Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1249 Discovered

After a night of ups and downs, Lin Pingzhi was satisfied.

The sound of the system sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for conquering Liu Yiyi, rewarding ten years of skill."

Ten years is really rare.

Lin Pingzhi was very satisfied, looking at the person in his arms, especially the scene where the sunlight from the crack of the window fell on the other person.

It is really fascinating.

Its daybreak.

However, Liu Yiyi was very tired and fell asleep.

Lin Pingzhi didn't bother him, got up and left, got dressed and climbed out of bed carefully, and went out to have breakfast.

The whole night's hard work did not make him feel the slightest fatigue, but he was full of energy.

It's a really good mood to come outside to sunbathe.

"Hey, our young master Mingyue is really refreshed. Come to think of it, he must have slept comfortably last night."

At this moment, Jianxiong's voice sounded.

Is there any resentment in the tone.

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, looked back, and said, "So it's the Young City Lord who came to look for me so early. Did you miss me?"


Jianxiong rolled his eyes at him, and said: "I... I'm here to check whether your mission has been completed.

What, are you just busy picking up girls?Didn't take your friends seriously? "


Lin Pingzhi was a little speechless, thinking that your persecuting behavior is really not good.

As if I owe you something.


Seeing that Jianxiong is a girl, Lin Pingzhi is not as knowledgeable as her, and said with a smile: "Okay, I promise to complete the task within today."

"That's fine."

Jianxiong smiled slightly, and opened his mouth to say something, but finally closed his mouth, failing to muster up the courage.

Lin Pingzhi pretended not to see it.


That girl wanted to reveal her identity and gender.

Lin Pingzhi guessed so.

After breakfast, in order to fulfill his promise, Lin Pingzhi came to the back garden.

Every morning, Bai Yuer would come here to water the flowers.

Lin Pingzhi squatted ahead of time again, this time he did not hide, holding a rose in his hand.

When Bai Yu'er came, Lin Pingzhi walked over with a smile, handed over the flowers in his hand, and looked at her with a smile.


Bai Yu'er seemed a little angry, and turned a blind eye to Lin Pingzhi, as if she didn't see this person.

She watered the flowers on her own, and it was obvious that she had a bit of resentment.

"what happened?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled, actually he knew why this girl was angry with him.

Isn't it because of Liu Yiyi's relationship?

after all.

The two are rivals in love, and now that he and Liu Yiyi have formed a pair, Bai Yuer must be uncomfortable.


Bai Yuer just snorted coldly and didn't explain, frowning slightly, feeling very upset.


Lin Pingzhi took Bai Yu'er's hand, shook it lightly and said, "It's not like I'm ignoring you anymore.

Besides, I am different from that guy Yan Zangfeng.

He only wants one woman, but I can have many.

You and Liu Yiyi can still be sisters, can't you? "

"Flower-hearted radish."

Bai Yu'er rolled Lin Ping's eyes, and said: "You are really a complete scumbag, anyway, I don't get along with that woman, you can figure it out yourself.

Oh, by the way, you have already chosen Liu Yiyi, I must be hopeless, hey, let's go. "

Turn around and leave.

But it's obviously coquettish.

Lin Pingzhi pulled Bai Yu'er, dragged her into his arms, and said sweetly: "Come on, I know you don't want me, and I also don't want you very much."


Bai Yuer was in a slightly better mood, but still ignored her.

"All right."

Lin Pingzhi began to talk softly: "You also know what kind of person I am, so please be more magnanimous.

Moreover, last night I also wanted to comfort her, it was a last resort. "

"Did she force you?"

Bai Yu'er rolled her eyes again, thinking that you foolish boy is really making excuses, wouldn't you look for such a stupid person?

Lin Pingzhi chuckled and said, "Almost."

"Forget it, then I'd better go."

Bai Yuer didn't hear a satisfactory answer, so she wanted to break free and leave to teach him a lesson.


Lin Pingzhi didn't let go so easily, he still hugged her tightly, looking at her affectionately and silently.

Let the opponent struggle slightly, just don't let go.

Then they got closer and closer, covered their mouths with each other's, and kissed gently.

The two slowly closed their eyes, enjoying this process very much, with a special feeling.

After a long time, his lips parted, Lin Pingzhi smiled and said, "Yu'er, trust me, I will make you happy."


Bai Yu'er was a little shy, and said, "Who would believe you, you fool."

"Hey, men are not bad, women don't love them."

Lin Pingzhi joked: "I know Yu'er must like my type, you can't escape.

Obediently be eaten by me. "

This flirtatious sweet talk really made Bai Yu'er a little overwhelmed, and a blush appeared on her face.

And just when the two wanted to fight with their tongues again.

But suddenly felt a majestic internal force surging beside him.

Turn around to have a look.

It's Jian Zun.

At this moment, the sword master was furious, the fiery sword in his hand seemed to be burning with flames, and the breathing of his whole body had already intensified.

"City Lord..."

Bai Yuer was a little surprised, thinking that he should deal with things?How would it appear here?

Lin Pingzhi was not too surprised.

Instead, I felt like I had done my job.

"You two bitches! Adulterers and prostitutes!"

Sword Master gritted his teeth, rarely so angry, rarely so angry.


Seeing his future wife and another pretty boy flirting here, he didn't restrain himself at all.

I really can't stand it.

"Bing'er, I didn't expect you to be this kind of woman!"

Sword Master seemed to be red-eyed, he used anger to cover up his distress, and said: "It seems that Jianxiong is right, you are a shameless bitch."

"City Lord, why bother to say such heavy words?"

Bai Yuer frowned: "Don't you like other people's wives just the same? We are just a bunch of people."

"Bah! Don't compare me to you bitch!"

The more Jian Zun thought about it, the more angry he became, and then his eyes fell on Lin Pingzhi.

That kind of cold killing intent, as if a knife was on the neck.

He said indifferently: "Lin Pingzhi, I have been annoyed with you for a long time, and now you are still seducing my wife in my territory!"

"Yeah, is there a problem?"

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, and said: "The relationship between a man and a woman is pleasing to each other. I can only say that Yu'er and I agree with each other and are more suitable than you."


Sword Master was a little surprised, trying to understand why he came here: "It turns out that you really came here in disguise, and said, did you come here just for Lingshuang Sword!"


Bai Yuer didn't want to admit it yet, and said, "It's not because of this."

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