rest easy.

speak up.

This time he seduced his wife away, that little old man Jian Zun will definitely hold grudges, and after the matter is over, he will definitely tell his secret.

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