Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1237 Happy Cooperation

"Lin Lang, you really have many women."

Lian Chixue's first sentence was sarcasm, her cheeks puffed up.

Obviously a little jealous.

Lin Pingshang went forward and kissed his forehead, and said comfortingly, "It can't be helped, your vision is too good.

Your husband is so handsome, he can attract women wherever he goes, and I can't help it. "


What Lian Chixue said didn't know how to teach Lin Pingzhi a lesson, so she changed the subject and said:

"Helian Ba ​​has already started to ask me to act. Let me tell you, the purpose of our visit this time is to join hands with you."


Lin Pingzhi also got serious, put his hands on his back, and looked up at the moonlight: "Okay, that old guy is still in such a hurry.

Then we will count.

Come on, take me to meet Helen Ba. "


Lian Chixue agreed.


Lin Pingzhi was not in such a hurry to go with her, but held Lian Chixue's hand very ambiguously.

He grabbed her waist again.

The meaning of this is self-evident.

Lian Chixue blushed instantly, and could vaguely recall the madness of last night.

Although I still feel a little tired.


Compared with the desire in his heart, it seems to be nothing at all, and he said shyly: "Bad guy, have you recovered so soon?"

"That is, who made our Xue'er so charming."

After Lin Pingzhi said sweet words, he immediately picked up the other party and returned to the room.

Another burst of ups and downs.

Because he had already enjoyed it before, this time Lin Pingzhi made a fuss and surrendered in the middle of the night.


Such a process is still crazy for Lian Chixue.

After the two went crazy, it happened to be midnight, so it was very reasonable to go to Helen Ba at this time.


Helian Ba, who waited until midnight, couldn't help laughing when he saw the picture he wanted.

He gave Lian Chixue a look reward, and immediately greeted Lin Pingzhi warmly.

"Master Mingyue joined in this operation, and it will definitely be completed successfully.

At that time, I will definitely thank you very much. "

He was excited.

of course.

Still keep a certain vigilance in my heart.

Although he felt that Lin Pingzhi was very young now and had no brains, he did not treat him as a fool.

He felt that Lin Pingzhi's help came too smoothly, so he still had to test it out.

Of course Lin Pingzhi knew what the old fox in front of him was thinking.

It would be too strange for him to say that you agreed, so he interrupted Helian Ba, saying: "Sorry, I haven't agreed to join yet, I just came to have a look.

I'll only join if tempted.

Although I have a soft spot for Xueer, it doesn't mean I want to help you.

of course.

In the end, if there is danger, I will help, but it is only to save your lives, and it is only for her sake.

As for your plan, I have to think about it. "


Helen Ba, who heard these words, relaxed his vigilance a little.

If the other party wants something, it is reasonable and more logical.

He stroked his stubble and said with a smile: "Young Master Mingyue, I never thought you would be interested in my Xue'er.

Say it early.

So how about this, if this time things come to fruition, I will let Xueer follow you, how about it? "


Before waiting for Lin Pingzhi's answer, he took the initiative to look at Lian Chixue and asked, "Are you willing to follow Mr. Mingyue?"


Lian Chixue replied mechanically.

"it is good."

Helian Ba ​​laughed, and then looked at Lin Pingzhi: "Young Master Mingyue, it should be all right now, right?"


Lin Pingzhi smiled heartily, pretending to be very interested.

He looked at Lian Chixue lewdly, and said: "This condition is really too tempting.


He suddenly changed the topic again, looking at Helian Ba ​​with strange eyes: "Why is Xueer just a tool in your eyes, Senior Helian?

A tool to form cliques? "

This sentence really surprised Helian Ba.

Of course he knew why the other party asked such a question suddenly.

Nothing more than a little angry.

Helen Ba understood the meaning, but it felt a little strange.

It's been a long time since I cared about this kind of stuff.

In his opinion.

As long as he can complete the hegemony, all the sacrifices are worthwhile, so he gradually ignores his feelings.

At this moment, I suddenly heard someone ask such a question. Apart from finding it ridiculous, I still feel somewhat admirable.

of course.

It's just a momentary thought.

He quickly thought about the countermeasures in his mind, and said: "What Mr. Mingyue said is that this is the old man who didn't do well."

Helian Ba ​​is always treacherous and cunning, if he quibbles at this time, it will be counterproductive.

Why don't you take the initiative to admit your mistakes and say, "Actually, that's not my original intention.

Regardless of whether this matter is successful or not, you two are in love, and of course I shouldn't stop it.

It's just that it hasn't been said yet.

Master Mingyue, don't be offended. "

"That's good."

Lin Pingzhi heaved a sigh of relief and said, "In this case, I can rest assured."


Looking at Lian Chixue with a smile on his face, he felt inexplicably excited.

Lian Chixue also smiled happily.

It's really hard to tell which is true and which is false, and I don't know whether it's acting or real feelings.

Anyway, Helian Ba ​​felt that Lian Chixue was acting, and believed that he had firmly controlled Young Master Mingyue.

That's really great news.

Helian Ba ​​asked people to cut off two glasses of wine, and said: "Then celebrate our happy cooperation and finish this glass of wine."

The two drank.

Only then did we get down to business.

Lin Pingzhi asked: "For Miss Xue'er's sake, I will help you once.

I don't know what the seniors are planning, and what do I need to do? "

"Master Mingyue really knows how to joke."

Helian Ba ​​said: "That's right, there really aren't many people like you who are pure-hearted and ascetic.

This time, the old man came here, of course, aiming at the Lingshuang Sword in Jiancheng City. As long as I get this sword, my strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

At that time, wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to step on the Supreme under his feet with ease? "

"I see."

Lin Pingzhi nodded clearly, and said, "It turns out that what senior wants is that sword.

That's right, hearing that the Lingshuang Sword can rival the peerless sword Yitian Sword, everyone would naturally want to have it. "


Lin Pingzhi suddenly said again: "They must keep such an important thing very secret, how do you know?

He also specially chose to come to the door at this time, it should be someone who passed the report. "

"Hahaha, Mr. Mingyue is really sharp."

Helian Ba ​​smiled heartily, and said: "As expected of you.

Now that we are allies, let me show my cards and tell you all the information.

To show sincerity. "

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