Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1239 A Quiet Night

"Cough cough."

Lin Pingzhi coughed several times before recovering, looked at Jianxiong inexplicably: "I really didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"Nonsense, it's too simple to leave it to you."

Jianxiong said sincerely: "When it comes to masculinity, so far there is no one who can compare to you, among the people I have met, this is the case.

and so.

If you want my stepmother to show her true nature, you are the most suitable Mr. Mingyue. "

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly.

Of course he knew why the other party did this.

After all, I have read the original work, so I understand everything clearly.

"Young City Master, why are you doing this?"

But Lin Pingzhi still has to ask, there is still a basic logic.

Jianxiong said: "That woman used her beauty to seduce my father, it was just for a purpose.

She had to pretend very well, and always pretended to be a good wife and mother in front of outsiders.

Only when he was alone with me did he show his vicious side, which really pissed me off. "

After a pause, she gritted her teeth and said, "I just want Daddy to see the true face of that woman clearly.

Speaking of which, since this woman came, the relationship between me and my father has not been as good as before. "




Lin Pingzhi understood the other party's difficulties, and said: "Young City Master, it's not easy for you.

Being pulled up by his father since he was a child, he probably doesn't know what tender love is.

The city lord is a big man, and he is very majestic. It's not easy for you to grow up so big. "


Jianxiong only felt that what the other party said entered his heart.

After so many years of grievances, he couldn't hold back in an instant, and his eye sockets gradually became moist.

"Lend me my chest."

Lin Pingzhi seized the opportunity, directly took Jianxiong into his arms, and said at the same time: "Masters, don't be ashamed."


Just as Jianxiong wanted to refuse, when he heard Lin Pingzhi say such words, he instantly lost his resistance.

She snuggled into Lin Pingzhi's arms obediently, thinking that this feeling was really good, and some even wanted to cancel the urge to ask just now.

Because there is a thought in his heart that he is unwilling to share Lin Pingzhi with others, as if he wants to swallow it for himself.


He still didn't say anything, and wanted to let that woman show her true colors, well, let her go out.

"Then it's settled."

Jianxiong said softly: "As long as you do me this big favor, I will not treat you badly in the future."


Lin Pingzhi had a smirk on his face: "Then what does the Young City Master want to use to repay me?

flesh? "


Jianxiong blushed with embarrassment, but he smiled and said: "Here, do you dare to take it? They are two elders."

"What's not to dare?"

Lin Pingzhi said, "Anyway, I'm not at a disadvantage."


Jianxiong remembered this sentence and thought in his heart: I hope you will not regret it when the time comes.

The two of them leaned against each other like this, and spent the night quietly. They didn't feel bored, but found it extremely exciting.

The next day.

Lin Pingzhi was about to take action.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that he actually wanted to get involved with the women here by mistake.

I really don't know if it is a blessing from God.

Of course he has accepted everything, for Jianxiong and for himself, Bai Yuer must be taken down.

According to Jianxiong's reminder, Bai Yuer would water the flowers in the back garden every morning.

Pretending to be very quiet.

After Lin Pingzhi had breakfast, he went to stay early and waited for the other party to throw himself into the trap.


In the middle of the morning, Bai Yu'er appeared, holding a bucket of water in his hand, and she was also well-dressed.

She pushed the maids around her away, because she also noticed Lin Pingzhi's existence.

"You all go down."


All the maids retreated.

The surroundings became quiet, and even the guards were dismissed.

"Master Mingyue, since you're here, why do you hide? Are you afraid of seeing me?"

Bai Yuer looked in a certain direction.

Lin Pingzhi came out from behind the flowers and picked a yellow flower in his hand.

He put it in front of his nose and smelled it, and said: "Yun Xiang's clothes are beautiful, and the spring breeze blows the Revlon."

After pretending to be cowardly, he looked like Bai Yuer: "The poet Li Da is really a genius, and today I understand the true meaning of this poem.

When I came to the back garden, I saw this little yellow flower so gorgeous that I unconsciously thought of you, Mrs. Santo.

Oh, what a sin. "


Bai Yu'er smiled knowingly, her heart bursting with joy, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, you don't have to hide it.

My foster father told me everything.

Now that you are already in our plan, you don't need to call me Mrs. Santo.

You should also know who I am. "


Lin Pingzhi asked: "Did Senior Helian tell you another thing?"

"Another thing..."

Bai Yu'er thought for a while, and immediately came to her senses, and said, "Why, does Master Mingyue want to possess the little girl?"

"Who made Miss Yu'er so charming?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said: "I don't know if Lin has the honor to have such a beauty as Miss Yu'er."

"You really have a good idea."

Bai Yuer was joking there.

Or two people flirting there.

She said: "Young Master Mingyue already has so many beauties around him, so why would you care about me?"


Lin Pingzhi continued to attack, saying: "Everyone is different, I have never met a beauty like Miss Yu'er.

It's no wonder that after seeing each other yesterday, I was full of you in my mind, which really makes people yearn day and night. "

"Why, Mr. Mingyue used to be the same, can he deceive other wives like this?"

Bai Yuer was very happy in her heart. It was happiness to hear Lin Pingzhi say such things.


It seems that I have forgotten that there is another person named Yan Zangfeng.


She made another gesture between the two in her heart.

It turned out that Yan Zangfeng and Lin Pingzhi were nothing compared to each other, there was no comparison at all.

One in the sky and one in the ground.

What's more, he recalled that he had always been tempted by Yan Zangfeng before, but the other party never paid any attention to him, and he only had that chef Liu Yiyi in his eyes.

She is more determined in her thoughts at the moment, Yan Yanfeng or something should die, this girl likes Mr. Mingyue now.

"How can you say you're lying?"

Lin Pingzhi corrected: "Every one of my wives is very happy after being with me, so it's not a lie.

It's a love affair. "

"Master Mingyue, of course you said that."

Bai Yu'er enjoyed this kind of squabbling very much, it felt like a small fight between a young couple.

She said: "Young Master Mingyue, if you want to win the favor of the little girl, it depends on your next performance.

If the task is completed, I will follow you.

If the task can't be completed... then you may have to pay some attention to it. "

"it is good."

Lin Ping agreed.

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