Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1247 Admitting Mistakes


Yan Zangfeng, who was not a big deal at first, immediately spat out another mouthful of blood when he heard Lin Pingzhi speak like this.

I just felt the qi and blood surging in my chest, and I could only resist spitting out the blood.

He was really so angry that his liver exploded, he was trembling with anger, and he was gnashing his teeth with anger.

"Yiyi, are you okay?"

After playing handsome, Lin Pingzhi turned around to care about Liu Yiyi, with a concerned greeting on his face.

Liu Yiyi didn't answer, but just looked at Lin Pingzhi quietly, and at this moment she was firm in her choice.

Regardless of Yan Zangfeng, she threw herself into Lin Pingzhi's arms and said, "Young Master Mingyue, I will be yours from now on."

"I rely on?"

Lin Pingzhi was a little surprised, thinking so directly?Are you so proactive?


Anyway, it wasn't me who was hurt.

Lin Pingzhi stretched out his hand to hug him, and promised, "Don't worry, I won't let you be wronged in the future."


He glanced at Yan Zangfeng apprehensively, wanting to see how angry he would be.

Don't guess.

Yan Zangfeng was already mad with anger, his face was wrinkled with anger, like an old man.


He really couldn't swallow this breath, and finally spat out a mouthful of blood, his face became extremely pale and weak.

"You bitches..."

He didn't care so much anymore, he cursed loudly, half-kneeled on the ground weakly, barely holding on to the ground.


Lin Pingzhi sneered, and looked down at him, showing the victor's attitude, and was extremely happy.

Liu Yiyi glanced at Yan Zangfeng, as she was saying her last farewell, but there was something pitiful in her eyes.

"Let's go, Young Master Mingyue, you don't need to be as knowledgeable as him."


He took Lin Pingzhi's hand and left with a serious expression on his face.

After all, it was a man I liked before, but I was not used to it suddenly changed into that appearance.

"Yiyi, what you just said was not angry, was it?"

Lin Pingzhi asked.

Liu Yiyi said: "Of course I'm not angry, am I the kind of impulsive person?

I really think that Yan Zangfeng is not worth entrusting. His appearance is simply too villainous.

In comparison, you are more worthy of relying on, Mr. Mingyue. "


When things got to this level, Lin Pingzhi was no longer modest, and said, "Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many wives around me, right?"


Thinking of this, Liu Yiyi became a little angry, and said, "You really are a fool.

I really don't know how many sisters will be added to us in the future. "


Lin Pingzhi scratched his head and smiled, and said, "I will try to add as much as possible to you, don't worry, you will be satisfied."

"a little less!"

Liu Yiyi emphasized.

Lin Pingzhi nodded with a smile, just perfunctory.

How many women will not look at him in the future.

It depends on how many you can meet and fate, this is determined by God.

"what's the situation?"

at this time.

Sword Master and the others hurried over.

It should be aware that someone has made a move just now, and the trick used is still Tianyi Sixiang Jue.

Of course, we must pay attention to it, so they all came over one by one, with very dignified expressions.

Lin Pingzhi explained with a smile: "It's not a big deal, I just had a sparring with Yan Changfeng just now.

They all use the Four Elephants Jue of Heaven’s Will, the movement is a bit loud, I hope the group leader doesn’t mind.

Oh, by the way, the floor over there seems to be damaged, if you want to find it, go to Yan Zangfeng.

This matter has nothing to do with me. "


Liu Yiyi rolled her eyes on the spot, thinking that you are a rascal enough, so she directly shirked all responsibility.

of course.

At this time, Lin Pingzhi's behavior was irrelevant.

after all.

Having already won Liu Yiyi's favor, there is no need to care too much about her own image.


Sword Master nodded, and went to check it out himself, and found that the situation was indeed as Lin Pingzhi said.

As for the floor, he wasn't stingy enough to ask the other party to pay for it.

Inevitably a loss of identity.

I just asked someone to take care of Yan Zangfeng, after all, he was injured in his own territory.


At this time.

He looked at the two people who were a little close over there.

The ominous premonition in Bai Yuer's heart has come true.

She knew that such a day would come, it's really abominable to let Liu Yiyi take the lead again.


You can't let yourself down either.

"Young Master Mingyue, that Yan Zangfeng really overestimated his capabilities. He dared to attack even though he knew he was not your opponent."

Helian Ba ​​smiled and said hello: "It's true that I haven't figured out my own strength."


Lin Pingzhi chuckled and said, "That guy is so ignorant that he dared to attack me."

"Haha, that is."

Helian Ba ​​also saw something, and congratulated repeatedly: "This old man is here to congratulate Mr. Mingyue for gaining another wife.

I'm afraid it will be a blessing in the future. "

"Thank you."

Lin Pingzhi nodded his thanks.

Liu Yiyi next to her lowered her head and smiled, a little shy.

Yan Zangfeng's injuries were not minor, and his emotions were too agitated, and he was already in a coma.

It took a long time to recover in bed.

At this moment, I found that it was already dark outside, and I was finally able to calm down a little.

He lay on the bed and carefully calculated what happened during the day.

Only then did he realize that he had been tricked by the other party, and was completely led by Lin Pingzhi.

The main reason was that I was too emotional, so I didn't notice it immediately at the time, and I was completely controlled.


He thumped the bed board hard, feeling that he had to redeem all of this, thinking that he hadn't reached the point where everything was lost.

Everything can be reversed.


Regardless of the pain, he got up, sneaked into the night, and soon found where Liu Yiyi was.

He brewed his emotions first, and simulated the words of apology in his mind.

After organizing his words, he began to knock on the door.

Because of Lin Pingzhi, Liu Yiyi did not leave Sword Forging City, and planned to stay for a while, and then follow Lin Pingzhi.

After dinner at night, she went back to her room. She was planning to rest, but she heard a knock on the door.


Liu Yiyi thought it was Lin Pingzhi who came, and thought that the other party was too restless, so she couldn't help it?

She sighed shyly. In fact, she was a little urgent in her heart. After all, she had longed for that kind of thing for a long time.

As a result, he opened the door of the room and saw a face that he didn't like to see the most.

Yan Zangfeng.


The warmth on her face was all gone, and she became extremely indifferent, she said: "Yan Zangfeng, why are you looking for me?"


Yan Zangfeng felt a little pain in his heart, Liu Yiyi's face was really stabbed in his chest like a knife.

He resisted the pain and said, "I was wrong."

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