Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1235 Molesting the Young City Lord

"Go down!"

It's really boring to have your identity exposed.

Jianxiong let them all go down, which really disturbed his elegant mood.

Originally, he wanted to play with the other party for a while, but who knew that his identity would be exposed so quickly.

"It turned out to be the Young City Lord."

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said: "That's really rude, I have seen the young city master."

"do not."

Jianxiong smiled awkwardly: "Don't care about my identity, let's just treat it as a relationship between friends now."


Naturally, Lin Pingzhi couldn't ask for more.

Maybe, the other party didn't know that his gender was exposed.

That being the case.

Lin Pingzhi also planned to hide it for a while, to see if he could make something interesting.

"Being able to be appreciated by the young city lord is very fortunate in my next life."

Lin Pingzhi flattered, trying to make the other party feel good.

Jianxiong was surprised, and said: "If you say it's an honor, it should be me.

It is very lucky to be able to meet the world-famous Young Master Mingyue today.

Although I am the Young City Lord of Forging Sword City, I can basically be said to be unknown in the Jianghu.

Everyone has only heard of my father's name. "

"Young City Master, you are still young, so you naturally have plenty of time, why are you so anxious and depressed?

Now the city lord is still young, take advantage of this time to consolidate your strength. "

Lin Pingzhi comforted him.

With a ghost idea in his mind, he rolled his eyes and said, "Speaking of which, I want to have a discussion with the young city lord. I wonder if I can allow it?"


Jianxiong was a little surprised, he didn't know which aspect of him the other party was looking for.

According to those rumors in Jianghu, she knew that the other party's strength was at least that of transformation.

Why do you want to compete with an unknown person like yourself?


Lin Pingzhi nodded: "I like making friends with heroes the most, and I want to learn a thing or two every time I meet them.

It's a bit rude to say, but I hope the young city master can agree. "

"it is good."

The implication of the other party is to regard himself as a real hero.

That being the case, Jianxiong had no choice but to agree, so he bit the bullet and nodded, hoping not to disappoint the other party.

Although she is a young city lord, she is actually a daughter. When it comes to martial arts talent, she really doesn't have much talent.

"That's good, offend me!"

Seeing that the other party agreed, Lin Pingzhi stepped forward without any explanation, and immediately started to attack.

Of course, he also knows how to measure, knowing that the other party is a woman, he was merciful at the beginning.

Lin Pingzhi's sudden attack made Jianxiong a little unresponsive, but fortunately he stabilized slowly.

But as time went by, she knew that the opponent hadn't tried his best, but even so, she had been beaten to the point where she was powerless to fight back.

It's really ugly.

Jianxiong was a little embarrassed, he accidentally stepped on a stone, and he was about to fall down if he couldn't hold on.

Seeing this situation, Lin Pingzhi certainly had to grasp it.

He immediately went forward, put his arms around Jianxiong's waist, and didn't shy away from anything at all.

After all, on the face of it, Lin Pingzhi, both of whom are men, naturally has nothing to pay attention to.

But in fact.

This is also where he is taking advantage of the other party.

Lin Pingshang went forward to put his arms around Jianxiong's waist, and said softly on purpose: "Is the young master okay? It's all my fault, it's too reckless."


The two of them had such close contact, Jianxiong really felt a little unnatural, but he forgot to struggle.

The eyes of the two are facing each other, and the distance between the two faces is very close.

Lin Pingzhi said intentionally: "Oh, it's only after getting so close that I can see the young city lord's face is so flawless.

If the young city lord is a daughter, then she must be a beautiful woman who can overwhelm the country and the city.

It's a pity, it's a pity, otherwise I would have to pursue it seriously. "


Jianxiong didn't know what to answer, but he was very happy when he heard Lin Pingzhi say that.

She knew that she might already have a crush on Young Master Mingyue.


Due to her status and circumstances, she didn't know how to express this feeling, and she was really a little tangled.


Lin Pingzhi pretended to react again, rushed Jianxiong away, and said with an embarrassed smile: "I'm so stupid.

If someone found out just now, maybe they thought there was some adultery between us two big men, and it would be embarrassing at that time. "


Jianxiong still didn't know what to say, he could only smile to deal with it.

Immediately afterwards, he recovered immediately, and turned back to the confident and calm young city lord he was before.

"Young Master Mingyue really deserves his reputation. I am really convinced that I lost, and I don't have the slightest strength to fight back."


Of course, Lin Pingzhi couldn't embarrass the other party too much, and said: "It's because I'm not born with martial arts, and I made a sudden attack, which made you unprepared. Otherwise, it's hard to say."


Jianxiong felt warm in his heart, feeling that the other party was always thinking of others.

He is really a real gentleman, and the favorability in his heart has increased a little bit, and it has become a little itchy.

"Come on, I'll take you to your wife."

Jianxiong returned to the topic.

At this moment, when I think about the fact that the other party has so many wives, I feel a little sad and lost.


How great would it be if you could have one for yourself?

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi nodded with a smile, and under the guidance of the other party, he came to the back garden.

After coming here, he saw Dugu Meng picking flowers alone, looking a little lonely.

There wasn't much smile on the face either.

It must be because of what happened in Wushuang City before, and he has not yet come out of that sadness.


Lin Pingzhi shouted from afar.


Dugu Meng looked back, and found that it was the person she had been thinking about day and night, tears filled her eyes.

She ran, and immediately threw herself into Lin Pingzhi's arms, breathing in the familiar smell to her heart's content.

"Why did you come?"

She was shy, and asked anxiously: "I heard that the Tianxiahui has been disbanded, have you already avenged me?"

"I really don't have that ability."

Lin Pingzhi said: "It was another person who helped to disband the Tianxiahui.

By the way, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun have already rebelled, betrayed Xiongba, and turned to the light. "


Dugu Meng didn't care about this, she just asked: "Is Xiong Ba dead?"

"A character like him, of course, can't die so easily, he has already escaped.

But I will kill him sooner or later, to avenge you. "

Lin Pingzhi's promise.


Dugu Meng nodded gently, believing what Lin Pingzhi said.

The two became silent, but the atmosphere gradually became ambiguous.

It's been a long time, but the little desire in my stomach is getting stronger and stronger.

Lin Pingzhi didn't care about the people next to him, he directly blocked Dugu Meng's lips, and began to enjoy himself.


Dugu Meng was taken aback, thinking that there were people watching, why didn't you know to change to another place?

next to.

Jianxiong was a little dumbfounded, staring blankly at the scene in front of him, swallowing his saliva unconsciously.

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